Just got finasteride - Is my dermatolgist crazy???


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Hi, I've been lurking for awhile. This forum is great, everyone is extremely helpful.
I've been losing hair for the last few months and decided to go to a dermatologist today. He recommended propecia and sold me 60 tablets for $100 (seems like a decent price). However, he said he's not allowed to prescribe more than 3 months at a time, which means I have to seem him every 3 months!! Is that normal?? I have very minimal insurance, so it means I'd have to pay for all those appointments.

So my question is: How long were you able to get propecia without having to revisit the doctor? 6 months, 1 year, longer?

He also tried to sell me some thickening shampoo that was $35 for a tiny bottle...he said it contained extra strong "protein-coating" ingrediants that aren't allowed over the counter. Anybody heard of anything like this?



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Bro, my doctor gave me 3 months worth for free and gave me a 6 month prescription on top of that. He didnt try to sell me anything and told me that if after 12 months i didnt see any progress that we would re-evaluate my situation. Sounds to me like your doctor was a bit unethical, but I could be wrong.

Take care,


$100 of Merck Brand Proscar (finasteride/propecia) at places like QHI will give you 280 doses (around 9.3 months)


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I'd look for a new Dr. That's BS.
The guy I went to prescibed me a years worth and didn't charge for an office visit. He also didn't try to sell me anything or try to get me to do a hair transplant. He's a hair transplant Dr.......Might as well give him a plug. Dr. Bernstein in NJ.


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I may be a hairloss beginner. But I do know that getting some Proscar from a site that dosent require a doctor seems like the way to go.

I tried http://www.111drugstore.com

It has only been a few days so it has not arrived, but I have heard good things.


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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. This is really helpful to hear. Looks like I won't be going back to this doctor.

When I went, he refused to do any tests or even look at my hair...he just said "if you say you're losing it, I'll take your word for it." Isn't he supposed to look at a strand with a microscope, do a hair pull test, and things like that? This guy is supposed to be one of the best dermatologists in Chicago....won "Chicago doctor of the year", etc., etc, etc. I asked him if he could do these tests and he just refused. I definitely won't be going back to him, think I'll just try a general physican or order proscar online like you guys suggested.

Molecular Help

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I wouldn't recommend a general practioner... they're famous for not knowing a thing about male pattern baldness. Mine couldn't tell at all, just "took my word for it" as well. She said I didn't have it and that I possibly had some hair loss in what looked like "a scar" or alopecia areata... basically it was just a point at which my hair changed direction.

Her only reccomendation was that I use t-gel and come back in a few months... sure glad I started up a real regimen.

Try and see another dermatologist... the one you had sucked but only a dermatologist will be able to help you out. Just got to find a good one (get lucky I guess).



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longhair said:
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. This is really helpful to hear. Looks like I won't be going back to this doctor.

When I went, he refused to do any tests or even look at my hair...he just said "if you say you're losing it, I'll take your word for it." Isn't he supposed to look at a strand with a microscope, do a hair pull test, and things like that? This guy is supposed to be one of the best dermatologists in Chicago....won "Chicago doctor of the year", etc., etc, etc. I asked him if he could do these tests and he just refused. I definitely won't be going back to him, think I'll just try a general physican or order proscar online like you guys suggested.

Well, that is his problem.....EGO! Bro, go to a different doctor that will listen to you. If you pay for a service, especially health care, you deserve to be listened to and your concerns should be taken seriously. This crap of "if you say you're losing it, Ill take your word for it" isnt going to cut it. Time to try a new venue.

Good luck,
Tony Montana


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Dr's will suggest 3 months as a minimum so you can give him some feedback if any side effects occur. Theres no way he would extend an unneccesary prescription if you complained of testical aches and other sexual side effects.

My Dr suggested the same limitations with promises that if i'm happy with the treatment he'd prescribe it for a longer period.
