Last resort :( what to do?


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Hey, im so depressed about my hair. Its thinning really bad now. Ive been buzzing it down the last year, which have hide the fact that im thinning. But now its getting worse, and i need to do something!

At this moment im only on 5% minoxidil, 1-2 times a day, ive been that for 2½ years. Ive been on propecia twice previusly, both times a half year, which slowly gave me sexual sides, which killed my libido. I also tryed adding propecia to my minoxidil, but also dropped that, because i noticed the first signs of side effects, and read some pure evidence that its systemic absorbed.

So!!! What to do? Im willing to dry something drastic, as long as there is no propecia involved.

What would you do in my situation? :( Im looking for something i can try 1+ year, to se if it works.

I dont know much about current options, but the stuff im considering is:

Dropping minoxidil, since i dont really feel i have gotten big results from it, other than it has changed the color of my hair (darker but not thicker). And then just using spironolactone twice a day, and nizoral sometimes. And maybe some zinc to comebat any sides from systemic absorbed spironolactone.

Uhmm i dont know anymore... i need help for this :(


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Oh, and both times i was on propecia, it really worked nice. Have pictures to prove it, so a DHT blocker would work for me, but i only need it in my hair.. Not the rest of the system :(


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You could try oral spironolactone. Its a good aid to finasteride-


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Oral spironolactone? Huh? Im saying that im getting bad sideeffects from propecia, so im pretty sure i dont want to take oral spironolactone ;)


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i think if you drop minoxidil, then you might have a bad shed.

why not look into experimental topicals. there are plenty of people trying different experimental anti-androgens

for growth, some people have decided to add vit-b12 to their minoxidil formulations.

because of your history with sides, i would avoid spironolactone completely though (both topical and internal).


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Well, I dont care much, but im pretty sure my GF would complain.

Ofcourse ive read about all that stuff, but for me its one big mess, i want something simple that ppl actully have succes from. Not experimental stuff ordered from china.

But philly -> I think it sounds interesting, but doesnt reviogen leave a brown scalp? That wouldnt be so nice, since im buzzed down. Or is it just some ppl that experience that?



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finasteride is your only true, long term solution - what kinds of sides were you experiencing specifically and did you try cutting down the dosage or taking EOD?


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danish82 said:
but doesnt reviogen leave a brown scalp? That wouldnt be so nice

HA. You should see my scalp in the morning the night before applying folligen. It looks like utter sh*t. But it will definitely wash out.

Back to the main topic. You are out of options if you don't want finasteride danish82 so I think philly has the best advice for you and you should add revivogen. Good luck


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Well my libido went away, and i suffered from ED.. so not so nice sides, i had them both on 1.25mg finasteride, and 0.25mg finasteride. So the dose gives the same results for me, havnt tryed using it eod.

Revivogen seems like the best choice for me, but the brown scalp isnt nice. I dont want to change my life using it, i dont think my GF would like me comming to bed with a brown or red scalp. :(


How about prox-n`? Anyone tryed it?


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People are always so concerned about side effects, if you want to save your hair you just have to learn to live with the side effects its really that simple.

No meds = no side effects = no hair

Meds = side effects = keep hair


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metalheaddude said:
People are always so concerned about side effects, if you want to save your hair you just have to learn to live with the side effects its really that simple.

No meds = no side effects = no hair

Meds = side effects = keep hair

Meds = side effects = keep hair = limp dick = unable to satisfy a woman = sitting at home on the wknds with a few more strands of whispy hair and feeling good about it cuz you think your hair looks better cuz you took some meds while a buzz'd/shaved head is out there living a good life.

yeah, meds are pretty sweet in the long run i guess.


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Yes because everybodies experiences with meds are exactly the same. :jackit:


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My Regimen
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metalheaddude said:
People are always so concerned about side effects, if you want to save your hair you just have to learn to live with the side effects its really that simple.

No meds = no side effects = no hair

Meds = side effects = keep hair

In my case it was more like:

before finasteride:
no meds = no side effects = hair falling out
on finasteride:
meds = side effects = hair falling out
and now almost 3 months after quitting finasteride it is
no meds = side effects = hair falling out