lack of sleep and hair loss

Rocky V

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I think there is a correlation between low quality sleep and hair loss. For example, waking up in the middle of the night or not being able to sleep at all. How many of you get good sleep? And are you diffuse thinners or are you losing hairline/crown?


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If your losing hair from male pattern baldness and statistically you probably are, then nothing you can do will make any difference short of trying to stop androgens in some way. Your diet will not alter its course, sleeping sideways wont cure it, or standing on your head to increase blood flow. Talk to dermatologist about real options if your concerned


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Your talking about stress related hairloss im sure. I played an online game for a couple months straight a few years back and skipped sleeping a lot and my hair receded at an insane rate (also lost 5-7lbs). It's more about accelerated aging from the stress that accelerates a person's hairloss. If you could inject something into your body to neutralize these chemicals it would help your hair but it would also extend your life.


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I have not seen any evidence hair loss in men happens for any reason other then androgen damage over time in those genetically susceptible to it. Its very very rare that a man has light miniaturized hairs from anything other then male pattern baldness although it is possible I would never assume the least likely thing.
Playing an online game, lack of sleep, and losing hair quickly are all purely coincidental as much as you try or believe those are all linked together. You can do a lot of different things while male pattern baldness destroys your hair that does not mean that because you went outside more then normal, ate more fruit the previous month, or whatever else you did is directly causing your hair loss to change speeds. Your seeing 5 heads in a row and arguing that flipping a 2 sides coin is not a 50/50 chance even though it is sometimes it does not appear so.


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Sleep has been shown to retard aging as well as slow telomere shortening. Deep sleep lowers cortisol, which would help retain hair. Pubmed shows some studies about alopecia areata, can't find one on androgenic alopecia and sleep per se.

This link ( suggests 5a inhibitors might interfere with neurosteroids that allow for deep sleep, so insomnia may be a side effect of some regimens as well.

Might be comparing a rock and a hard place.


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The 5 ar inhibitor messing with sleep I will buy that because finasteride does get to the brain and DHT is at play there so its plausible. I dont buy sleep changing your hair loss in the same way I dont believe diet can change your rate of hair loss.


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For a long time I slept on my right side in the bed and my right side had slightly receded more than my left. Now I sleep on my left hand side and my left temple is DEFINETLY thinner and slightly receded more. Im 90% sure Im not imagining this. I tend to sleep with my forehead right into the pillow too kinda half on my belly half on my side if u get me.
Isnt it a bit like when you sit for so long ur ar$e can be a bit numb or when u get pins and needles because of lack of blood supply u feel numbness .. Blood being cut off somewhat starving ur follicles.


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aha sleep and hair loss.. seems logical i guess. Do you guys also know about what impact cardio has on hair loss?


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I think there is a correlation between low quality sleep and hair loss. For example, waking up in the middle of the night or not being able to sleep at all. How many of you get good sleep? And are you diffuse thinners or are you losing hairline/crown?

Or it could be just stress, bad dreams even.


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When you don´t sleep properly , your metabolism will slow , and the metabolism of the vitamins and active substances will not do their job. So in a long period of insomnia or sleep deprivation it may have a bad effect to your hair .

Armando Jose

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stress acts in all scalp hairs and common baldness don`t.
The same for the sleep factor ;)


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I think there is a correlation between low quality sleep and hair loss. For example, waking up in the middle of the night or not being able to sleep at all. How many of you get good sleep? And are you diffuse thinners or are you losing hairline/crown?

i more think of it as a result of the things that lead to poor sleep.. ie, drug/alcohol use or stress...


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I personally dont think anything you do short of taking steroids has any effect on hair loss its just almost 99 percent genetic unless you mess with your hormones


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You can pretty much throw these theories of hair loss due to diet, lack of sleep, abstaining from alcohol, etc, out the window when you consider that some of the best athletes in the world have hair loss. I can guarantee you that most athletes at the top of their game get a ton of sleep, have a great diet, and don't use alcohol.


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Yup too many counter examples exist to claim diet, sleep, and other commonly claimed things make any difference to male pattern baldness natural course. I see a ton of evidence from personal observation that koreans, and men with abnormally small amounts of facial hair also have abnormally good hair for their age. Most men I see just starting to lose Norwood 0 also just recently got facial hair/body hair. I think androgens are completely in control of hair loss much like they tell us. Propecia just isnt strong enough to work perfectly and upregulation happens.


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No. Isnt Ernie some crazy guy in some other forum or something? The evidence androgens can completely stop male pattern baldness is growing so I agree with that and a lot of guys with no facial hair at older ages have no hair loss leading me to believe androgens are indeed a huge factor. Of course there are rare exceptions possibly to reasons like androgen sensitivity that are that well understood yet.