It's amazing how fast a hairline can recede.


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I started receding at the age of 17. From then (1998) until last summer (2003), it was recdeing at a very low rate. About 1 inch in the total 5 years.

Until... August 2003. It just didn't wanna stop. I receded about a 1/2 inch in two months and by Febuary, I had receded the whole inch. And now, in June, it has receded yet another 1/2 inch. Is this normal?

I shaved my head today and that REALLY let me know that Mother Nature really does means business with my hairline. I look absolutely terrible. I was even reduced to tears today. I even thought abot not even going to work. I thought about suicide and how upset my parents would be if I went through with it. Man, I really think this is my hell, you know that?.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to listen to me moan about myself. I'm off to town tomorrow to get my first bottle of Propecia. It really is my last hope. If that doesn't work, well...I'm fucked.


Sure does suck. How do you like the shaved head? I have already accepted the fact that i am going to be bald eventually, I'm only on treatment to hold off the inevitable. I figure when i transfer out of community college to a university i will start shaving my head unless i am still pretty satisfied with my hair. I don't want to have to deal with applying minoxidil 2x a day and spening bank on finasteride. Plus i am going to probably live in the dorms or in an apartment with roomates so i don't want everyone to know i'm applying rogaine. Especially not if i live in the dorms. They are all coed dorms in the University of California system. I actually don't mind the shaved head at all, but i like having a head of hair better. 2 years of maintenance would be cool. 5 years would be f*****g awesome. 10 years of maintenance would be a f*****g blessing.


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It definetely goes fast. I was reading an article in sports illustrated in my doctor's office about bald sports figures. They showed a picture of dick vitale when he was 20, and had the thickest best hair I have ever seen. His quote was, ' day you have the best hair in the world, then the next morning you wake up and its all in your pillow.'


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when ever I feel that way I turn to my favorite mug which read this quote

"Life's a b**ch, then you die."

I've figured in life once I feel comfortable with something, another thing goes away. It's a never ending battle. I figure by the time I accept the fact that I will be bald, i'll find out I have cancer or something. It's like a slap in the face. Wow I was soo pissed about going bald, but now I am dying. It's all about perpsective, life will go with you or without you. I'd rather it be with u. No point in giving in.