Kingcrimson's Story - (17 with temple recession)


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Hi all, I'm a 17 year old male from Canada and over the past year I've experienced a sharp recession in my hairline. I've had a burning sensation in my scalp for the past year as well which may be co-related to this recession. This time last year I had a NW1 and now it's receded to this,

Right temple:

Left temple:

I'm not quite sure what that would be on the Norwood scale. The right temple recession is particularly bothersome as it seems to be creeping towards the middle of my hairline. My grandfather on my mother's side is bald so I suppose that doesn't bode well for me.

How should I begin to tackle this recession?

Thanks for the help.


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I’m not qualified to give you medical advice, but I and (I’m assuming) many others would advise you to first of all see a doctor (GP or a specialist) just to assess the situation and possibly find a reason for the burning scalp. Losing hair noticeably in one year at your age could suggest a fairly quick MBP, so it’s best if you tackle it early.

I’d suggest going for a finasteride product (Proscar, Propecia) and a minoxidil product (Rogaine etc.) as a starting point. Being from Canada, I believe you will have to get a prescription for these.

Also, to prevent your hair from turning to straw, I’d recommend using a reliable shampoo and conditioner combination. I’m not too sure on the brands or active ingredients, but I’m sure there are others on this forum who can advise you.

Again, see your doctor before purchasing hundreds of dollars worth of potions and lotions – you wanna make sure it’s necessary… and safe. There are many different products and brands of these products available. I reckon go with the proven methods with the highest rate of success first. After that you could consider adding some of the less known products and supplements to your regime.

Anyway, hope this helps… let us know how you go.


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Re: Kingcrimson's Story

kingcrimson said:
Hi all, I'm a 17 year old male from Canada and over the past year I've experienced a sharp recession in my hairline. I've had a burning sensation in my scalp for the past year as well which may be co-related to this recession. This time last year I had a NW1 and now it's receded to this,

Right temple:

Left temple:

I'm not quite sure what that would be on the Norwood scale. The right temple recession is particularly bothersome as it seems to be creeping towards the middle of my hairline. My grandfather on my mother's side is bald so I suppose that doesn't bode well for me.

How should I begin to tackle this recession?

Thanks for the help.

thats a rather aggresive hair loss, I recommand you to see a derm before you blindly start anything, GL!


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start meds now without hesitating. Use finasteride, minoxidil and shampoo nizoral. If you're brave man you can use dutasteride instead of finasteride or add 100 of oral spironolactone.


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Visit a doctor and get a scientific opinion. You have male pattern baldness but getting on finasteride/dutasteride/spironolactone at age of 17 might be risky for your health. Get on minoxidil foam instead and add finasteride after 2 years.


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Thanks for the responses, they've been helpful. In regards to seeing a doctor, would I be able to get a prescription from a doctor at a walk-in clinic or would I have to go to my physician? I'm planning on starting these as soon as possible, hopefully I can keep what I have without losing anything for a few more years.


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Visit a good dermatologist, he should know about the proven treatments (aka big three) and if you are a good candidate he will give you prescription for propecia (finasteride). Nizoral and minoxidil foam are being sold over the counter in the most countries.

Of course you can buy all meds online without prescription but maybe you shouldn't get on finasteride at 17 without at least being checked regularly by your derm.


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Jack82 said:
Visit a good dermatologist, he should know about the proven treatments (aka big three) and if you are a good candidate he will give you prescription for propecia (finasteride). Nizoral and minoxidil foam are being sold over the counter in the most countries.

Of course you can buy all meds online without prescription but maybe you shouldn't get on finasteride at 17 without at least being checked regularly by your derm.

I agree.


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Well, I visited a dermatologist at a walk-in clinic the other day. He essentially told me that I was too young to be a candidate for hormonal treatments and there was nothing I could do at the moment. I'm going to visit another dermatologist to get a second opinion just to be certain.

If the second dermatologist has the same opinion as the first I'm going to pursue a regimen consisting of Nizoral and Minoxidil. Does a regimen without a DHT blocker stand a shot at being effective?


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you can at least do foam and Nizoral

Mop Top

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kingcrimson said:
Well, I visited a dermatologist at a walk-in clinic the other day. He essentially told me that I was too young to be a candidate for hormonal treatments and there was nothing I could do at the moment. I'm going to visit another dermatologist to get a second opinion just to be certain.

If the second dermatologist has the same opinion as the first I'm going to pursue a regimen consisting of Nizoral and Minoxidil. Does a regimen without a DHT blocker stand a shot at being effective?

Hey, I'm in the same situation as you only a bit worse. I'd say stay away from DHT inhibitors until your at least 19-20. DHT is partly responsible for the developement of your male "features", and I'm sure at 17, they're not quite done yet.

In Canada you can only get 2% minoxidil OTC so I suggest you set up a paypal account and order foam off of eBay like I did($50 for 4 month supply) plus nizoral and you should be ok for a couple years.


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Mop Top said:
kingcrimson said:
Well, I visited a dermatologist at a walk-in clinic the other day. He essentially told me that I was too young to be a candidate for hormonal treatments and there was nothing I could do at the moment. I'm going to visit another dermatologist to get a second opinion just to be certain.

If the second dermatologist has the same opinion as the first I'm going to pursue a regimen consisting of Nizoral and Minoxidil. Does a regimen without a DHT blocker stand a shot at being effective?

Hey, I'm in the same situation as you only a bit worse. I'd say stay away from DHT inhibitors until your at least 19-20. DHT is partly responsible for the developement of your male "features", and I'm sure at 17, they're not quite done yet.

In Canada you can only get 2% minoxidil OTC so I suggest you set up a paypal account and order foam off of eBay like I did($50 for 4 month supply) plus nizoral and you should be ok for a couple years.

50 for 4 months supply is a good deal, I paid 45 for 3 months supply...


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Second dermatologist had the same opinion as the first, said I should wait at least a year before I consider finasteride. So I guess I'm stuck without a DHT inhibitor for about a year. It's a shame to be missing out on such an essential part of the regimen, but I'd rather wait then risk messing around with my hormones at this point in life.

I'm planning on ordering some Minoxidil from eBay sometime this week. I'll use that along with Nizoral, hopefully it'll help slowdown the hairloss.

Thanks for the help guys.


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You should probably try a .25 MG daily finasteride dose (at the bare minimum, so that you have SOME form of DHT inhibition). Because let's face it, your body doesnt have some sort of 'switch' that it turns on the day you turn 18 to allow you to use finasteride.


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Mop Top said:
kingcrimson said:
Well, I visited a dermatologist at a walk-in clinic the other day. He essentially told me that I was too young to be a candidate for hormonal treatments and there was nothing I could do at the moment. I'm going to visit another dermatologist to get a second opinion just to be certain.

If the second dermatologist has the same opinion as the first I'm going to pursue a regimen consisting of Nizoral and Minoxidil. Does a regimen without a DHT blocker stand a shot at being effective?

Hey, I'm in the same situation as you only a bit worse. I'd say stay away from DHT inhibitors until your at least 19-20. DHT is partly responsible for the developement of your male "features", and I'm sure at 17, they're not quite done yet.

In Canada you can only get 2% minoxidil OTC so I suggest you set up a paypal account and order foam off of eBay like I did($50 for 4 month supply) plus nizoral and you should be ok for a couple years.

i total disagree get on dht inhibotores now,you would not be losing hair if you were not fully developed,you are a man now and have probably stopped developing,good luck with what ever you decide?


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antonio666 said:
Mop Top said:
kingcrimson said:
Well, I visited a dermatologist at a walk-in clinic the other day. He essentially told me that I was too young to be a candidate for hormonal treatments and there was nothing I could do at the moment. I'm going to visit another dermatologist to get a second opinion just to be certain.

If the second dermatologist has the same opinion as the first I'm going to pursue a regimen consisting of Nizoral and Minoxidil. Does a regimen without a DHT blocker stand a shot at being effective?

Hey, I'm in the same situation as you only a bit worse. I'd say stay away from DHT inhibitors until your at least 19-20. DHT is partly responsible for the developement of your male "features", and I'm sure at 17, they're not quite done yet.

In Canada you can only get 2% minoxidil OTC so I suggest you set up a paypal account and order foam off of eBay like I did($50 for 4 month supply) plus nizoral and you should be ok for a couple years.

you would not be losing hair if you were not fully developed

not true.


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My suggestion to you would be opt for just 2% minoxidil and nizoral for the time being. If you dont get any side effects from minoxidil i recommend stepping it upto 5% minoxidil which would give you a higher chance of regrowth. Stay off finasteride for atleast a couple of years. Till then give minoxidil a chance. Good luck.


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start finasteride right away man...minoxidil wont fix the underlying reason for male pattern baldness.

in 10 yrs HM should be out, for a crazy price.


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Re: Kingcrimson's Story

Well, I managed to get a prescription for Propecia 2 weeks ago. I've been taking a 1mg pill daily along with using Nizoral once every 3 days, hopefully it'll stabilize my hairline.

I haven't started minoxidil and don't plan on doing so just yet. I'll wait a year or so with the Propecia and Nizoral to see where it gets me. If my hairline gets worse I'll throw in minoxidil since I'm not too keen on going bald before I hit 20.

I'll use the below picture as a baseline for my hairline,

Any opinions on what Norwood that would make me?

Thanks for the help.