Is this the real RU for sale?


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0 loss=en&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS225US225&sa=N

its 3% RU solution for sale but i wonder if its the real deal any thoughts?


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for that high price I'd think it is. $80 for 30 mL, which they claim is a 2 month supply.


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i mean thats not that bad of a price 80bux for 2months thats only 40 a month. thats less than u would pay from faith eagle and you dont have worry about mixing it yourself. CCS, or anyone, how would you store this solution? also is 3% the ideal concentration?


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i was just reading thru the site and it says that it should be stored in the fridge. i would order this but im just tryin to figure out if its legit or not. any other thoughts


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newguy23 said:
i mean thats not that bad of a price 80bux for 2months thats only 40 a month. thats less than u would pay from faith eagle and you dont have worry about mixing it yourself. CCS, or anyone, how would you store this solution? also is 3% the ideal concentration?

Faith Eagle is WAY cheaper. I make 60mL of 2% RU for $40. That site gives you 15mL of 3% for $40. I put the RU in the fridge, and it came out of solution. I have to leave it at room temp to keep it from coming out. So I just use it fast. I'll make a smaller batch next time. I can even store half in the fridge now.


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Does this RU even work? I know not many people have used it due to availability but has anyone had any success with this stuff?


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technically it should work amazing at prevention, but have not seen many post about it. im just hoping for a topical that provides maintance for long period of time. i want something i only have to use once at night as topical not twice and works just as good or better long term as propecia, im hoping ru is that.


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i was hoping that there would be a little more discussion about this. isnt this wat we have been waiting for, a topical RU solution that is commercially available for purchase. isnt this suppose to blow propecia away, isnt it suppose to be the king of topicals that could stop hair loss indefinitely? anyone?


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it should be but there really is much in terms of new data and proof, im excited and price seems fine. id gladly stop takin finasteride and rogain foam if it worked just as good as finasteride to maintain hair and only had to use once a day. man what would be badass is if some developed ru in a foam and was able to mantain hair for a good 20 years or more one can hope! :) i remember bryan saying something to the effect dutasteride plus topical ru was closest thing to castration. things look bright for the next 5 years for hairloss sufferers.


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I think dutasteride plus RU would be a lot stronger than castration. RU did regrow more hair than proscar on monkeys. I think they applied it 5x per week. Who knows what vehicle is best, but alcohol PG is a very common vehicle. My brother uses alcohol oleic acid, since he can't handle PG.

Do you think you can spread 0.5mL over your whole head? If so, then it is $40 per month for you. I'd need at least 2mL for my whole top of head, and that is really pushing it. 3mL would be better for me. So it would be $240 per month for me. It is a lot cheaper if you buy the powder from Faith Eagle and mix it up yourself.

And this is still experimental. No 5 year studies. Just I think a 6 month study on monkeys. No reason you can't apply rogain right after applying the RU, before going to bed, unless you are sleeping with a woman.


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well i think i can get .5ml over my whole scalp if i kept my hair short like quarter of inch or shorter, i just think its a cool option if one could drop finasteride and just use a topical, but i would need to see sum data b4 i would ever drop finasteride. im not concerned much about regrowth since im a dense norwood 1.5 but i would feel alot better knowing that i could hold where im at for a good 10 years plus without takin something orally. this link really has gotten my interest also as powerful as ru seems to be do you think if one would take some form of steroid for bodybuilding that it can repel the damage from the increase of test and dht?


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I'm sure RU can protect you from steroids.

Good. Shave your head, and you can keep the hair. I want 1 inch hair.

And just like finasteride, if you ever get off it, you will have a huge shed, because your genetics keep progressing even though their effects are withheld while on the drug. You can be safe 10 years, but if you get off, you go NW1 to NW7 in 6 months or less. So pick a regimen you can keep up with.


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I think finasteride orally combined with spironolactone shampoo topically would be just as strong as RU. It would also get my whole scalp, and not have any mess or take any time. Right now I'm just finishing up my RU while I do a steroid cycle. When I'm done with the RU, I stop the cycle, or finish my Eucapil too. Eventually I'll start Rogain foam, but not now while I'm in college.


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what steroid you going with im going with 500mg a week of some form of test plus .5 dutasteride and estrogen blocker. it would be nice if i had confidence in topical ru working at maintaining my hair so i could drop finasteride and foam and just spend 40 a month on ru, but im gona wait i guess till more people try it out. my hope is that the dutasteride blocks 98.5 percent of the type 2 dht like its supose to so the high test wont be a problem, and got the foam and nizoral 3 times a week for backup. id start dutasteride month b4 10 week cycle of test and then stop month after once test levels return back to normal and continue with finasteride, wut do you think?


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Years ago I remember hearing about this RU drug that no one could get there hands on and at the time a group of guys was trying to get money collected so they could have a company put some kind of formulation together. The question of the day is, has anyone used this with any success? There must be some kind of research on this stuff? Back when I first remember it being discusses (and that was years ago) I remember everyone thinking it was going to be the cure for male pattern baldness. Anyone know what the real deal with this stuff is?


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This is an interesting thread. So you guys are buying RU powder and mixing it... by now, you should have an idea if it's working. Anyone noticing any regrowth?


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i think i might go for this. need to look at it a bit more closely but id be using dutasteride plus ru. if that doesnt work then...i give up.


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Sean68 said:
has anyone ordered from this site yet?

i would if i knew how to,i just cant understand how you order from there ,i mean there is no phone number ect, do they even ship overseas


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Sean68 said:
i think i might go for this. need to look at it a bit more closely but id be using dutasteride plus ru. if that doesnt work then...i give up.

I really think the reason dutasteride 2.5mg did so much better than dutasteride 0.5mg is because of the extra 5ar1 inhibition. Not only did that lower DHT spillage from the sebum glands, but the estra testosterone could be turned into estrogen, which is good for hair. Before giving up, I think you should try to topically inhibit 5ar. Blocking the androgen receptor will just keep the hair you have, not regrow it.