jordan 23's story


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i started losing my hair at 18. i was in denial for awhile but then accepted what was happening to me. About 8 months into my hair loss journey i found this site and learned about the big three. i quickly went to my derm and got propecia and about one month later i got some rogaine liquid and nizoral. I was dealing with miniturization all over the top of my head and i had more prominent thinning behind the middle of my hair line. five months into my treatment my hair had improved alot. the miniturization was totally reversed and my thinning section in front was alot smaller. I started having a rash side effect and stopped using liquid rogaine. it didnt go away so i went down to .5 mg of propecia the side effect was gone but i started to shed. at about month 6 i started foam cuz i thought it would be much less of a hassle applying it. at month 9 my hair was worse than month 5 and i really didnt want to wait it out plus with liquid i was seeing regrowth at month 3 so i went back to liquid. when i went to liquid i was applying to much 2ml each app and i started to get the rash all over my body. went down to 1 ml each app and the side went away. Now that i know that using to much liquid was giving me the rash and it wasnt propecia do you guys think i should go back to 1 mg propecia. i know everybody says .5 is as good as 1mg but im worried because i think im seeing more brownish colored hair and even some blonds and before male pattern baldness i had black hair. although i dont really shed many hairs daily so thats a good sign. what do ya think?


Senior Member
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Well great story first of all and welcome! As far as buying Propecia/Proscar the best way obviously is get a prescription from your Doctor. I have bought from United Pharmacies and Inhouse in the past but now just get a script. As far as the dose, I would stay with 1 mg of finasteride if you can handle any sides you may get, that is what is proven and tested. Others here do cut the dose and get results but I stay with what is prescribed for hair loss. Hope this helps and good luck!