It's Not Me, It's Them... Or Maybe Vice Versa?


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Honestly, I think this is pretty typical for a lot of salons, or at least a lot of salon staff - near enough is good enough. They don't care about your look as much as you do. Also, if they are used to dealing with a predominantly female clientele, they are not as attuned to the need for undetectability as you probably are, because women tend to more relaxed about people knowing they wear. In the medium term the solution is to use the opportunity of this contract to learn about the techniques and adhesives, so that you become comfortable enough to do your own maintenance.

In the short term I would suggest you just need to hold them to a higher standard. If the hairpiece has been stretched so that it is no longer a snug fit, that's their problem, and they should be putting it right. You are paying all this money so that when you leave their salon you have a head of hair which looks and feels natural. I bet that's what it says on their advertising materials. Again, if you have wrinkles in the attachment, that's not good enough, and you should make them do it again until it's right. Can you talk to the salon manager and get them to give you a more meticulous stylist?

I'm guessing this is a stock skin system?
