Jwilson02's Story


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Ok, time to tell my lil story. I absolutely know that I dont have hairloss to a great degree. However, success at stopping hairloss is to hit it early and im sure some of you wish you had. So, im 23, began losing at around 20-21. My brother receded to about a NW4 and my twin brother has lost alot, probly Norwood 2 diffuse. I of course was losing as much as he was at first. However, i started procerin for about 6 months and i think that it helped with density. I was down to about a wierd Norwood 1-2 pattern when i decided to try and stop it. I was diffusing across the vertex as well and only could be seen with wet hair.

On March 21 I started finpecia 1mg a day. Nothing much and i really wanted to attack it so i added rogaine foam on April 4th, about one month ago. I also added nizoral about a week after and am taking 1 multivit a day.

Well 2 weeks into rogain foam and I friggin saw a nice little shed. If i hadnt been on here reading about it I certainly would have stopped! Im sooooooooooooooooooooo glad i havnt. Because not even 2 more weeks later and Its growing back past baseline! Ill be a Norwood 1 before i know it! Here are some pics. Also u cant see it, but the vertex is not even thin anymore when wet.

2 weeks rogaine

After One month finasteride/Rogaine/nizoral

Here is some regrowth u can see. I need to stop wrinklin my forhead. We all do that i think:)


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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good stuff man, you're right, tackling it as early as possible is the best course of action. Do you apply the foam all over or just on the tempkes?


Senior Member
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the second pic shows no hair loss, but pics can be deceiving.