Laser damage?

Full Head of Hair

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Can't remember who posted it, but someone said that they found a study that using the laser comb (wich I have) or having laser therapy can overheat your hair folilicle and damage it. Which would esentially kill it.

I know that not every study is valid but I really want to have some more info on this. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone either

I hope this is untrue, but I have been weary about using the comb ever since. Has anyone heard anyting similar to this?


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Laser hair removal uses a high level laser compared with low level laser used to stimulate hair folicies.


Has anyone had success with those "laser combs" ?

I looked at it's price and it is like 600 bucks :shock:


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Full Head of Hair said:
Can't remember who posted it, but someone said that they found a study that using the laser comb (wich I have) or having laser therapy can overheat your hair folilicle and damage it. Which would esentially kill it.

I know that not every study is valid but I really want to have some more info on this. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone either

I hope this is untrue, but I have been weary about using the comb ever since. Has anyone heard anyting similar to this?

To answer your question, I don't recall ever reading a study about negative effects from the comb, but I do remember the theory discussed. I think it was just a statement made by someone that long term the lasercomb could actually have negative effects. I stress I have never seen this proven.

That said, I stopped using the Lasercomb recently as part of my treatment with the Big 3 because I think it's not helping me anymore. I used it for almost 3 years and it seems to do less for my hair over the last year.

Full Head of Hair

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I agree with you headache. While I haven't used the LC for nearly as long as you, I really never saw results from it. Maybe I need to give it more time, though currently I'm not using it.


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The recent addition of the laser comb (450 bucks on and copper peptides have seen a nice development of darkly pigmented hair along my hairline about a centimeter below my current hairline. I'm sure it was hair that now appears to be growing darker and longer.. Hope the thickness will come in time!