Letac's Story - (28)


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My story so far is as follows:

Have had thinning hair the last couple of years, but it was first about two years ago I started to see that the crown and the frontals were thining more noticeble. I started on Propecia and have been on it for about 10 months now. In the start I also used minoxidil/Rogain, but the whole thing just took to much time, så I had to quit. I also take vitamins, b and d, and some zink. In the begining I also tried some other products, but no help there.

The thing is that all the hairs that fall of seem like really strong, brown and thick hair. I always thought that the hairs that were supposedly "dieing" were thin and weak? Does any one know why these hair fall out? Do you think that this is the Propecia that is starting to work?

I`ll post some pictures here as well, but I just though I would post this question hopeing some of u guys could have an answer on the question above.

My age is now 27, turning 28 soon. Have already made an appointment on a hair transplant (FUE), but not sure about going through with it yet. Hopefully these germans will make it with the unlimited donor-thing. Then I would most def, go for an hair transplant.


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Re: My story 28 years old

Have you found that finasteride helped in terms of thickness after 10 months? I had a similar pattern to yours somewhat, and saw amazing results after only 3 months. However, growth results seem to peak after 2 years and then come down after that. Definitely give it a good chance to start working. I can fully vouch for it's effectiveness.


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I think that my hair has gotten thicker, but I`m not really sure when this actually happend. How long have u been using finasteride/propecia? Have you seen any regrowth after starting this? Are you now losing hair again?

I`m not sure how my hairloss will continue, but among all the strong, dark hair that falls out there are maybe 1-5 thinner hairs a day, which I are falling out permanently. It`s all the other dark hairs that I`m not to sure about. Did you experience this? Sometimes I can feel the itch, but it`s not to bad either. Not sure if the "itch" is the follicles shrinking or that there`s actually new hair growing out now, since I`m also losing the dark hairs... any one know?


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I've been using it for 3 months. My crown was noticeably thinning to the point that people would mention it on a regular basis (the first being my girlfriend). Before I started on finasteride, I was noticing itchyness but no increased shedding.

After 3 months on finasteride, my crown is probaby 80% back to full thickness, and the scalp itch has completely gone away. I am thankful i'm one of the lucky ones, but I think it works for everyone to some degree.. It might just take longer for some. I don't know what the future holds for my hairline, but from what i've read, good responders keep a full head of hair for years.

The itch, to my knowledge, is caused by DHT attaching to your hair follicles and causing them to shrink. Most people report that finasteride causes the itching to go away. However, some people are very sensitive to DHT (finasteride only inhibits 60-70% of it) and the remaining 30-40% can still cause hair loss and itching. Keep in mind that finasteride is still slowing down hair loss in everybody that takes it, so it's really the best thing you can currently do for you rhair!


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I`ve had some itchyness, but I`m not sure if it`s my head thinking about it that makes it itch, or if it is in fact the DHT that makes it itch. I have never had any big trouble with it before, and my hairloss has not come over night. When I look at pictures of myself a couple of years back I can`t see the big difference, but after I started looking in the mirror every day...It seems like it`s falling off by the day:) - I guess I just have to close the eyes and give it some more months. Hopefully the finasteride will kick in bigtime when I hit the 11/12-month mark. And then it will keep my hair until we get some kind of "cure" (unlimited donor-hair), then I will most def. go for a hair transplant.

It`s great to hear that it`s working for you:) Keep it up, and you will have great hair for the next couple of years! and then suddenly there`s a cure on the market;) That`s my guess! give it max 5 years, and there`s a cure out there.


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Ok, this is really just getting worse... The last couple of days I have lost so much hair that its freaky! Sitting here infront of the computer, stroking through my hair, pulling it very soft, and there`s maybe 30 hairs on the computer infront of me. And that`s only after a minute of stroking my hair. And in addition to this I have lost lots of hair earlier to day as well... Its literaly getting thinner by the day, and sometimes it`s a bit "itchy"...I really dont know what`s going on... It almost seems like the propecia has made it worse from the 8/9 month mark until now, 10 month. If this continues there will be no more hair on the top of my head before I reach the summer:/ I`ll try to take a photo tomorrow and post it so I can compare it to the ones above..

Is it really normal male pattern baldness? I have gone from thick hari to this....This is just so fucked up.


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I`m in need of some really good advice..!:/

I have now been on Propecia for about 10 months now, and I`m really worried that it`s not working for me...I`m also using Fungoral (I guess it`s the same as nizoral) shampoo for my hair.

I have a lot of itching in my head, and the shedding is, what can I say...massive. I can pull my hand through the hair and there will be 3-4 hairs on my hand, and when I`m in the shower with shampoo, it`s maaany hairs. I have also experienced some acnes on my temples. These acnes has just emerged the last month or so, and I dont know what`s causing them. Might be the Propecia? (I have never had any problems with acnes before) What can this be a sign of? More testosteron that`s transforming? I have no other side-effects that I know of. Does any one else experience this?? I have considered stopping the Propecia, but since I`m still at the 10 months mark...I do have some hope that it will kick in for me as well.....thinning hope:) Any thoughts??

I also feel that my hair is growing thinner by the day, but I guess this is pretty much normal, and I dont pay to much attention to it. To be honest I`m starting to be really sick of the whole thing, and I`m considering to just shave the whole got damn thing of and embrace the thinning me:) I just wanted to try and save the hair until I was in my 30s at least. Maybe I`m loosing that battle.

I have also considered a FUE-transplant, since I have heard that it`s possible to shave the hair of if the male pattern baldness continues, and if these germans scientists/Histogen etc dont come up with something within the next years. I`m now 28 - do you think it`s a good idea?

Btw. I have heared that Toppik isnt the best for the hairs since it`s covering the hairs thats growing - or at least stopping them in a way. A hair transplant-doctor that told me that. I dunno now...

Does anyone know how long it will take before the male pattern baldness stabilizes? Or if it does so?

I`ll try to post some pics when I get home to day:) But I would really!!!! appreciate any advice u guys would have!:) Would appreciate that extremly much....


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Hi my hair is kind of the same as yours and I am a year younger than you. I have been using finasteride since august last year, and I think it is working so keep it up! I still have a lot of itching, but I found one thing that can help. Go buy some cold-pressed olivier oil and use it once a week. Let it stay in the hair for 2-3 hours, it really helps!


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Many thanks for the answer Sebastian!:) I just saw your own post here, and it looks like we have pretty much the same pattern! I`ll try to post some pictures later on here, and I`ll continue to follow your post as well.

I tried Rogain/minoxidil in the beginning and I feel that this REALLY helped me, but I did`nt have the time, and my situation was not ideal, so I stopped it after about two months. If you have the time to use this two times a day, I would go for it! It helps!

If the propecia dont work for me, and if there`s no chance in getting a hair transplant (meaning that my hairloss will most likely go on and get more intense); I will just have to embrace the baldness...but it`s hard!

When it comes to the hair transplant my opinion is that one should go for it and have/achieve a good self esteem for the next years, and then..if the hairloss will continue, and theres no better "cure" on the market (histogen etc), one can just trim it down. With FUE-transplant there are not supposed to be any big scars...hopefully.

I`m from Europe, and I guess there`s not to many good clinics over here. Does any one know who`s the best (and doesnt cost a fortune) in the states?


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Hopefully some can give me a good advice here now...

I`m now soon to start on my 11 month with propecia, and after my opninion I havent seen the best results. I`ll have to say that I think that I have acctually shed more hairs the last two months than ever before.

I have had some itching, but it`s not to irritating.
I have a outburst of acnes, especially above my left eye/temple. Nowhere else but here. I had no sideeffects what so ever before this happend about a month ago. I have never had any problems with acnes before. I am now starting to wonder if I should quite my whole regime cause of this and cause of the shedding. Does anyone have any good advice/experienced any similiar things? Does this mean that Propecia isnt working? If the current hairloss is cause of the Propecia, will it go back when I quite?


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Hi guys!

I`m still considering a small hair transplant (FUE) do fill in my temples and my crown-area. I have just cut the hair short, so it doesnt look that bad as it does when it`s longer. What do you guys think? Ho many hairs/grafts do I really need? And is it a bad idea considering my age (28)? I`m thinking that if should ever do something, now is the time, but I could really need some good advice.... hopefully some of you could give a good one:) and do you think the results will be good?

Hopefully we will have found a cure soon:) Maybe on friday when histogen releases theire news? One can only cross the fingers:)


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where do u guys get ur propecia from!????
do u get it prescribed from a physician?? or do u guys buy them online??


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Thanks for the reply guys! I`m still considering a FUE to increase the density, but I dont know. I`m not gonna lower the hairline or anything, only try to fill it in, but as each day goes by, I`m a bit afraid that my donorarea is not good enough. Could someone give me some feedbacks on this? Does my donorarea look ok? Nice to know if I go through with an hair transplant in the future...:/ I`ll also take the advice above, and cut it a bit shorter. On the pics it`s 13mm. My hair looks now, but when I have it longer u can clearly see that it`s thinning. Especially in the crown area. I really want my long hair back!:/ Just for some years or so, so thats why I`m considering to go through with the hair transplant. Do you think that I can get ok density with a smal fue (around 1500 hairs or so - they measure it in hair in scandinavia)?

I got my propecia from an physician. I figured that this was the safest way to get the right one. I dunno if it helps me, but hopefully it does:)


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Anyone got any good advice or tip concerning the donor area? Many thanks if anyone who knows about these "things" (donorarea) have any comment:)!:)


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Anyone got any good idea when it comes to my donorarea? Do I have a good one if I one day should need to go through with a transplant? Hopefully someone got a good opininon:) Many, many thanks!!


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I'm not convinced a hair transplant would be that good an option for you, tbh.

In my opinion hair transplant's are better at lowering hairlines / filling in an absent crown, than they are at improving density.

I have seen many cases where patients went in solely to increase density (e.g. on a diffused NW1) - and they have come out almost worse than when they went in. Basically the FUE incisions seemed to damage the healthy hairs around the implant site.
If I were you I would go and speak to one of the top docs and get their opinion. If an unknown Doctor says he will operate, don't go for it, chances are you will come out worse than you went in.

Stick to Toppik for now and see what one of the big name docs say.


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Many thanks for the answer!:) Really apreciate it.

When it comes an hair transplant for me, I`m not sure yet, but I have talked to some surgeons here in Scandinavia. They have had a lot of costumers and still there are no one who has said anything bad. I dunno if this is cause they are afraid of telling the world or if the results are good. I have talked to some people and they are really happy with the procedure. In addition to this there are acctualy some "celebs" who has gone through with treatment and have made up a blog about it in the media, so I dont think the guys behind the clinic are bad.

In addition the Doctor I spoke to were very clear on that he could not put in to many hairs because then it could be a chance that the other hairs would react in a bad way to this. He also said that I had a good hairline etc, so he would not focus to much on that, though the crown-area was a bit thin. He talked about maybe 1000-2000 hairs (they are using hairs instead of grafts here when they are talking about transplanting). This meaning that he could put in some in the mid region, some in the crown (this is the thinnest part) and strengten the exsisting hairline a bit.

I have been walking around considering this for about a good year now, and I think I would like to give it a shot. Hopefully it can have a good effect on the other hairs aswell, and not the other way around.

What do u think of my donorarea? I`m not sure if I have a good one or not. The guy I spoke to (not the Doctor, but the guy in charge of the first consultation) said that I had a good area, and if I someday needed it, I could take more hairs from this...but that I shouldnt use to many now if I wanted to go through with an hair transplant now. I didnt need to many...


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Hi everyone! Sorry for all my questions, but I`m a bit worried about my donorarea and how good this actually is. Does anyone who knows a bit more than I do about hair, hair transplants and donorarea, have a good thought about this?

I`m really thinking about a smal hair transplant - just to correct the tempels and a bit in the crown. I`m not gonna lower them or anything, just strengthen them a bit, and hopefully this will benefit the excisting hair aswell since the bloodflow might be bether then. The doctor that looked at me was very hard on the fact that he didnt want to put to many hairs in since this could damage the excisting hair. He said maybe around 1000-1500 hairs. I know that I dont have that thin hair, but it`s def. thinning and I want to have my hair good now and then when I get older, its not that important. Maybe there will be some kind of cure in five years or so aswell. Not that I`m taking this in mind when I`m doing this. The guy that checked me out before the doctor talked to me said that I had a good donorarea, and that I could do a transplant later if I wanted, in addition to the one that I`m thinking about now. Both of the guys that I talked to stated that I did not need so many hairs and that they wouldnt move to many hairs... What do u guys think?

I`m a bit nervous here, and not to sure about if I`m doing the right choice...


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Hi again!:/

Anyone got a clue concerning my case above...? Would really appreciate another advice or two, especially concerning my donorarea. This is due to hear what you guys, who got some experience with this has to say.