Just started Revivogen


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Yes finasteride/Minoxidil/Keto-shampoo
I used Lipogaine Minoxidil and it caused me some serious shedding so i freaked out and stopped
I forgot to mention I always use Keto-shampoo (regenpure/nizoral/Lipogaine (big 3 version)

Now it comes to finasteride, soooooo many people have posted scare tactics, and all sorts of other things I run from it. I never tried it, and I don't know if I will. Also I am a bodybuilder and I have competed (deployments sorta screwed me) but I will be on stage again. I sorta keep my identity hidden by scratching out the face because I don't want people thats seen me on stage know im on here. ANYHOW, I do believe some people may have had sexual side effects...Im not going to deny that. HOWEVER I believe those cases are extremely RARE. This is my problem....I am a huge believer on the mind and placebo effects...and because the internet has already scared the living **** out of me on finasteride...im afraid my brain will make the negativity true. Just like in bodybuilding...its all about using your mind to build muscle and staying positive. I believe its the same with hair to a degree...if I take a pill and hype myself to believe my dick will stop...then my body will react.


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Minor sexual side effects are more common on finasteride than you maybe think, but for me it's basically a 30% reduction in sensitivity in the penis. Weight training helps though, and my libido has always been high regardless. If I don't take finasteride for a few days that reduction in sensititvity goes away...So my advice to you if you start taking finasteride is take a smaller amount, 0.5 is ideal, this is what I do and somedays I don't even take finasteride and i've been doing this for years now


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Petchsky thank you for sharing that, I also just saw your blog and I appreciate you sharing your story with us. You are so right about not letting hairloss stress you out. Also id say you are a true testament to somebody that decided to control their hairloss instead of letting it defeat them. Right now I have long hair, and I grow it out because longer hair is easier to detect the fall-out ratio. Right now im less than 50 hairs a day, some-days like today its more like 20 hairs total. (I keep it in a loose du-rag and only take it out before shower and bed) I am doing this as a test. I am in an environment that nobody cares what you look like so I can get away with these studies.

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BackofheadSide.jpgTopCrown.jpg See now its long hair and as you can see from the photos, virtually no more hairloss.


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Nice, hair looks damn greasy there though, pics would be better with dry hair


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My Regimen
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Hey I just started Revivogen about two days ago as well. I had some positive results last year while I was on it for three months and hope it will be the same again. Have you gotten any good results so far? Could you post before/after pics please?


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Hey I just started Revivogen about two days ago as well. I had some positive results last year while I was on it for three months and hope it will be the same again. Have you gotten any good results so far? Could you post before/after pics please?

Yes Dehoha after Newyears and such I shall keep this tracking progress going. My new regime is using Revivogen at night before bed, and crinagen during the day. So far I am happy with it. Also It appears to be much confusion about the ingredients in Revivogen, and also how to properly use it. So I took the liberty of taking pictures of the Revivogen package I ordered.Revivogen1.jpgRevivogen2.jpgRevivogen3.jpgRevivogen4.jpg
I hope these pictures will help clear up some of that confusion. I will try to get new pictures of my progress in a few weeks, maybe a month. We all know progress takes time, and honestly I believe my secret is the double application. Hitting the scalp with Revivogen at night + Crinagen in the day keeps everything in check. Also using that Keto-shampoo 2 times a week + LLLT has been the cherry on top !

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Also before I started this I was mostly a LLLT + spironolactone + Crinagen only user. Now that my hair is long (long enough to go into a pony tail) I can monitor the fall out rate easier. I noticed I am in the < 40 hairs a day now. I am no scientist but I am going to stop using the topical spironolactone cream for now. Does anybody in here believe the body can build up a resistance or tolerance for a certain drug ? If that is the case...if I stop using topical spironolactone for a few months then maybe that would be a good product to introduce back later on to cycle.

Now if the time comes I have to cycle off Revivogen + Crinagen (remember their formulas are very similar) I believe I may try Eucapil "Fluridil" I hear people have had good success on that as well but I have no clue. By the way I have stopped taking minoxidil all together...the shedding was too much for me. Psychologically it stressed me out too much to watch that much hair falling out.


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Hey mate, I was on finasteride for 14 months and then dutasteride for 4 months and quit due to excessive shedding during the whole period and an onset of ED which has since gone away but it took nearly 6 months! I was shedding even worse as you would expect after I stopped the drugs but after about two months off of them my shedding slowed down and now I don't shed much at all, I started using revivogen probably two months ago and use keto shampoo every second day with the revivogen shampoo and conditioner between keto days and I have also been using a laser helmet for a year or so 3 times a week, revivo seems to be possibly slowing it down but I am not holding my breath I can only hope but I will keep this thread posted, I am diffuse all over with slight recession so fingers crossed and goodluck!


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DarkVctry, please keep update this post. I am very interested in all these side-free treatments.
If you can maintain your hair by these side-free treatments (Revivogen, spironolactone cream), that will mean a lot to many of us who don't willing to take finasteride.


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DarkVctry, please keep update this post. I am very interested in all these side-free treatments.
If you can maintain your hair by these side-free treatments (Revivogen, spironolactone cream), that will mean a lot to many of us who don't willing to take finasteride.

Sure thing guys I will be happy to keep my results updated, but please keep in mine you may not hear from me at weeks or even months at at time. The reason being is...I just enjoy my days of no shedding and don't really feel the need to be lurking on forums all day. I have noticed alot of guys are depressed and continue to lurk or troll forums constantly because they are not getting the results they want.
My photos speak volumes, and the lack of shedding speaks more. I believe revivogen by itself may not be enough, reason being. Revivogen instructs you to apply once per day. Well I can see revivogen keeping DHT at bay for 12 hours....but what about the other 12 hours during the day ? Well I decided for those 12 hours I shall use Crinagen (alchohol free). I also cycle spironolactone on the hairline here and there (deciding to stop spironolactone after doing it for over 3 years to see if i built a tolerance)
Lets think logically for a moment...if a product truly worked and people are having success...they might not be all over these forums as much. I do know of some great users on this forum who do share their stories such as El_dut, but guys like him are few and far in between. LASERS in my opinion gives me that elite combo. Now ive noticed if you go to any hairloss forum and mention anything about lasers or revivogen then they are ready to lynch you. Its the most heated discussions across any forum. However just watch that TV show called "The Doctors" they will even show you patients that made a 100% recovery with lasers.
Id say in my case there is only 2 theories for my maintenance/recovery.
1st) I was never balding in the first place, possibility had my hairloss and diffuse due to stress and now stress is gone.
2nd) The spironolactone+lasers+crinagen+revivogen+keto shampoo really works.

So there you have it, I take pix a couple times a month (took lots this December) I want to wait until around March to take more, obviously im going to take pix in between. However I believe 3 month increments are the way to go. I am mostly doing this out of the kindness of my heart...I truly believe alot of people that find their cure are just so happy to go on with their lives they abandon this forum. Quite honestly I don't blame them...very much negativity on here I sometimes contemplate whether I even want to log on at times.
Last night when I took a shower and ran a wide tooth comb through my long hair...I saw no hairs on the comb. I used normal shampoo / conditioner on my head as I washed and maybe saw 3 hairs total. In my entire adult life...ive never witnessed such a thing before. Whatever is happening I just want it to stay that way...I am not going to argue with anybody. Its working for me so thats all that matters. I even had a troll tell me "well maybe that formula only works with your body" Well my response to that is...well then bless the hair Gods for making these products just for me.

Also since I wont be on here for a few days, I want to talk about ED. I am glad your erections are coming back...honestly Id never ever risk erections over hair. Id gladly razor shave my head to keep my amazing hard-ons and hard body physique. I work out alot and live a healthy lifestyle...I am an amature bodybuilder and I have competed against competitors you've seen in magazines before. Let me give all you men on here a secret.....if you can't have a great head of hair...then get a damn good six-pack. I GUARANTEE you that the women would much rather have that...you will appear more masculine, and dominant, and manly. Do not let hairloss get you down, also if all else fails and you want hair...just get a hair transplant. My uncle (who was in Muscle and Fitness back in the early 90's) was also a bodybuilder but he lost all his hair (I wont lie he did steroids) but he saved up about 14 grand and just got a hair transplant. Now into his 50's he has a hairline still, obviously its not Fabio hair...but for a man in his 50's he has hair. So please guys take that into consideration...stress and depression is a factor of hairloss. I am not depressed nor am I stressing. If I lost all my hair tomorrow...then I know I could still bic it down, grow a goatee and my body will still be one of the best looking ones at the beach that afternoon. Women don't want pretty boys...they want MEN.
Vin Diesel
Bruce Willis
Sean Connery
Steve Austin
Jason Statham
The Rock
Patrick Stewart (he rocks that look at his age)
Andre Aggasi (they say he looks better bald than his old long mullet)
Kelly Slater (famous surfer)
Chris Daughtry
John Travolta (he looked badass once he just shaved it)
The list can go one...but all of these men I named off have CONFIDENCE. They are confident and comfortable in their own skin. Not all of them had to be muscle bound either, you can be masculine without being muscle bound. The point is women love MANLY MEN ! So for all my brothers out there fighting your hairloss...don't become depressed, soft, and irritable over your hairloss while doping up on drugs to turn you into a pussy. Become a man and embrace having a hard c*** and a manly face to go with it. Drop some weight and get that chiseled jaw to show up, rock some good clothes. Dammit just don't throw your man-hood away for hair...okay I am off my soap box now. My dick works better than it did at 18, I would never trade it for nothing !

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My last caveat before I depart this forum today. If you are on finasteride or dutasteride or some type of chemical drug...and you are NOT getting sides. Well then good for you. You are one of those lucky ones that Is a good responder. I am not going to tell you to stop a drug that is holding what you have and not giving you sides. I am merly trying to help out those men who get sides and wish to still be men.

Internals I recommend for that is Toco-8, or Stinging Nettle. Both proven to reduce DHT and estrogen. Key word...AND ESTROGEN.