It's not cancer, not HIV.. but it is a curse...


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i've always been wanting to write here but have been very lazy.. so im finally doing it.
im almost 28 (march 11) started losing hair at 17...
propecia never has worked, neither avodart so have been on and off with both
now have been again 9 months w propecia and shedding continues.. avodart works worse for me.. tried prp and nothing... started a month ago rogaine as well so we'll see if it works or not.
I have had a hair transplant, about 3500 grafts and looks great. despite the fact that it's been almost 11 years losing hair, thaks to the hair transplant nobody notices my baldness - i think im Norwood 3 without taking into account the transplant. my hairsyle also helps a lot because it's blonde curly and thick so nobody really sees my hairloss.
Despite this, i have lost so much hair and my hairline is terrible and i know how much better i'll look with more hair.
it just pisses me off that it took 1988 years to come out with shitty rogaine, then 9 years for propecia and its been 11 years WITHOUT ANYTHING NEW.
how is it possible ? i know they cant come up w an hiv vaccine because it has mutations blah blah blah
but hairloss? really c'mon!!! they know what causes it and the process and everything, yet they cant come up with a permanent solution to this disease??
i really see no sense to it... and the 5 companies or so working on it won't have sh*t till for at least 4 years!
im just tired of when i finish swimming having to get the towel quickly so i can get my hair dry and hide the baldness, of being constantly aware of my hair, and seeing the bald spots all the time.
science is terrible with hair and i just thing it could be so easy to find a solution, a silver bullet... if they've been able to clone a sheep, revolutionize internet and many things more, how come they just cant come up with a good permanent solution to hair loss?

plainly stupid.


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Good point.

I never really paid much attention to my hair, until just recently. I noticed some mild receding at the temples last month and have been on finasteride and rogaine for the past 16 days now. When I asked my doctor about realistically 'how long until we can expect a cure for this?', he reassured me by saying that they would be a cure 'very soon'. Without going into great detail, he was saying how a cancer drug was being tested on a rat and even though the cancer drug did not work, hair grew on the rat...and continued to grow. Testing was too preliminary for humans and who really knows if this is bullshit, but I do trust this man.


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DTW said:
Good point.

I never really paid much attention to my hair, until just recently. I noticed some mild receding at the temples last month and have been on finasteride and rogaine for the past 16 days now. When I asked my doctor about realistically 'how long until we can expect a cure for this?', he reassured me by saying that they would be a cure 'very soon'. Without going into great detail, he was saying how a cancer drug was being tested on a rat and even though the cancer drug did not work, hair grew on the rat...and continued to grow. Testing was too preliminary for humans and who really knows if this is bullshit, but I do trust this man.

well "preliminary for humans" = 5 years AT LEAST.


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will there ever really be a cure? maybe there is already. maybe theres a cure for aids or cancer too but we'll never know about it. once there is a cure you wont have to buy medication on a regular basis for the rest of your life to treat the problem. can't have that! a truly evil money hungry world we live in. Its all about how to make more $, thats all that matters today and cures will not help make more. initially yes, but over time? no.


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FTWP said:
will there ever really be a cure? maybe there is already. maybe theres a cure for aids or cancer too but we'll never know about it. once there is a cure you wont have to buy medication on a regular basis for the rest of your life to treat the problem. can't have that! a truly evil money hungry world we live in. Its all about how to make more $, thats all that matters today and cures will not help make more. initially yes, but over time? no.

While it's fairly common for companies to withhold products which would make existing product obsolete, there is a limit to how long this can be done as competitors are also working on competing products


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Yep. If there is any such cure it will appear, anyone that thinks companies are "hiding" it is stupid.

In fact, if a cure is developed, it only makes sense to be the first one with it with a patent, otherwise someone else will come to the same conclusions and make money on it.