kc444's story (24/advanced diffuse) 4 month update



kc444 said:
I had to renew my driver's license today and there is such a huge difference. I had to post it. What makes it so shocking is that I was exactly FOUR years younger in the picture on the left and never started on any hair loss medications until five months ago. The reason it looked like I had a badly receding hair line in the one on the left is because the hair was so fine that it didn't show up in the picture.

Wow, you have reversed your hairloss to the state from more than 4 years back then!


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I never posted last months pictures because my haircut looked so bad. I'll be getting another one in a couple of days and posting the pics.

I'm not sure where I'm at right now. My hair is getting long so it's not looking great, but my sides aren't bulging out anymore which is a good thing. I'm not afraid of mirrors anymore. I've noticed some shedding lately though. Nothing serious really.. when I apply minoxidil I'll get maybe 5 hairs on my fingers. A couple of months ago I wasn't getting any though. I think some of it is because there is more hair to shed and also because minoxidil has a harder time reaching the scalp. I may up my night time application to 3mL. Furthermore.. I've been using finasteride from a research chemical company, so it's suspended in liquid. I try to shake it up every time I use it, but some is still stuck to the bottom. I'm getting near the bottom of my second bottle and the liquid is now white. It used to be pink. I'm wondering if my dosing is screwed up and I'm taking too little when I start the bottle (which may explain shedding two months ago) and too much at the end. Anyway, I'm going to order some pills instead because this concerns me. Is Cipla finasteride any good? I've heard good things and I've heard people question it. I've had Cipla products before and they seemed legit. I asked my normal doctor (a psychiatrist who prescribes my ADD meds) to prescribe it for me, but he said, "Oh no, you do not want to go on that drug. It have very serious side effects! Try Rogaine, it is same thing!" I hate doctors so I'd rather just get the pills myself.


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best MSM brand for hair growth?

which MSM brand u have been using?

which MSM brand is best?

i think it's hard to find pure MSM

is this ok if i go with Glucosamaine MSM?

i think it's mainly used for joint pains but i stay in india and it's really being hard for me to find pure MSM or any MSM brand which is specialiy designed for hairgrowth


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Congratulations kc444, you are the second guy who's gotten that much hair in so little time that I've noticed. You really look like you went back and became young again. We all wish for that kind of results when we are just as bald as you were.

If you don't mind I got some questions for you which I also asked another guy to see what's different in my life and the others, mainly those who've gotten results fast.

Now to the questions:
1. Do you have dandruff and if yes then was it before or after you started minoxidil?
2. If yes to dandruff then how do you deal with the dandruff? Do you apply anything on the scalp, scrap it off or just leave it alone?

I'm asking since when I get out of bath my scalp is dry, and I also get those big dandruff flakes. (Well I had those before too)
3. Do you take a shower every day? If yes then what time of the day and do you apply minoxidil after coming out?
4. If yes to shower then do you apply it the nizoral shampoo every day or do you use some other shampoo?

Now to some special questions that may irk you...so if you don't want to answer them then it's fine.
5. How's your sleeping rhythm? Do you get enough sleep? Do you stay up the night?
6. What about your eating habits? Do you eat healthy food or just fastfood most of the time? Do you miss out on any food times?

Last one is about exercising.
7. Do you exercise/train the body? If yes, how many times a week? Or do you just sit infront of the computer? If yes, how many hours a day?

Sorry for all these questions but I'm trying to compare my life with yours to see what I'm lacking and should add to my life.


8. What time of the day do you take propecia/finesteride and is it the same as the time when you started on it?

I wonder if it there's a difference in the levels of DHT and the time people take it.
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