It's been a while... but I have overcome


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I haven't posted here (but still look in the forums) in a while due to finishing school as well as a new job during the weekends. But here is some of the biggest news...

I have accepted my fate and got a buzz cut. I wish I was doing this 6 years ago when I got out of high school. It makes me look clean and nice. Yes, I accept genetic destiny, but I will not give up in finding ways to get it back. I still have some hope that something will come for us and no one will stop me from getting it. It's what I believe and my opinion.

I've been through worse things that hair loss in the past 10 years (that's when depression kicked in). But somehow I've dusted myself off and kept on going.

In the meantime, I had an emotional struggle over the things in life I can and cannot control in my last semester of college. I can't control politics, relationships or change the world all at once or become liked by everyone. But I can control my appearance and life with regards to careers. It might be a little late, but I started applying to jobs in my area before I graduate. Some of them I didn't make requirements, but other ones I will get a call back. I just have to keep trying.

Something hit me and now I'm resorting to running my *** off in the morning to prepare for a race. I gained 40 lbs one year to 236 lbs in 2004 and lost 20 lbs in 2005. I kept this off since then. It was due to anti-depressants and eating but not exercising. I'm also back to weights on certain days. If I can't control hair, I better control my shape. I was only eating when I was depressed, but now I cut it and get back to basics. It's going to take time to get to my weight of 188, but it will happen. I just have to kick myself in the *** every day.

School is fine, I'm not failing anything. But I might go back for a Bachelor's in Accounting or Human Resources if I can't find work. I like both of those areas because they abide by laws and I do well with that. I wouldn't need much to finish the HR specialization just a few courses.

I have above 3.0 in both degrees (My Bachelor's will come in May). Grad school will be likely, but I need to get experience for the MBA or get my J.D. Since taking Business Law, I've developed an interest in Law. It's hard, do I go for the MBA or J.D?

The reason why I moved on is I have a classmate who is an inspiration for me to be more confident. He's a NW5 but shaves it and is only 23, works out and he is so confident in himself and his girlfriend doesn't care. He's also helped me with speaking and writing better and just being myself. He is one of the biggest role models and who I should be.

Now, I've become a better and stronger person by just accepting the way things are and myself. I had a good cry with my aunt who does my hair and now I'm more focused on things.

I just want you posters to know there is hope, you just have to accept it. I've got a lot of life to catch up on. Good Luck!



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I'm so happy for you too. Now you are a stronger person, nobody can beat you as easy as before.
Keep going, mate, keep going.


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One of the best posts that I have read... excellent man.. I am so happy for you... go out and take on the effing world now! :punk:


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Whats up Sand... I lurk this board every other day, never really contributing anything, but I had to reply to this thread. I am about to be 27 in 2 months, and I started balding noticeably at 25. It was probably the most devestating feeling I've ever felt, mainly because my hair has always been insanely thick, and the fact that my father is 54 and still has all of his hair and then some.

Anyway, I did my research, started taking propecia, hoping things would improve. Sadly, they havent. My hair just gets weaker and thinner with every passing day. I don't mind balding.... its a part of life. But to be hit by it at the prime of one's life is one of the hardest things a person can possibly deal with.

I suffered the same symptoms that everyone else here has had/or is feeling. I became increasingly anti-social, began to examine every dude's hair (becoming enormously envious if they had more hair than I did), started wearing hats all the time, never wanted to spend too much time outside for fear of the wind, etc etc. It changed my life dramatically.

After two years, I've finally come to grips with the fact that in the very near future, I will be bald. If I'm gonna lose my hair, I want to shave it all off, and not go through the stress of trying to grow it back or conceal it. This point of acceptance is what we all struggle mightly to attain, but it is crucial if we want to resume a normal, productive life. I'm so tried of constantly having to worry about my hair every second, every hour, every day. Right now I still have enough left to avoid getting a total buzz. But I cannot wait until the day when I'm forced to shave it all off... just so I will finally be relieved of this constant, taxing grind that my hair puts me through.

I applaud you Sand for finding some peace. Life is too short to be boggled down with hair. Worry about the things that you CAN control, like your physique, education, job opportunities, etc. Before you know it, we will all be "old", and hair will be the least of our worries. Best of luck bro.


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Nice post. I am waiting for my hair to get a little worse before I buzz it and hopefully get some peace of mind back. Don't want to do the whole shave thing but a cutt to a #1 guard would do the trick.
Ultimately I would liek to get a girlfriend and then buzz after we have been together awhile. If she stays it will really improve my acceptance of this thing we all deal with. I know the last sentence was very vain but others approval is something I always look to. I wish i didn't.
I too get confidence from bald people in my life. You can be bald and still be successful, married or whatever. Those are the hero's to me.

Bald Dave

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Top stuff dude! I am really pleased for you!

Like you I have recently buzzed my hair to a 2 and guess what? I love it! I feel more confident and I wish I did it years ago! I am gonna keep my hair this length from now on :)