L-Ergothioneine Discovery in Hair and Nail Growth


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STEVENSON, Wash., Jan. 5, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Total Nutraceutical Solutions, Inc. (OTCBB:ERGO.OB - News) (TNS) announced today that it has filed a provisional patent entitled: "A Nutritional Approach to the Use of Ergothioneine for Hair and Nail Growth." The patent covers the use of ingestible and topically applied natural and/or synthetic L-Ergothioneine (Ergo) to maintain and improve hair and nail health, growth, and natural coloring.

The discovery was made during the recently announced research study with Lifespan Biosciences that is attempting to identify the presence and/or deficiency of the unique and specific Ergothioneine Transporter (human gene symbol SLC22A4) in a wide variety of normal and diseased human tissues. TNS acquired the diagnostic and therapeutic rights to the Ergo Transporter from the University of Cologne in 2010 and has since been working to scientifically validate the physiologic role of Ergo in human health. Scientists have recently provided evidence that oxidative stress, free radicals such as cytokines and inflammation cause hair loss, cellular damage and premature graying. Ergo is a master anti-oxidant that has been proven to reduce or prevent oxidative stress and inflammation and the discovery of significant Ergo Transporter expression within the germinative layer of the cells responsible for hair growth is the first of what the Company hopes will be many Ergo-related technology advancements to be announced in 2012.

"This important finding helps explain the positive customer experiences and reports of improved hair and nail growth from our Groh(TM) nutritional supplement," says Dr. Marvin S. Hausman, CEO of TNS. "Our upcoming human study should further validate the effectiveness of this technology by quantifying the rate as well as quality of hair and nail growth in a clinical setting." TNS intends to commence an IRB approved human clinical study in the coming months that will measure hair and nail growth in patients 60 days before and 90 days following supplementation. The results of the study will be used in product marketing and a potential infomercial, which the Company would like to begin airing before the end of the year.

Groh(TM) is a natural nutritional supplement that is currently offered online and through leading hair salons throughout North America. The Groh(TM) formulation features ErgoD2(TM) (a 100% USDA certified organic ingredient) that is naturally rich in Ergothioneine and Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). ErgoD2(TM) is manufactured utilizing the Company's patented UV light technology, which naturally increases D2 levels by as much as 2000%. TNS intends to expand the Groh(TM) line in the future to potentially include soaps, shampoos, lotions and other Ergo-based consumer oriented health and beauty products as demand for the technology increases.

"The market for hair health and growth is significant with billions of dollars spent annually by consumers wanting to improve their appearance," says Dr. Hausman. "Beyond the brand-named pharmaceuticals offered for hair loss, there are very few natural solutions for hair health and growth that have been scientifically proven to be effective. With more than half of men over 50 experiencing some level of hair loss, and a growing number of women developing Alopecia, this market represents a very large opportunity for our Company."



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While I'm sure the above company/product may use unique tech and a unique combo...there are plenty of other mushroom products out there(Jarrow..Swansons..etc). This one talks about L-Ergothioneine as well: http://www.bioag.com/buyhealthproducts/faunamanamushroom.html

U.S. Organically grown mushrooms are a known super food high in L-Ergothioneine,...

More info:


While all mushrooms contain some ergothioneine, specialty mushrooms such as king trumpet and maitake contain higher amounts than shiitake or white button varieties; a standard 3-oz serving can contain up to 13 mg. As with most phytochemicals, ergothioneine levels do not decrease during cooking.

I guess I'm getting some of it then..in the CocoCeps hot chocolate I drink.

Skin cells and tissue are capable of using L-ergothioneine as an integral component of their antioxidant defense system.


A look at crimini mushrooms during a study in Cologne, Germany, says that L-ergothioneine is effective in treating chronic inflammatory disease.


A number of skin/topical products out there that contain it....


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..all I'll say is that if you think about how baldness may have evolved and the environmental conditions that may have lead to it over thousands of years, vitamin D HAS to be implicated in this....think about it -- no hats thousands of years ago and exposure to direct sunlight and vitamin D synthesis...is it coincidence that male pattern baldness horse-shoe pattern follows the area that a hat covers almost to THE LETTER and that direct sunlight absorption is eliminated in that area entirely???

...vitamin D is critical in solving male pattern baldness -- but just how and to what lengths??


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..all I'll say is that if you think about how baldness may have evolved and the environmental conditions that may have lead to it over thousands of years, vitamin D HAS to be implicated in this....think about it -- no hats thousands of years ago and exposure to direct sunlight and vitamin D synthesis...is it coincidence that male pattern baldness horse-shoe pattern follows the area that a hat covers almost to THE LETTER and that direct sunlight absorption is eliminated in that area entirely???

...vitamin D is critical in solving male pattern baldness -- but just how and to what lengths??

No it's not critical, I know a gypsy who's maybe 17 and he's balding badly, never seen that little sh!thead with a hat and he spends all day in the sun.


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No it's not critical, I know a gypsy who's maybe 17 and he's balding badly, never seen that little sh!thead with a hat and he spends all day in the sun.

I am talking about evolution over 1000's of years, over generations and generations -- on how genes mutated and transformed and why we see the male pattern baldness horse-shoe...I am not talking about correlations in the more present tense


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Vit D is good..but I'm more interested in that L-ergothioneine :punk:


L-Ergothioneine is absorbed in tissues through a specific organic cation transporter, OCTN1 (or ETT), which has been identified as such in 2005 [14]. This discovery, about a century after that of L-ergothioneine, has boosted the advancement of knowledge of this fascinating natural compound. Earlier characterized in humans [15], OCTN1 was shown to have a high affinity for L-ergothioneine (Km=21μM, i.e., 100 times more than that of L-carnitine) involving a Na +-dependent anti-transport [14,16]. Expressed on the cytoplasmic membrane, OCTN1 localization has also been shown in mitochondria [17].​
Metabolomic analysis in Octn1 gene knockout mice showed an almost complete disappearance of L-ergothioneine in tissues of these mice [9].​
The profile of OCTN1 expression corroborates the ergothioneine distribution [14-16,18-23]. It is characterized by a high expression in the bone marrow, and more precisely in CD14+ monocytes and CD71+ (transferrin receptor) erythroid progenitor cells [14]. OCTN1 is not expressed on erythrocytes, which incorporate L-ergothioneine during erythropoiesis [8].
OCTN1 expression is regulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β) via the transcription factor NF-κB [24], and it is under the control of RUNX1 [24], whose involvement has been demonstrated in proliferation and differentiation during hematopoiesis [25,26], neurogenesis [27] and hair morphogenesis [28].​

Products that contain it..or at least the mushroom extracts that do(edit: some do actually containing the L-ergothioneine..not just mushroom extracts): http://totalnutraceutical.com/ergothioneine
The actual goodie..on it's own: http://www.supersmart.com/en--Antioxidants--L-Ergothioneine-5-mg--0634

The only antioxidant with a specific transport system
¤ L-ergothioneine is exceptional in that it can reach the very core of certain cells such as erythrocytes, unlike other classic antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. It actually has a gene which codes for a carrier protein, enabling it to be taken right to the heart of cells. It is thus a potent intracellular antioxidant, as important as L-glutathione.
¤ In addition, it has also been shown to be a powerful chelator, enabling it to bind to toxic heavy metals, while protecting blood cells from all types of damage.
¤ Encouraged by its antioxidant properties, researchers subsequently investigated its anti-inflammatory effects, since ergothioneine acts on, amongst others, the pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin.
¤ Ergothioneine therefore has multiple properties actively working inside the human body:
  • - it neutralises reactive oxygen molecules (free radicals), thus combatting oxidative stress and reducing damage to mitochondrial DNA, oxidation of proteins and lipid peroxidation;
    - it chelates – or traps – various positive metallic cations;
    - it can activate antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase or SOD, while inhibiting enzymes that generate the superoxide radical ;
    - it reduces oxidation of various haemoproteins such as haemoglobin and myoglobin
    - it protects mitochondria ;
    - it reduces the harmful effects of UV rays ;
    - it preserves and maintains levels of other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, glutathione and SOD;
    - it protects the brain from neurotoxins and thus plays a preventive role against cognitive decline ;
    - it encourages cellular respiration and fat lipolysis, thus increasing energy and stamina for physical exercise;
    - and finally, when combined with hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, collagen and cat’s claw, it was shown to significantly reduce joint pain and increase joint mobility, associated in particular with poor postural work habits, after just six weeks’ use.

The only antioxidant with a 30-day half-life
¤ Another fundamental characteristic of ergothioneine is that it has a very long half-life in the body – around 30 days - compared with the half-life of classic antioxidants of between 30 seconds and 30 minutes. .

More info and products: http://www.oxis.com/ergothioneine/index.html


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I am talking about evolution over 1000's of years, over generations and generations -- on how genes mutated and transformed and why we see the male pattern baldness horse-shoe...I am not talking about correlations in the more present tense

You mean how the pattern took shape in evolution? It's a good possible explanation, minus the hat part.


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You mean how the pattern took shape in evolution? It's a good possible explanation, minus the hat part.

but man, that part just is crazy to understand...why the horse-shoe pattern?? What purpose does it serve...

also...when was the last time you saw a bald or thinning African tribes-person?? Yet in only a few hundred years, blacks in North America and Europe experience male pattern baldness....so wtf??

What is causing this?? It appears the genetic alteration doesn't need that long to reveal the male pattern baldness trait...

...maybe L-ergo, and Glutathione and Vitamin D have a link....the further north and south you go, less sunlight, less Vitamin D production


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The one product I posted about earlier has the same mushroom extracts as "GROH"..along with 2 more.. plus some other goodies. I numbered them below to compare: http://www.bioag.com/buyhealthproducts/faunamanamushroom.html or their new site http://www.wujinsan.us/store/#ecwid:category=1816073&mode=product&product=7758881

_1_Pleurotus eryngii, _2_Hypsiszygus mamoreus,_3_ Cordyceps militaris,_4_ Grifola fondosa, _5_Trametes versicolor,_6_ Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) & naturally enriched vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol).

Fauna Mana:
Proprietary, performance-tested strains of Certified Organically U.S.A. Grown Mushrooms in descending order:_3_ Dong Cao (Cordyceps Militaris), _6_ Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), Himematsutake (Agaricus Blazei), _5_ Turkey Tail (Trametes Versicola), Nui Chang Chih (Antrodia camphorata), _1_King Trumpet (Pleurotus eryngii), _4_Maitake (Grifola Frondosa), and _2_ Brown Beech (Hypsizygus Marmoreus).

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - 500 mg

Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) - 500 mg

Humic/Fulvic blend - 250 mg

For those who skipped the rest of the thread..
U.S. Organically grown mushrooms are a known super food high in L-Ergothioneine...


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Ok...but in the meantime...:crazy: I think most would prefer to just get it in supplement form anyway.
I had forgotten about Swanson and Vitacost- their own label products. Sales at times..Swansons has 2 for 1 on some at the moment. Then there's Jarrow and other brands with theirs..at Iherb etc.

This is a good read: http://supplement-facts.org/2012-6.php#.USjUfFecvIV

I have taken various 'room products in the past..even a hot chocolate containing one these days. This ergo is making me want to stick with something that's known to be high in it..for an extended time. They're good for your health..so a hair boost or not..here I come.


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im not against the suppliments in any way but mushrooms grow quickly and in massive amounts with hardly any effort.

yes almost nobody is going to go through the extraction process at home if its difficult but if theres a significant saving to be made then many will.

the money isnt impirtant to me, its the value for money. the value of a product should never be measured in its worth to the customer but rather the cost of production. if they are factoring in research costs into the value of the product then thats fine for a quick buck but without patents they will lose out as others copy them, without the need to recoup the research outlay.

i want those supliments but ill never be ripped off. i apply the same criteria for deciding on all purchases, why should suppliments be any different to shoes cars or houses?


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Well..since you mention it...I have no desire- due to time..quality..etc- to make/build my own shoes or car or house either :woot:

I don't mind supporting these companies... But I can see why some would like to grow their own etc, especially if using them for eating/cooking. There are quite a few websites/forums on that. There's one catalog I get that sells the kits..books.. etc..but also the supplements.