Is too much minoxidil a bad thing?


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I've been applying larger portions of my daily dose to the problem areas on my scalp assuming that the more exposure they got to minoxidil the better results I'd see. Unfortunately these areas still seem to have gotten worse faster than others. Is it possible that drenching areas like the front-center of my hairline is hurting more than helping?


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I don't know if excess alcohol can be bad, but excess minoxidil is not. I don't think any has ever said that more is worse. Just use enough to get it over all the skin. I would not apply much more than that. I use about 2mL per application. I don't know what 3x daily would do, besides give a greasy scalp all the time. So long as your scalp is not pink at all as a result, I would assume it is better than a lower dose.


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No, it's not a bad thing. And judging by my experience it is a good thing.

I applied 4ml a day for 2 months and got great coverage.

BUT, and here comes the bad part, you will have more PPG over your head, which means more white flakes that will be harder to remove.

So, I basically stopped using it, for 1 month. And went back to baseline, so Now I started using it again and I'm applying less product.

It's your decision.

Good luck.


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i don't think those are PPG flakes. PPG is a liquid. I think those are minoxidil flakes. It is a yellow white solid, and is absorbed only 1-5%.

There is such a thing as too much, but I don't think most people will get it from 5% @ 4mL twice a day, like what I was using when I got my results.


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I talked to other members and they told me that NO PPG formula from dr lee (if im not wrong) gives you no flakes. So, that's why we think PPG, generate those white flakes (that look like dandruff, but it´s not)


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yeah, I wonder why i no longer have flakes.


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I_Hate_DHT said:
I applied 4ml a day for 2 months and got great coverage.

When you say you got great coverage in two months, do you mind me asking exactly what you mean? Full regrowth anywhere? Temples? Crown? I'm just curious as 2 months seems a very short period of time as far as hair loss treatments go in general.

I've been on minoxidil 5% 2ml per day for one month now. I had a few minor side effects at first but they quickly disappeared. I've have no shedding, no flaking, no itching and no regrowth.

I was wondering if I should up my dosage.