Lemwoodland's Story - (57 /stress related hair loss)


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Hi, I am Steve aged 57. In 2004 I underwent major cosmetic surgery which went badly wrong due to infection. I was left with considerable damage to my midface and eyelids. In 2005 I underwent reconstructive surgery to one of the eyelids, and this also went wrong causing ongoing pain due to a bad cartlidge graft used, and cannot now be removed. All of this has caused me daily stress for over 4 years, and over this period I have been suffering severe hair loss, which only adds to my stress. I had a full head of hair in 2004 and 2005, but after the eyelid graft went wrong in July 2005 I became so worried my hair was falling out badly, it started as loss over my entire head, no bald patch, but has got much worse and is now thinning at the crown especially. I have also noticed that with the daily stress my facial, ear and body hair has increased so wonder if this constant stress has caused a hormone problem. I realise the answer is to stop worrying but I have done it so long, and the problems caused by the surgery are still there, I cannot stop this constant worrying even though I am on medication to try and calm me down. If I continue this constant worrying I assume all my hair will eventually go, is there anything I can try to restore my hair by none surgical means that would work even if I am undergoing stress as I realise I am presently in a catch 22 situation. If something could restore my hair, it may help me with the ongoing stress I am going through everday.



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sounds like you experienced Telogen Effluvium

but at 57 it is not uncommon to have some hairloss

IMO i think you have experienced Telogen Effluvium while your hair follicles were being destroyed by DHT, so when you lost your hair from Telogen Effluvium the newer hairs are coming back smaller and minimized

all i can suggest is to try your best RELAX and possibly consider using an anti-androgen