KDL84's Story- Shaved Pics and comments added 10/11/10


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Hey everyone,

It seems like there's a wealth knowledge on this site and hopefully some of you here will be able to help me out on the best course of action. And, I'd be interested to know what "classification" of balding I am.

I'm relatively young (25) and I've lost a lot of hair. I started losing is about 19/20 years old. My grandpa was completely bald by 24, so I guess I'm ahead of the game.

Today, I started taking 5000 Mcg Biotin pills and ordered some 5% Costco Rogaine. Up until this point, I haven't tried anything to curtail the hairloss or even re-grow hair, so I'm hoping to have success. As you can imagine, a young man like myself might be hesitant to go the propecia route. But, is there anything else I can do that will have results (i.e. shampoos, tips, etc)?

Here's what I look like now. I hope to continue to post updates. Until taking these pictures, I never really knew how much I was losing on top. I'm 6'7" and not a lot of people see up there I guess!

I appreciate any and all comments, tips, whatever you got!


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Re: KEVIN/25 - Completely CLUELESS

KDL84 said:
Hey everyone,

It seems like there's a wealth knowledge on this site and hopefully some of you here will be able to help me out on the best course of action. And, I'd be interested to know what "classification" of balding I am.

I'm relatively young (25) and I've lost a lot of hair. I started losing is about 19/20 years old. My grandpa was completely bald by 24, so I guess I'm ahead of the game.

Today, I started taking 5000 Mcg Biotin pills and ordered some 5% Costco Rogaine. Up until this point, I haven't tried anything to curtail the hairloss or even re-grow hair, so I'm hoping to have success. As you can imagine, a young man like myself might be hesitant to go the propecia route. But, is there anything else I can do that will have results (i.e. shampoos, tips, etc)?

Here's what I look like now. I hope to continue to post updates. Until taking these pictures, I never really knew how much I was losing on top. I'm 6'7" and not a lot of people see up there I guess!

I appreciate any and all comments, tips, whatever you got!

Hello and welcome to the site!

First off, you should add Nizoral (or another 2% ketoconazole shampoo). It slows down your hair loss somewhat, reduces inflammation. Just about everyone with a serious regime on this site uses it.
Second, minoxidil (Rogaine) will only buy you so much time. You have pretty aggressive hair loss, and without finasteride I'm sorry to say that you will be bald sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. Now I can totally relate to being hesitant to taking finasteride. I'm a 23 year old myself, and I just recently made the decision to start finasteride (I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks). The harsh reality is that without finasteride you're pretty much doomed, and if you're really serious about keeping (and regrowing) your hair then there really is no way around it.

Finasteride, minoxidil, and ketoconazole are what is referred to as The Big 3. A lot of users have had great results with this combo, and some have had fantastic results.

I'd say you are a Norwood 4 by the way.


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Re: KEVIN/25 - Completely CLUELESS

You need to block DHT from the inside. I'm 25, started taking Proscar yesterday. So far, so good. It's the main recommendation for male hair loss, so I hit that up first.

If it's not working, within 6-12 months or so...I will add Rogaine to the mix. I'm currently using Nizoral 1%.

Regarding treatments, sadscalps response and mine are probably going to be the most common.....some form of the big 3.

Anything else is just an add-on, really.


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Re: KEVIN/25 - Completely CLUELESS

You have lost a lot of hair. Forget about fancy shampoos and etc, just get on finasteride and minoxidil ASAP. You don't have much time, you are heading towards NW6 pretty fast. Get on finasteride NOW.


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Re: KDL84's story - (Completely CLUELESS)

OKay, I started Minoxidil and nizoral today. I'm still hesitant about the finasteride side effects. How is it working for you guys?


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Re: KDL84's story - (Completely CLUELESS)

I have zero side effects with finasteride and I'm on it for about for years now...


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Re: KDL84's story - (Completely CLUELESS)

KDL84 said:
OKay, I started Minoxidil and nizoral today. I'm still hesitant about the finasteride side effects. How is it working for you guys?

Fact of the matter is, very few people experience side effects on finasteride. And the cold harsh reality is that you HAVE to include finasteride in your regimen if you wanna keep your hair. Your hair loss is too aggressive, and without it you're fighting a losing battle.

If you do decide to get on it, you might even get a nice amount of regrowth, your never know.

Edit: As I've said, I can totally relate to being hesitant to taking finasteride though, and I don't doubt that there are a few people who do get pretty messed up by this drug, but they are a vast minority. And after 2 months+ of minoxidil/Nizoral use I got some very nice results, but they've subsided a little since (been on them for a little over 4 months now). I'm still better off than at baseline, but I realize that if I don't start finasteride things will only get worse. And I want to see just how good results I can achieve.


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Completely CLUELESS)

Thanks guys, I have an appointment with my Doctor to get on propecia on Wednesday. I'll just stop it if I start to grow man-boobs or get ED side effects...

Also, I'm thinking about shaving my head while I'm doing all this treatment. It seems like my scalp might response to the Minoxidil without all the hair that I do have in the way. Plus that way, I wouldn't have to see all the hair I'm shedding right now... lol But It's been a long time since I cut my hair short and I"m slightly worried as to what I'll look like with a shaved head at NW4.

Thoughts mates?


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Completely CLUELESS)

Your situation is very much like mine, same patterns of hair loss, the front is gone, much like myself....back and sides seem kinda thick from that angel.

well, i tried both Rogain and Propecia, rogain alone (as far as i understand) isnt effective when it comes to aggressive hair-loss, and im one of the "lucky ones" who had some sides from propecia, so peronally.. i wouldnt go with that, i give you what i think and you do with that whatever you want... since the front is gone, you lost the proportions of your face, without a solid hairline to frame your face there is no point to continue that battle, once its gone its gone... take comfort in the fact that you seem to have an aggressive hair loss so even with Propecia you probably couldn't halt it 100%... i say, shave it or buzz it down very close to the scalp, see how it looks, save yourself a buck, potential sides and a huge deal of headache...again, this is my own 2c's :)

wish you the best, i know how its like to lose you hair that early, lets hope they will give us some cure before we hit 40 :p ...:pint:


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Completely CLUELESS)

Okay gents, here's the update...

I saw my Doctor this morning and she prescribed the 1mg propecia or the 5mg generic, she wrote "either or" on my slip and gave me the choice at the pharmacy based on the cost with my insurance.

Propecia was $79 for 30 1mg pills
Generic was $9 for 30 5mg pills

I opted for the generic, of course. Was that smart? Also, what is the typical dosage? My doctor told me to break the 5 MG up into 4 pieces and take 1/4 each day. To me, my hairloss is quite agressive and I want to take the max dosage. Thoughts?

Also, IF I DO experience and side effects (mostly concerned with the sexu@l side effects), will they go away if I stop taking the pill? And should I stop taking my biotin supplement along with the minoxidil and propecia (and nizoral)? My Doctor seemed clueless.


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update)

Check that, it's 5 MG Proscar I'm cutting into fours... Same difference?


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update)

Proscar is made by the same people who make Propecia, so it's not a generic. You should be fine. I did get sides on proscar after 10 days but everything was back to normal within a week.


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update)

Okay here's what we'll call the two week update...

I decided to shave my head in hopes that the minoxidil would work better in the long run. THAT has had positive side effects as I got hit on my way more women that I'm used to at the bar last night, it was awesome. It actually doesn't look that bad, especially with a beard I've got going on. I tried to post pics on here, but it doesn't seem like the site is able to do so now.

My scalp is pretty peely already, but not overly itchy. A little, but not so much that I can't stand it...

5 days in and I couldn't tell that I had been taking proscar except for maybe STRONGER erections, I don't know, maybe it was just a good night...? LOL

I guess I'm cool if I don't have any progress because I like the way my head looks shaved, but if I do, that would be great.

I'll try to get new pics up soon.


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update)

Okay, it's only been three days since my last post, but I'm one week in to Proscar 1.25mg/day and I'm definitely feeling some sides. There is a persistent ache in the prostate area that I'm dealing with, but from what I read, I just need to stick it out, right?

Also, I've been on Minoxidil for a very short time, but I already see peach fuzz in my hairline area that were not there 2-3 weeks ago. I'll definitely be watching that...


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Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update)

I started finasteride a week ago too. No sides for me thus far. Still wake up in the same state I have for the past 30 years. Still able to perform. I felt very agressive one day which is unusual for me. I might have just been in a bad mood.

minoxidil for 5.5 months. I noticed peach fuzz early too. I don't know if it was new or if it was the all along and I just never saw it before because I wasn't looking. I am growing new hair though, I think. Not a lot, but enough to see a difference. It's a slow process. I've stopped checking closeup. I figure if I hop out of the shower, dry my hair, and it looks OK, thats what I'm after.

Good luck!



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Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update)

Here's the Pre Shave baseline...





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Re: KDL84's Story - (Big 3 Start Update)

While I may not have the best head shape for a shaved head, I definitely feel more confident with this look than the receeding, pushed forward, clean shaven look...





Established Member
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Re: KDL84 - 6 New Pics and comments on P.2 added 9/21/10

Dude, you look great with the buzz cut. And good luck with the treatments.
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Re: KDL84 - 6 New Pics and comments on P.2 added 9/21/10

You look MUCH better with a buzzed cut. You can actually the look off; and it does not seem as if you are losing that much hair with a buzzed cut.

If I were you, I would just take .5 mg of finasteride ED or EOD and just maintain what you have now. For generic and split in halves or quarters, Finpecia is extremely affordable [maybe $8-$12 a month]. But you look GREAT with a buzzed head.


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Re: KDL84 - 6 New Pics and comments on P.2 added 9/21/10

That buzz cut suits you. If I saw you out at a bar I'd probably cuss you out under my breath. "Why is it some guys bald and look like that when I look like I do?"

The big three are cheap enough where you can try them out for a year. See where it goes. I'd still keep the short hair. You look great. (I say this with a lifetime record of heterosexuality.)
