Jason Alexander: Transplant or Bad Hair Piece?

Smoky Vertigo

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I would definitely be skeptical of Jason Alexander ever getting an hair transplant since being bald is part of his persona and I know he has wore a hair system in Shallow Hal however this is highly suspicious. It is very thin in the front. Maybe he got some work done in the front and is wearing just a hairpiece in the back?? He definitely does not have enough hair at NW6 or NW7 for a full transplant like that.


http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/15be7b ... -alexander


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Definitely a piece in shallow hal matey. How could 'George' ever have hair....wouldnt work for me.


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An hair transplant maybe? It is not a big work, the hairline is past the NW3 line and it seems like it has very little density, probably looks better because it's combed back

I would say it is a hairpiece, but are there any systems with hair thinning?


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That looks weird. Probably a piece but I'm baffled as to why he would be suddenly wearing one or why he would even bother with a transplant at this point.

Btw, he was using Toppik in Shallow Hal. It was kind of a running joke for the character and they showed him sprinking it on in at least one scene and then he smeared it at the end.


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This video just creeped me out. I'm a huge Seinfeld fan, watch it all the time. Seeing Alexander with hair is weird after all these years.


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This is a sketch right? :dunno:
Unless I'm very wrong and someone can post some more new footage of him looking like this.
You're not seeing the real Jason Alexander here he has'nt decided to start doing something after all these years, he's playing a character in the sketch and for some reason they obviously wanted that character to have a bit of hair.

Nashville Hairline

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dudemon said:
Doesn't anyone remember the Seinfeld episode when George was wearing a hair piece?

(BTW, I could never figure out why Jerry wasn't all over Elaine?!?! ... I would have hit that so hard! Is it just me, or does anyone else think "Elaine" is/was extremely hot?)
I think in the series Jerry and Elaine used to date but had settled into the platonic relationship of the show ...and I agree she was/is very attractive

As for the video, it looks like they've just put a wig on him so he could have a more slick salesman look for the sketch. I don't think he's had a hair transplant, I googled some 2011 pics of him and he's still as bald as the George Costanza we know and love.


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TBH, he is one of the those guys with or without hair dose not make much difference.


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Is it a hair transplant combined with a concealor applied behind the hairline to give it a thinning natural look.