Just buzzed my hair, What can you see?


Senior Member
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you lost density on top of your head. You're a classic male pattern baldness suffer. Get on meds now.

James Cole

Reaction score
I really don't want to use finasteride right now, I have never had a hairloss regime before so I want to see what can Revita/DNC/MSM can do for me, If results are not as expected (thickening of the top of scalp) then I will try finasteride.

I am 24 and during my highschool years I was much worse than I am now, and in my life Ive been trough sheds and recovery with no treatment at all, I hope this is one of those times, I just want to give my hair a little push to get back to normal or better.

I will keep you guys posted with results. Thanks!


Experienced Member
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ok good luck mate, but i think you're making a mistake not getting on finasteride.


Senior Member
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I admire his optimism but I think he's deluding himself, get on meds.


i dont know what you mean with "my hair was worse in high school", but if its true and you had some sheds before maybe its good to try this "soft" regimen. why do you need one anyway in this case?

best is , ask your dad , and your grandfathers if they got hairloss or just look at them and ask them when it started for them. so you get an idea if you actually have male pattern baldness.

but if you have , then get on finasteride asap. time is hair.

if you dont want to get on a "hard" regimen, then maybe add eucapil to your regimen. it doesnt have side effects and can alone stop your hair loss. in combination with the rest you use it could do the trick.

good luck , mate.