JustinM's story


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I'm 34 now but I started receding in the temporal region at around 24 years I guess.
This continued gradually until during a stressful period of my life I developed a condition called Occipital Neuralgia which gave me sharp shingles-like pain over my scalp and I lost hair in patches as well as diffuse thinning.
I had this condition for about 5 years of my life with misery to match....thankfully it managed to subside of it's own accord/stress management etc.
As a result however I ended up with a shocking, messed up head of hair that was thin in parts and patchy.
It seemed that some grew back over time giving me back a degree of dignity.

About 12 months ago I started using Revivogen topical and the shampoo/conditioner as well.
I'm quite amazed by how effective it's been!

At first I was only applying it around the temporal region to see if I'd get any results at all...more as an experiment on myself I guess.
After about 2 months, fine vellus hairs appeared throughout my temple region which looked very encouraging, and the shampoo/conditioner did wonders for general improvement in daily hair appearance.

At around 10 months of Revivogen usage I noticed that the vellus hairs that were closest to my hairline began to get longer (but still remained blonde in appearance - my normal hair colour is brown).
Now they are about an inch in length, giving me like a blonde perimeter which looks quite cool I think. 8)

The hair further down my forehead (where my hairline used to be) is growing more vellus hairs now and up the side of my hairline the vellus hairs are getting longer in small tufts - it looks pretty funny.

I've since added finasteride to my regime now, since my hair on top/the crown has been thinning a fair amount. (I was on it at one stage for 8 months during the neuralgia attacks/hair loss period but it seemed sadly absurd to continue using it considering the amount of hair I was losing from that damned nervous condition).

Later I made the silly error of not applying revivogen topical to the vertex/crown area because it seemed okay at the time, but now progression has begun there too....so I'll see how effective Revivogen might be there, especially considering it's only recent thinning.

I also chose to add Folligen to my regime to hopefully see some more lengthening of those vellus hairs at a faster rate.

My hairloss history has been a pretty strange one what with the patchy hair loss from the neuralgia, so any kind of hair regrowth helps to lift my spirits.

I've read some varied reports about Revivogen use, but I can truthfully say that for me it's working quite well in the temple region....my supervisor at work even saw my head under the fluoro light at a particular angle and said 'What's with all the blonde hair appearing?!" He was totally baffled. :D



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Happy to hear about your success :D You are giving me hope. I'm probbably going to try Revivogen myself after hearing your story:)


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Best of success to you Montana. :wink:
I hope it works as well for you as it did for me.


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I don't know which item it might be in my regimen, or if it's the whole combination, but at the front of my hairline (at the tip of the widow's peak, I guess you might say) there are a large number of small 'dark' hairs coming through rather than the bountiful blonde vellus hairs.
A number of these are growing mighty quickly - I'm astonished! :shock:
This might be from the addition of the folligen close to a month ago, I'm not sure....or it could be the finasteride kicking them into a more realistic state of terminal hair growth rather than the dubious vellus state.

I don't know how I'll be going to handle these new hairs since they're right at the very front ahead of my hairline up to a centimetre. It'll probably look a little weird but I'm just so happy to see this happening! :)


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I'm happy to say that the side effects of propecia that I was experiencing for the first 4 months are now disappearing.
Thank God!

Waking up with a limp dick each morning is one of the most psychologically devastating things I've encountered in a while.

Now I wake up hard again, and sexual thoughts stimulate my member when it's flaccid....
I'm so pleased it was only temporary. :D

A downside of all this, but what seems to be common is the diffuse shedding I got at the 3-4 month mark, which certainly made me humbly grateful for what I had prior to the shed.
With patience and trust I'll get all of that back and then some more in time, hopefully.


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Can Minoxidil regrow hair so quickly?!

I added Minoxidil 5% nightly to my regimen in Mid August (now it's October 10th) and with the release of the Rogaine foam I also added a morning application of this to my regimen 2 weeks ago.
Just today I used a torch to light up the area in my temple region so I could see the progress and....... :freaked2: .....a number of the vellus hairs have shot up to about an inch...and the rest of the peach fuzz is getting longer all over the place now, like they've finally got the idea at last!

It could be the cumulative effects of both morning and nightly minoxidil applications but things have certainly been kick-started it seems.

Down side though - I've lost more and more hair on top which I guess is due to the extra exposure to minoxidil....hard to conceal with using any hair style now. :oops:
Am positive though that this loss will come back soon as it's mostly due to the minoxidil. You can actually see that the crown/vertex hair loss doesn't look 'natural', looks more induced.

More power to Rogaine foam!!!
I'm sold. :wink: :D


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Hey MW.

Gotta say that minoxidil must be working it's very best (in combination with all my other regimen stuff) since the vellus hair in my temple region is taking off like crazy - that is it's getting longer.

And the new hairs closest to my existing hair line are now light brown as opposed to blonde, creating a new lower hair line...s l o w l y......

Weird how its happening more so on my left side than the right, but I'm guessing that it's because the hair loss in that region was much more recent....I receded on my right side very early in life, followed by the left side.
How odd is that! :?

Anyway, now when I style/arrange my hair in the morning after Rogaine foam application I have like a phantom hairline there mimicking what I had in my late teens/twenties...getting longer and more abundant every day.

It's so enjoyable watching a work in progress...like a beautiful piece of art slowly approaching perfection.
Pretty happy with how things are going. :wink:

Forgot to also say that the sudden vertex/crown thinning that was most probably attributed to minoxidil, has (to all appearances) started to reverse as it's not as spooky to view using 2 mirrors.
My supervisor at work who takes a friendly interest in my regimen just said to me a few days ago "Your hair is thickening up all over!"
I didn't prompt him at all...he just noticed of his own accord.
Of course, the Rogaine foam helps with daily cosmetic appeal as well. 8)