is this shedding or something else


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i started propecia in november and by december 1 st i wasnt losing any hair. none. than about around new years i noticed some hairs falling out again in the shower. gradually from that point i have been losing more and more hair especially in the front of my head which i had a full head of hair in december and january. over the last 3 weeks i have been losing 50 hairs a day from the front and you can know see my scalp. i have heard about shedding but this seems extreme and almost impossible for me to grow back this hair. and the shedding is getting worse daily. i am thinking about using minoxidil on that area but i have heard about more shedding with that and irritation of the scalp. i was wondering if anyone has heard a story like that of all together miracle treatment in a month and then losing more hair than i had before and being balder than ever. i am going to stick on the propecia in case i can grow this hair back, but if anyone has answers or advice it would be greatly appreciated. thanks and know i am losing hair from my eyebrows this can}t be good. please write back thanks


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i dont really have an answer for you.....i been using rogaine 5% for a year. and after year one month i had this insane shed on the front of my head too....this lasted a month and i went from nice thick regrown hair to back to square i boosted it up to 15%....i have read from couple guys goes thru yearly sheds. but that is minoxidil.


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Its shedding.

A guy with a full head of hair can lose 150 hairs a day and never lose density. Hairloss is NOT a matter of the hairs falling out of your head. Hairloss is those hairs growing back thinner and thinner. If a healthy hair falls out of your head, it WILL grow back, without a doubt.


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I have gone through various sheds while experimenting with Minoxidil. VERY upsetting to see hairs shed. Nightmarish even. The longest I stayed on Minoxidil was 10 weeks. The shedding started after about 4 days and simply would not stop. I gave up once and for all at the 10 week mark. Even the makers of Rogaine express concern if shedding continues beyond two weeks after the initial month of treatment. I described my feelings on sheds in various other posts on this site. I do think that at some point one must say "enough is enough". I do not believe large continual sheds are good. I can assure you of this though........I have fully recovered from every shed I have ever gone through upon cessation of the Minoxidil. It took 4 to 6 months for a full recovery and the hair seems to grow back a little thicker. The Proscar keeps my thinning at a very slow pace but the Minoxidil and other vasodialators are things I will now stay away from. I will stick with and experiment with DHT inhibitors and the new copper peptide topicals, but no vasodialators. Maybe my sheds would have stopped at week 11 or week 26.........but I get to uncomfortable with the noticable loss to wait and find out. And, of course, I have heard stories of the shedding never stopping if you continue with the catalyst of the shed. Minoxidil just seems to loosen the hairs on my scalp. Pull my posts for more details on my shedding thoughts. Also read this sites article on shedding. It is very informative.