Just over a month on Fincar


New Member
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Hey all.
I've been on Fincar since 21st November 2006 (1.25mg daily). Since starting I noticed an increased shed. It is of course impossible to tell whether my hair loss which appears to be very aggressive would have proceeded this way regardless of Fincar. A week ago I shaved my head, clean. I just got tired of moving my hair around to cover the patches, which had become impossible. My hair has started to grow back and I am amazed and the affected area. I thought I had a small patch on the top and a slight receeding hairline, along with thinning in the front area. The reality is that the top/back of my head is almost completely bald, diffused thinning all over except the lower back and sides. I'm in shock, and I feel terrible. I didn't think it'd gotten this bad. I'm gonna stick with Fincar, might as well at this point. Any comments and advice would be much appreciated. Good luck to all.


Experienced Member
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Get on minoxidil asap. Its the best thing you can do to regrow new hair and thicken up your existing ones. You will see that you will probably be amazed by the results.


Experienced Member
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minoxidil is likely to cause more shedding though before regrowth starts. sheds are inevitable. u just have to give them time and ride it out.


New Member
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What sort of minoxidil do people on here tend to purchase, and where from? Is there a cost effective generic brand?