KnowHair's story


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13 year Finasteride veteran here. Last time I posted my story and my progress was about 11 years ago (I was 2 years into being on Finasteride/Proscar). I think now is the time for an update.

I first realized that I was beginning to bald when I was around 18 or 19 years old when I noticed that my temples started looking more adult-like (the fuzz was lost, the corners sharpened and moved up, creating a v-shape). Once the realization fully dawned on me, it was a moment of sheer panic. I knew that my condition was hereditary and since my father's temples were non-existent (he always had a very narrow ridge of hair remaining and shrinking) I knew what was in store for me. I looked for a solution in the public library (this was before I had a computer or internet). I even went so far as applying urine to my temples (I read about it in a book)! Nothing worked and I just resigned to covering my temples up with my hair.

Back in the day my father always used to cut my hair (and I his). When I was between 20 and 21 years of age, during one of my regular haircuts, my father said to me matter-of-factly looking at my crown (he's a very blunt person) “You're balding here in the backâ€. I wanted to die right there – I couldn't believe it! My worst fears came true. My father has only been greatly receding in the front, Phil Collins style, but his crown was pretty much all filled in. Then I realized that I must have inherited not my father's genes, but those from my mother's side (my grandfather is Norwood 6-7 and so is my uncle!).

For the first time I started examining my whole scalp and realized that I was indeed thinning all over - front, top and back. My temple loss also accelerated and it was beginning to be harder and harder to hide anything. Needless to say, I stopped asking my father to cut my hair (I didn't want to hear any more of his “You're balding†remarks†and found myself a barber. (Note: I am actually quite glad my Dad said something to me back then so early in the game!)

During this time I finally got online and started to learn everything I could about hairloss treatments. I even ordered free Bosley video tapes where they promoted their hair transplants (it was too expensive for me at the time to even think about them and I am glad I was in college and penniless at the time anyway and that I never went with hair transplant at my young age.) I saw Rogain ads, but I didn't want to deal with the mess and the results didn't impress me.

It was around 1997 – 1998, just the time when Propecia finally got approved by FDA. I went in the forums and sites, read everything I could about it (including materials by Spencer Kobren, whose story inspired me and his advise to take Proscar instead of Propecia really helped me financially). I was really frequenting the forums around that time. The forums were filled with people going with the kitchen sink approach. Just as you have today, there were people who were scaring everyone with their side-effect horror stories. However, I realized that balding at my young age (it would be almost another decade until I got married) would be more horrible to me than any small chance of a side-effect. I decided to go strictly the Finasteride way and take nothing else for my hair.

So, I took the plunge and ordered brand-name 30 tablets of Proscar at some online pharmacy (they were giving out prescriptions back then over the internet so I never had to see a doctor) along with a pill cutter. I still remember that that particular batch of Merk Proscar was made in Spain. When the pills arrived, I cut them into fours and I started taking them. Within a month I saw stoppage of loss and thickening of my hair. Each month was getting better and better. The temples were filling in too! I was around 22 y.o. and my new girlfriend would comment how great my hair is and that she wished she had hair like mine! My father never gave me a “balding†remark ever again. Around a year later I came back to the forums and updated everyone on my great progress. After that, I stopped going to hairloss forums, stopped “researching†future hairloss cures and moved on with my life. I also started to skipping Proscar every 5th day.

Well, 13 years since starting on Proscar/Finasteride, I am reporting that I still have most of the hair I regrew on the drug when I was around 22 year of age, in the front, top and back. The drug never lost its effectiveness and my hair was and is thick as ever. There may have been some months in the 13 year time period where I felt my hair was thinner or temples more receded, but it always came back. Also, my body hair was pleasantly reduced but far from eliminated.

Around four months ago I, for the first time in 13 years (I took only Proscar), went on a super cheap generic Finasteride that I bought in Walmart (made by Teva in Israel and approved by FDA – I think it worked just fine, although I was still concerned about it not being Proscar) . When I ran out of it I had a few weeks where I couldn't get to the Doctor to update my proscription, was barely taking any Finasteride (I had to ration pills into smaller pieces and skip many days). When I finally got a new prescription, this time Walmart gave me pills made in India (by Intas). I was unpleasantly surprised, but took that stuff for a week. It was then that I noticed that my crown swirl (which I never really paid attention to much before) MAY HAVE enlarged/thinned a bit. I didn't want to risk further loss and went back to Walmart and asked them for the name-brand Proscar Finasteride. It was much more expensive than their Indian generic (which I kept as a backup) - $135 for Proscar vs $10 for Indian generic, but at least it gave me a peace of mind. We'll see how that goes in a month or two.

What do you guys think? Thanks for reading.

PHOTOS (click to enlarge)

Front (normal)


Front - hairline slicked back


Right-side View:


Left-side View:


Crown swirl:


Crown swirl (harsh light) - may have enlarged in the last month, but I always had a rather large swirl even as a kid:



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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

awesome story i wish we can see how it looked like when you first started.

but for sure a success story

can i ask something though, when during the 13 years did you feel the regimen become a habit.


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

i wish we can see how it looked like when you first started.

I may have a few pics laying around from 13 years ago. Will have to find, scan and post them.

can i ask something though, when during the 13 years did you feel the regimen become a habit.

guy83, yes, it became second nature like brushing teeth (but taking one pill is much easier). I took 1/4th of Proscar each night right before going to bed for four days and skipped the fifth day. Sometimes I would take in the mornings. I also traveled internationally for the first 10 years after starting on Finasteride, so I learned how to pack it right so I had enough for the trip (never took my whole stash with me), so that I wouldn't be asked questions and so that I had easy access. I also didn't worry much if I skipped a few days here or there on occasion (but I made sure that skipping never became a habit).


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

This is one hell of a success story. The black hair with the beard looks really good man.

Have you ever suffered any sexual side effects from finasteride? how would you describe your sex drive and erections?


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

This is one hell of a success story. The black hair with the beard looks really good man.

Thanks, Joe-1991! One problem with having black hair and very white skin is that any thinning really stands out. But this has not been a problem for me for the last 13 years, as Finasteride kept my hair nice and thick (most of the time). My hair looks thicker than that of my 9 years younger brother who has the same type of hair but much lighter than mine, but who takes nothing for his hair.

Have you ever suffered any sexual side effects from finasteride? how would you describe your sex drive and erections?

My sex drive has never diminished, never had any side effects. Still get morning erections and have no performance issues. In fact, sometimes I wish it was less of a "drive". Also, while on Finasteride, actually 10 years into it, I fathered two healthy children, one after another.

The only "side-effect" that I can point to is that today I have a bit less body hair than I did 13 years ago - which for me is an added bonus (I had too much hair on arms, stomach and worst of all on my back).


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Some pics from 1999 and Finasteride effect on arm hair

I was able to find some photos from 1999 (I think it was my first few weeks on Proscar, but things have not kicked in yet). I have no crown shots (and I avoided any photos at the time), but you'll have to trust me on that one.

Front in 1999:

Note: notice how my hair is parted in the middle. I was trying to cover up both of my receded temples with my hair. Also had a bit of acne at the time (which I believe Finasteride helped clear up).


Front, also in 1999. Side temple recession and more cover up of receded temples with the middle parting.


Arm hair in 1999. My arms were VERY hairy as you can clearly see in this photo.


Arm hair in 2011. Finasteride reduced body hair throughout. Good news - beard or pubic hair were not affected in the least. Oh, and I am holding my second daughter who was "born on Finasteride":



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My Regimen
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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

any shedding phases caused by finasteride?


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Crazy how you can take the stuff for 13 years and have such a great experience and yet i dabble in it for just a few months at tiny dosages and it ruins my life!


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

"any shedding phases caused by finasteride?"

irishpride86, I can't say that I experienced a classic "shed" (i.e. loads of hair coming out on my pillow, brush or hands), but I did have some periods where I felt that my hair wasn't as thick or my hairline was more receded.

Also, when I first started out 13 years ago, the people who experienced major sheds in the forums that I frequented tended to also use Rogain in their regiment. Since I never used Rogain but strictly Finasteride, I attribute that to my lack of significant shedding.


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Crazy how you can take the stuff for 13 years and have such a great experience and yet i dabble in it for just a few months at tiny dosages and it ruins my life!

Joe-1991, I suppose everyone's body is different and I do not want to discount anyone's issues, but as a 13 year Finasteride user I do wonder how much of the side-effects of Finasteride happen to be "psychosomatic". I mean, reading some of the horror stories circulated online, many by folks who appear to be of questionable mental health, it's easy even for a healthy individual to convince and scare oneself to the point one has actual performance issues in bed (for example).


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Thank you for sharing, this is so valuable! Very impressive indeed, although I didn't See any hairloss in the first place :punk:


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

"Very impressive indeed, although I didn't See any hairloss in the first place"

Thanks. One has to remember that I was only 22 y.o. back then. On Finasteride my hair has improved and not gotten worse in the last 13 years. I have extensive family history of hairloss on both sides of the family and may be a month before this pic was taken my hair was thinning in the temples, top (including the front) and crown. I distinctly recall the difference I saw in my hair in the months after starting treatment. My temples have retained the regrowth (meaning that even today they are better than when I started at 22).

So, you can say that I was lucky that 1) Propecia officially came out the exact year I noticed my hairloss, 2) that I got myself educated enough to know that I should get right on it, take it consistently and not to mess with anything else, 3) that my hairloss was just getting started, although judging by the affected areas and family history I knew where I was headed, and 4) that I am a good responder.


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Wish there were more stories like these! I'm guessing most people with success stories simply forget about their hair problems and stop posting which kind of makes treatments look less successful overall than they really are . One thing though. Are you sure you were balding in the first place? I mean for example being a NW2 and thinning or heading towards NW3 instead of just having a normal "mature hairline"? I would be ecstatic if I could maintain my NW2 for 5 years, let alone 13!


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

"I'm guessing most people with success stories simply forget about their hair problems and stop posting which kind of makes treatments look less successful overall than they really are."

Maystor... that's exactly what happened with me. A few years after my hair regrew and I saw that it just stayed as is, I stopped attending hairloss forums. Lots of stuff happened since then that occupied me: graduation, girlfriends, marriage, kids, etc., only my daily finasteride pill reminded me that I still have a problem.

"Are you sure you were balding in the first place? I mean for example being a NW2 and thinning or heading towards NW3 instead of just having a normal "mature hairline"? "

I was most definitely balding, I could see thinning in the crown and top, receding in the temples, and general change in quality of hair, and I had other people (my father) confirm thinning in the crown (no just my own imagination). I also had hair shedding and falling on my desk. I have extensive family history on both sides. I just caught it early enough to make all the difference.

Also, the picture I posted from 1999 - I don't remember exactly, but I believe I was already a month or more into my Finasteride regiment. So, it may not reflect the actual condition of my hair I had right before I got started. I just don't have many pictures from that period (I avoided them).


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Good to hear. I'm at relatively early hair loss stage with a NW2 hairline and some front/top/crown thinning, similar to what you're describing. It's probably worse than yours was but I'm 30 and have just started treatment. Stories like these give me hope of maintaining my hair with finasteride for more than just a couple of years. Thanks again for sharing!


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Since you are older than when I started, your hairloss seems to be less aggressive than mine was at 21 - 22. Which means that you may have easier time regrowing and maintaining your hair. Just keep taking Finasteride consistently. I would advise not going on minoxidil or anything else at this time - I never touched anything but finasteride and this contributed to me sticking with my simple regiment and not having severe sheds (or wondering what part of my regiment is actually doing all the work).

Good luck!


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Awesome, your hair looks great man. Very encouraging considering you were in a similar place to me at the age I currently am, 22 - I'm hopefully seeing my doctor this week with a view to starting finasteride.

Is 22 considered young to take finasteride? Or whether taking it at that age could potentially increase chances of getting sides? Obviously didn't happen to you, but was wondering whether anyone ever mentioned it to you in conversation, or a doctor did maybe.


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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride

Is 22 considered young to take finasteride? Or whether taking it at that age could potentially increase chances of getting sides?

I don't think so. For those who start to lose hair at this age, it's the best time to stop hairloss before it does too much damage.

Obviously didn't happen to you, but was wondering whether anyone ever mentioned it to you in conversation, or a doctor did maybe.

Yes, I've read and conversed about possible side effects extensively. I also noted that in year 2, 3, and 4 there was hardly any difference between Finasteride and placebo when it came to adverse reactions to the drug. Also, 13 years ago there were not as many "interesting" folks running around forums attributing everything that is wrong in their lives to Finasteride and scaring people into losing their hair by posting and reposting exaggerated side effects, scaring young men who have the best chance at keeping their hair into spending their money on worthless crap, instead of on something that is scientifically proven to stop hairloss and regrow hair. Frankly, makes me angry.

Yes, about three years and again a month ago ago I spoke with two dermatologists, separately - father and son - who were on Proscar themselves for almost a decade - both said that they had no side effects at all and both kept their hair (younger had more because he started sooner and older less, of course).


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My Regimen
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Re: STORY/PHOTOS of 35 year old with 13 years on Finasteride


thanks for updating us, people like you are our only hope in knowing how long finasteride can truly last past the 5 year studies , if I get good results for as long as you, I vow to promise to come back and let others know.

I'm glad you posted, much thanks man.

and congrats on the success

p.s it's good to know you where able to father children even after being on finasteride for so long, I'm 25 now and me and my gf want to have kids within 5 years, so tuis info is great to know, and you been on it more then 10 years !!!

question for ya : Do you get the most common side of watery seman from time to time ?