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it sums up exactly what i have said, because of the nature of he device, it can be marketed freely as so, which is what the FDA email says


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Bubka - you keep suggesting that it doesn't work / is a scam. You also keep suggesting that it is a cosmetic device.

The FDA in this email clearly states it is an aid in hair regrowth and is a medical device.


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Def said:

Bubka - you keep suggesting that it doesn't work / is a scam.
as according to hairmax, which is what the company can legally claim, which was stated in the 510k reply, and JUST AS I mentioned how wrinkle creams can have the same labeling... do you guys read my posts or just look for things to whine about?


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This will be my final post on this because you seem to be determined to keep arguing for no reason, Bubka. You are entitled to your opinion but you don't seem to understand what the 510(k) means and the facts are:

1) Lexington submitted clinical data to the FDA initially and the FDA knocked them back because their tests and data from their initial trials were not collected accurately / scientifically enough;

2) Lexington then submitted clinical data to the FDA (a full year or so later) from randomized, controlled, placebo trials, subject to independent review and the FDA accepted this data;

3) The Hairmax laser comb, not being a drug / device used to support human life, was designated as a Class II medical device by the FDA and therefore DID NOT NEED and COULD NEVER ACHIEVE a "Pre-Market Approval" from the FDA - only a "Pre-Market Notification";

4) In view of the fact that the FDA was satisfied that the laser comb was BOTH safe AND effective in promoting hair growth, a section 510(k) certificate was issued by the FDA clearing the Hairmax laser comb as such in line with predicate devices;

5) The email Beethoven recently received from a contact at the FDA confirms that:

The Lexington Hairmax LaserComb
has indeed been determined to be safe and effective as an aid in hair
regrowth in males.

6) The FDA would not allow Lexington to market the Hairmax laser comb as a device that if effective in regrowing hair in males with androgenetic alopecia if it didn't; and finally

7) The Hairmax laser comb has, therefore, received a seal of approval on both counts which is a level of approval greater than any other product has achieved with the exceptions of Finasteride and Minoxidil.

All of these are FACTS and undeniable and to me are a significant indication that the Hairmax laser comb (and potentially other laser combs) are a useful adjunct to any hair loss regimen.

You can choose whether to use the Hairmax laser comb or not Bubka, but I think your constant interjecting into laser comb threads that "it is a scam" or "is bullsh*t" or "is useless" is both unhelpful and irresponsible.



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Wow, look what I started. I got pretty much the same response from the FDA that Beethoven received, which satisifies my curiosity in the matter. I just wanted to hear it from someone at the FDA. I guess we can conclude that while it may not be in the same class as Propecia and Rogaine, it can be an effective treatment for some. Good luck to those using it.

hair today gone tomorrow

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Beethoven said:
(and Rambo & HTGT : I reported your trolling of this thread. Bubka had done nothing to you here, and he was having a normal argument with viperfish and Def. You attacked him for no reason. )


i attacked him? wow thats news to me....


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bottom line, minoxidil and finasteride can be labeled "FDA APPROVED" harmax magic wand cannot, end of debate


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Beethoven said:
This is what I got. Still, I would like to see the clinical trials results published in a respectable journal and reviewed by pro Docs.

(and Rambo & HTGT : I reported your trolling of this thread. Bubka had done nothing to you here, and he was having a normal argument with viperfish and Def. You attacked him for no reason. )

Subject: FW: 07-501 cmh FW: DSMICA Email Form Response
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 15:09:23 -0400
From: "Benson, Cynthia M." <cynthia> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
To: X
CC: "CDRH Small Manu. Assistance" <DSMA>

Your interest in contacting the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
through your recent inquiry is appreciated.

The indications for use and the substantial equivalence sections of the
510(k)link you have found below contain all the information to
efficiently respond to your inquiry. The Lexington Hairmax LaserComb
has indeed been determined to be safe and effective as an aid in hair
regrowth in males. However, it can not be compared to the other
products you reference as this is a medical device and not a drug.

Hopefully, my further explanation will be helpful to you!

Cynthia Benson
Office of Communication, Education
and Radiation Programs
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
1-800-638-2041, ext. 109

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 2:58 PM
To: CDRH Small Manu. Assistance
Subject: DSMICA Email Form Response

Name: X
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address: X
Mailing Address:


My question is regarding Lexington Hairmax Lasercomb.
This device had received your 510(k) approval on 18 January 2007,
according to your web site:

The meaning of this approval is a bit vague and there are many debates
about it in hairloss forums.
Could you please clarify to me the following: Is this device has been
approved as cosemtically safe to use, or is actually approved as
medically efficient for hair regrowth? (in the same manner as propecia
and rogaine are medically proven and approved by the FDA for treatment
of Androgenetic Alopecia).

Thanks in advance,


WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Rambo said:
I guess you dont see bubkas constant flame war baiting in other topics. You only see what you want to see.. :roll:
NEWSFLASH, the SlendterTone ab workout is now FDA Cleared, here is it's 510K, i saw its ad on TV


i am ordering one now!!!

doesn't that letter look familiar... where have i seen it before? hmmm


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the 510K means jack crap, it's means it's a safe product to buy, and laws allow it to make any claims they want to, like many other type of devices and cosmetics, they can pretty much say whatever they want... and people like yourself will believe it


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Then everyone's been duped.

I'm not sure who's right in this debate, but I will say this: IF the Lasercomb isn't FDA approved for hair regrowth, than the media as really been duped.

Countless news stations all around the country, and even national news, reported that the Lasercomb joins Propecia and Rogaine as the only FDA approved products to regrow hair. Their were AP stories and other print outlets as well. Not sure where they get their info, but I know it was widely reported.

As where I stand, I'm not sure. I used the comb for 3 years and it always made my scalp feel better and hair look better, but I was never sure if it helped with actual hair growth.


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if you read closely, the FDA cleared the product for safety use and a type of product integrity type of certified, FDA laws forbid it for being labeled as "FDA APPROVED"

However, the marketing is very clever and misleading, which a lot of people pick up on. When they got their 510k back, hairmax equated this to what the FDA has approved propecia and rogain for, which is totally different

this 510k approval means they can legally market this product within reason of any claim they want, just like many cosmetic products can make claims regarding "reducing the signs of aging" and such

if you look on the hairmax website, not ONCE does it say "FDA APPROVED"


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The Lexington Hairmax LaserComb has indeed been determined to be safe and effective as an aid in hair regrowth in male.

I get your point Bubka, but still, the quote is FDA words. Why do they e-mail such an answer when the truth seems so easy to manipulate?


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Whyatt said:
The Lexington Hairmax LaserComb has indeed been determined to be safe and effective as an aid in hair regrowth in male.

I get your point Bubka, but still, the quote is FDA words. Why do they e-mail such an answer when the truth seems so easy to manipulate?
because they are permitted to say pretty much anything, like most cosmetic goods and devices


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because they are permitted to say pretty much anything, like most cosmetic goods and devices
Yes, but why do the FDA choose to use that piece of information? I mean, they should try to keep neutral if the laser device isn't approved.


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it kind of gets me mad when i think about why the fda doesnt regulate cosmetic crap like it does drugs. People lose more money on cosmetic crap and supplements then they do drugs yet the FDA does nothing. I guess that follow naturally from what our politicians do for us now as opposed to when they actually helped Americans.