Just started Rogaine - Norwood 1.5-3ish?


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Just started Rogaine 5% Foam and Nizoral. I just noticed my receding hairline after I haircut in November. I've heard estimates of my hair anywhere from a Norwood 1.5 to 3, though it really depends on what angle you are looking at it.
Here are my pics:


I've read enough on here and other sites about how Rogaine Foam is good for the hairline, and that its side effects aren't that harsh. What should I expect? Any tips on how to best apply it? I'm thinking after I shower in the afternoon (late riser, in college) and then once again at night? Should I do it right in the morning? How should I use the Nizoral in conjunction with this.

Also, it doesn't like like I have any "vellus" hairs, does it, do I?

I've been looking in the mirror for like 10 minutes a day and worrying since November when I first noticed my hairline had gone back a bit. Definetely feels good that even if I'm not actually balding, I'm taking some preventive action and being active about it.



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i think its worth it in you case to try the foam on the hairline/temples. As long as you dont rub it into the top of your head. I say that because it looks like you have pretty thick/long hair and if you want to put minoxidil everywhere youd probably benefit more from using the dropper to make sure it reaches the scalp. But id say go for it for the rogaine foam on the temples and hairline, some might say not to but its always a risk either way. If you want to be safe and dont trust the foam just use the liquid.