Just curious how everyone felt.


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I see everyone on here trying there hearts out to keep what hair they have and even regrow some. Im one of them. But my question is if the only way to keep our hair is with a hair transplant why dont more ppl do it? Basically why waste our time taking these drugs risking our health notknowing how we will end up 10 years from now and invest that time and money into a hair transplant and just be done with the whole thing? Maybe there is something i dont know and you guys can shed some light on it.


Airforce1 said:
I see everyone on here trying there hearts out to keep what hair they have and even regrow some. Im one of them. But my question is if the only way to keep our hair is with a hair transplant why dont more ppl do it? Basically why waste our time taking these drugs risking our health notknowing how we will end up 10 years from now and invest that time and money into a hair transplant and just be done with the whole thing? Maybe there is something i dont know and you guys can shed some light on it.

um, because if you get a hair transplant and are not finished balding yet, and your original non-transplanted hair continues to fall out at a decent pace, your transplant will look ridiculous. you'll have an island of hair in front and a gap between that and the rest of the hair as it recedes/diffuses. unless you're like an nw6/nw7 and getting a transplant from that point, you need meds to make sure you don't lose any more of your native hair.


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This might be a dumb question but as you progress balding. Cant they keep filling in the gaps so do say. Im sure thats not the correct term but i im sure you know what i mean.


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Having surgery is a pretty extreme measure thats why for most guys its the last resort obviously with the treatments available nowadays its easier to try the non surgical route.
A ethical surgeon will not work on you unless you have already halted your hairloss with finasteride/dutasteride.

BTW its not possible to perform a hair transplant on a nw7 there is simply not enough donor, even a nw6 can only expect a limited result.


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Yeah i understand about the donor hair. im currently at a Norwood 1.5 progressing to a nw2 i started losing hair a little over a year ago. I know im going to be bald b/c my father is bald and so on. I just rather not risk my health for something cosmetic like hair so the propecia is out of the question regardless of how minimal the risk are. I am considering rogaine. But i figured since my hair is still in decent shape they could possibly begin the transplant now and fill in as needed. But i assume it does not work as easily as i thought.


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air force 1, if you have the money and the faith go for the transplant and keep adding to it ,if and when you need to ,don't listen to these guys who say ,but what if you lose more hair well you will still have tyhe transplanted hair.Some of these guys would have you wait until you are a norwood 7 or something before deciding on surgery,anything is better than baldness.Baldness is the devils work or is a way that god lets you know that he does not like you


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your scalp is being damaged by DHT. That is not life threatening, but it is not healthy, either.


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just wait a year to see if you are stable. your chances of finasteride stopping your hair loss are very good. just use finasteride and nizoral, and then lower your hairline if you want to, but not before.


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1/3 of men just get their loss slowed down a bit by the 1 year mark. But with nizoral, I'm sure that figure would improve. and you can try apple poly.

just don't get grafts between thin hairs. Only put them on fresh scalp, so you don't get shock loss. Let the finasteride regrow the thin stuff. and make sure you get a Doctor who does not give you a big scare.


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I understand your concerns but I wish I'd known about finasteride/dutasteride when I was at a earlier stage of hairloss because I've seen cases where guys had aggressive loss and it stopped in its tracks and has maintained for years. If you're not going to use treatments you will probably be going for surgeries couple of years or so for the next decade. Also remember is you're family trait is to be nw6 or 7 then maybe you are not suitable for transplants. Either way getting a low nw1 hairline transplanted is always a bad idea, the golden rule when it comes to hair transplant's is to be very conservative with your donor.


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yeah my father is pretty much completly bald. Well like i said propecia and the possibilty of sides are really out of the question for me. I been using nizoral for about 6 months now and i guess i will just add rogaine and see where that takes me in the comming years. I know my hair loss will progress then i figure when i get more deeply into i can get a conservative transplant that will last me for the rest of my life.


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antonio666 said:
air force 1, if you have the money and the faith go for the transplant and keep adding to it ,if and when you need to ,don't listen to these guys who say ,but what if you lose more hair well you will still have tyhe transplanted hair.Some of these guys would have you wait until you are a norwood 7 or something before deciding on surgery,anything is better than baldness.Baldness is the devils work or is a way that god lets you know that he does not like you

Crazy, irrational advice...


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Hair Transplant really helps when you have temple recession...okey...the transplanted hair has not much density, but thats concealers for..but if you dont have hair at all in the temples, then you can not hide them...!

But, you can not compare hair transplant to treatments like finasteride-Nizoral etc. The former is to add more hair and the latter to delay further loss.
But, because I had a transplant on the temples (1900 euros) which helped me ..I wouldnt consider to start any expensive treatment to regrow hair or further fill the temples (i.e. Rogaine Foam..) cause I can save this money and have another hair transplant..

But, let me say that hair transplant is really scary...especially when you havent done it before... :freaked2:


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Airforce1 said:
Well like i said propecia and the possibilty of sides are really out of the question for me.

Why dont you at least try it? The vast majority of users get no sides at all, those who do just make sure people know about it. I've used both finasteride and dutasteride without experiencing any.


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s.a.f said:
Airforce1 said:
Well like i said propecia and the possibilty of sides are really out of the question for me.

Why dont you at least try it? The vast majority of users get no sides at all, those who do just make sure people know about it. I've used both finasteride and dutasteride without experiencing any.

To be honest with you the sides really scare me. Ive done extensive reserach and even tho its rare i dont want to risk it. I have read stories of ppl experiencing the sides and once they stop the medication never return to normal. And me at 23 years old running the risk of sexual side effects in my prime i dont want to mess with. And the man boobs are icing on the cake. I notice your an experience poster so im sure you have way more experience with this then i do. So do you think if i stick with the rogaine and nizoral i should keep most of my hair for the next couple of years?


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To be honest probably not. :( . Meds are by far the most effective treatment for stopping further hairloss. If you get sexual side effects the chances of them continuing for more than a week if you stop using the meds are practicly zero. Many people who experience sides shortly after taking meds find that their bodies adjust after a week or so and they go away.
(I'm starting to sound like a salesman now are'nt I) :lol:


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ok, so you are getting bent out of shape at less than 3%, goodluck to you then with any future medications or other procedures in risking unwanted or adverse effects because i know of nothing lower


Another problem with hair transplants is that they often don´t look natural and offer bad density. Thin hair is only slightly better than no hair.

But I think the Rogaine/Nizoral regimen is underrated. I think you might maintain your hair for a few more years.

Good Luck!


Taugenichts said:
But I think the Rogaine/Nizoral regimen is underrated. I think you might maintain your hair for a few more years.

rogaine wont maintain any hair. it will simply maybe give him some regrowth to mask his continuing loss. rogaine/nizoral is a pretty weak regimen, and it's nothing compared to even finasteride alone.


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JayMan said:
Taugenichts said:
But I think the Rogaine/Nizoral regimen is underrated. I think you might maintain your hair for a few more years.

rogaine wont maintain any hair. it will simply maybe give him some regrowth to mask his continuing loss. rogaine/nizoral is a pretty weak regimen, and it's nothing compared to even finasteride alone.

Thats right, JayMan! finasteride is by far the most effective hair loss therapy. Even alone works better than any compination of other lotions, sampoos etc. However, after 2.5 years in finasteride, I am thinking that maybe I have to stop it in the coming year, if I see that I have a problem in bed...I dont hear rumours...I just want to see how it will be my "performance"..(currently starting a relationship..).

Taugenicts, you are right that transplanted hair has bad density..but dont forget the way that you can transform them with a compination of Dermatch and Hair so Real (or other fibers product). But, no hair..no help from concealers..