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silkeysmooth said:
HEy BadHairDecade, how many sprays do you use of tricomin on your scalp? I ask, cause the bottle is like 45 bucks, and if i do get it, i want it to last me a while.
Apply it with an eye dropper rather than the spray. It will last longer because you'll waste less on your hair, where it does you no good, and get a higer percentage of it on your scalp. I simply puur it into an old minoxidil bottle and apply it like I would apply minoxidil.


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silkeysmooth said:
HEy BadHairDecade, how many sprays do you use of tricomin on your scalp? I ask, cause the bottle is like 45 bucks, and if i do get it, i want it to last me a while.

Also, do you use it for just itching? or does it help with inflammation? And not inflammation due to minoxidil, because ive had an inflamed/painful scalp since before i started treatments.


Actually I use an old 2% spironolactone bottle that has a dauber top so it gets directly on my scalp. An eye dropper would work too.
Where there's itching there's inflamation is the way I understand it.
My scalp isn't red or in pain. Just sometimes the itch can be unbearable. Usually if I ignore it it goes away. But once I start scratching the itch just gets stronger.
Is it a minoxidil itch? I don't know. I've used minoxidil for 10 months and only in the last month or two have I had any kind of real itch.
CP's are supposed to treat inflamed skin so it should help.
Another thing to think about is the kind of shampoos you're using. I noticed once I stayed away from those cheap shampoos and conditioners my hair and scalp health improved. Now I use stuff like Biolage, Nexxus, and Nioxin on my off days from Nizoral.


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Thanks for the reply BHD.
I do have another thing to ask, about long hair; obviously you've had your hair long for years, could ill-treatment of it make it look thinner than it is? my hair in general doesnt look like diffuse, but the hair in my back is alot stronger, and ive had OCD problems that have caused me to obsessively comb and such. could that be a reason for the contrast between the top of my scalp and the back, where I havent played with it?


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I really can't answer that question but ill treatment of any kind of hair could have negative effects. But if it's just mostly thinning on top and not the sides or back it's most likely male pattern baldness. Hair is pretty resilient. I remeber before I started thinning I was pretty brutal to it with dyeing and ripping through knots and it was always strong regardless.
One thing I've read about hair pulling OCD is , when the behavior is stopped the hair usually returns. Same thing with Traction alopecia.
I don't know if that helped much.
The only important thing to know with long hair is how to brush it when it's wet or knotted.
Start at the ends and work your way to the scalp.


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yeah, havent been real good with it, so im hoping that alot of it is just breakage, or even minor traction alopecia. Anything but diffuse thinning.

I appreciate the post.