just starting liquid minoxidil, have some questions


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sorry if these have been answered before, but theyre hard to search for.
First, you dont have to rub it in do you? When i rub it in it makes all my hair greasy, rather than if i just let it run a little bit.
Also, ive been using like 2.5ml since im using it all over the top of my scalp. is that too much? cause it feels like the right amount. afterward is your head still supposed to kinda feel damp for a while?


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u dont need to rub it out in youre hair, as long as it gets on youre scalp its ok.
i use alot more 2 then 1 ml, because thats mostly for front or back.
They have not concidert full topp usage in their dosage.. that way they alsow make more money on us difusers who use it all over :p


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yeah i figured that. after my 4th application my face got a little red that day. does that mean im putting too much on or is that just a side effect i cant control?


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Could be a side effect, some people get bloted face, and if it gets in the bloodstream it can elevate youre heart beate.
B/C minoxidil is usaly used internal as a heart medication


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if it is a side effect (it hasnt happened again since my last post) does that mean i should just use less?
also, does anyone happen to know the success rate for people on the Big 3?
Ive been on proscar for 2 months, nizoral 3 months, minoxidil a week. and im 19 years old. seems like i should have some success after a year right?