Is Ultra Thin Skin Provide The Most Realistic Looking Hairline?

Steve Marz

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I know it's a lordhair ad, but I am very curious about this type of hair system because I hear so much about it on other YouTube video, but I think this forum is plenty more honest then companies making this claim, so I am asking 2 questions.

1. Is ultra thin skin really provide the most realistic looking hairline or is this just a marketing ploy?
2. In the video the hair stylist says you have to be very delicate and careful with the unit. So is this unit so delicate that you cannot swim, exercise, play sports like baseball and European football, aka SOCCER? I mean the stylist says is very delicate. So how careful do you have to be with this hair system if it's so fragile?


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On the unit and how well its attached.
Swiss Lace can we pretty good too


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I have had both swiss and 3mm thinskin, my opinion is that lace is better for exposed hairline. I wear lower density and parting the hair, one can see scalp and not lace. also thinskin is usually V looped, meaning NO KNOTs. consequently, hair can be pulled out more easily than knotted hair. ( more fragile). FYI, here is a pics of mine, at the salon just after fitting a swiss lace..
Photo 2017-11-04, 5 47 08 PM.jpg


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AxC that looks really good. One point I would make (and apologies it's not criticism but just something I note) is that a graduated hairline could make your system even better. But heck, it's way better than mine already anyway!

I thought v-looped hair is harder to pull out that knotted. I always read about knots weakening etc and hair therefore falling out of lace systems. On my v-looped skin system I find that the hair breaks over time, and that this is the main cause of shedding.

I agree that lace is better for exposed hairlines. But mostly I have a partially covered hairline and I'm happy with that, and the skin is SO easy to maintain!

I'm now using Got2B Ultra Hold gel on the front hairline and that's working out well for short term holds, always with a nice clean front hairline.


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Hi Def, no worries... i agree. My stock supplier doesn't have graduated pieces. I end up plucking the dark hairs at the hairline (which also removes the knots which you see are visible) and thins out front.

Each situation is different. As I said that was my opinion based on my hair color & density.

Vloop may be better for dark hair as no knots. For those who don't know what vloop is, see is injected in skin base. So can be pulled out more easily, especially when wet.