Just lol at the "20 years on cucksteride" guy


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Daily reminder that every time you talk with @20YearsOnFin you're talking with someone who has practically no sperm in his testicles. It's pretty much a given that Finasteride destroys your sperm production and induces aspermia over time, thus all Finasteride users suffer from watery semen from the first week. Now imagine how fucked that guy's testicles are after 20 years of being on Finasteride

Sperm is the source of vitality and masculinity in men, it's what gives life basically. As a man your balls are the most important things you have for a reason, and it's because they're used to produce sperm and help you impregnate women. Knowing this, can you still call someone like @20YearsOnFin who has practically no sperm at all a man? He might as well remove his dick and install a tap instead at this point from how watery his semen must be


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Paging @Pigeon , bro remember that reddit thread by that guy on finasteride who had his fertility tested. His sperm levels were pretty much obliterated only after a short while of being on.

It's case dependent of course, but down the line everyone will have a lower count


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I am disgusted by semen, but after reading the horrible sides of finasteride I am proud of my loads filled with that whiteness


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Daily reminder that every time you talk with @20YearsOnFin you're talking with someone who has practically no sperm in his testicles. It's pretty much a given that Finasteride destroys your sperm production and induces aspermia over time, thus all Finasteride users suffer from watery semen from the first week. Now imagine how fucked that guy's testicles are after 20 years of being on Finasteride

Sperm is the source of vitality and masculinity in men, it's what gives life basically. As a man your balls are the most important things you have for a reason, and it's because they're used to produce sperm and help you impregnate women. Knowing this, can you still call someone like @20YearsOnFin who has practically no sperm at all a man? He might as well remove his dick and install a tap instead at this point from how watery his semen must be

he still gets more action than you


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I'm almost a 22 yo virgin and i just don't care anymore since there's no hope or point anyway

Nice cope guys keep them coming.

btw @cailliou

How's your quest to pop that cherry?, making any progress? or you still on course to be a Virgin at 23?
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Nice cope guys keep them coming.

btw @cailliou

How's your quest to pop that cherry?, making any progress? or you still on course to be a Virgin at 23?

It's not a cope tbh, taking finasteride pretty much guarantees you'll have a lower sperm count.

But what else can you do ? I'm sipping minoxidil from the bottle so I can't say much. You have to chose your poison


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It's not a cope tbh, taking finasteride pretty much guarantees you'll have a lower sperm count.
Lol......Its a cope when directed at guy's like @debyne @300 and myself though, who already have kid's, especially when the OP is by a Virgin.

Anyway, don't think there is many people left on here to have any sensible discussions, so we may as well all just stick to the trolling.
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Nice cope guys keep them coming.

btw @cailliou

How's your quest to pop that cherry?, making any progress? or you still on course to be a Virgin at 23?
"Muh virgin" "muh no sexual success"

The typical shitty "insult" for anyone who can't defend themselves for sh*t

You still have no sperm and can never impregnate a woman and your estrogen levels are higher than prime, fertile women


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"Muh virgin" "muh no sexual success"..........The typical shitty "insult" for anyone who can't defend themselves for sh*t
There's no defense to being a Virgin at your age, there's no need for me to shame you any further.


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Are you going to up your game Caillou? this is like children's hour?


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There's no defense to being a Virgin at your age, there's no need for me to shame you any further.
There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, it has nothing to do with how good or bad people are. However, there's tons of things wrong with a "man" destroying his sperm and testicles voluntarily and defending it


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There's nothing wrong with being a virgin,
I didn't say there is anything wrong with it,

but It give's me and the 1 other reader here the inclination that you are likely to be one of life's losers.


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I didn't say there is anything wrong with it,

but It give's me and the 1 other reader here the inclination that you are likely to be one of life's losers.
No it doesn't, there are literal murders and rapists who aren't virgins. The worst scumbags in history weren't virgins. If you argue that those guys are not losers because they had sex despite their actions then you need to check your moral compass


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If you argue that
I'm not arguing anything, mine and many other members opinion, is you are one of life's losers, and that's never going change regardless how many times you reply.


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I'm not arguing anything, mine and many other members opinion, is you are one of life's losers, and that's never going change regardless how many times you reply.
Yes you did argue that you dumbfuck, you literally kept jumping around like a clown on this forum trying to shame me for being a virgin like it means anything at all

Your cognitive functions must be beyond fucked from the tranny pills you gope on everyday