Is this normal? Color-less tiny hairs (1.5 months)


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Hey all :)

I started 1mg finasteride and 5% minoxidil 1.5 months ago (first month with 2%). Added Nizoral 2% 1 week ago.

Today I noticed small color-less hairs and peach-fuzz on my right side (which is most affected).

Is this normal growth pattern? Will these hairs grow longer and change color? Or am I out of luck?

Hair-loss has really affected my over-all life and I am just 25 :(


My treatment:
1mg finasteride
5% minoxidil (2x Daily)
2% Nizoral Shampoo (2 times a week)
B-Complex and Green Tea.


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your regimen is helping...and i'd say its a real good sign you're seeing this hair just within 1 and a half month of starting treatment. are you still using 1 pill genesis/ day?...

stick to your regimen and you can hope this hair gets darker and stronger with time.


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Yes, I am still taking locally made Propecia (Genesis) (1mg finasteride).

I gave up brand-name Propecia as it was causing headache.

Yesterday I noticed these color-less hair on my right side. But nothing on left and on top yet.

Shedding in shower is reducing day by day.

I hope this regimen will produce good re-growth in next 4-5 months.



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stick with the treatment..

did you experiance any shed upon starting genesis? any side effects?


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Yes, I did experience shed in initial weeks, but moderate. (I am not sure shed was due to finasteride or minoxidil)

In intial 2 weeks I did feel slight sexual side-effects. But now everything is back to normal. No side-effects now! (My doctor said same thing that side-effects will go away with continous use of finasteride).

I just hope that these color-less tiny hair will grow darker.


PS: One side-effect is still there but its bonus for me. I am losing hairs on my chest :D


Sounds like you are responding well to the minoxidil.

It's too early for Propecia to start working, a very minimum of 3 months, quite often nothing starts improving until 12-18months.


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I have been using only proecia for 7 months now and I too am starting to see a bunch of short blonde hairs (my hair is dark brown) growing at my receded temples. I hope they grow into real hair, that would be sweet.


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i decided to start on finpecia after my top has thinned out a little. i'm also on 1.5 months on nizoral, finasteride and 5% generic minoxidil. one thing i definately noticed is that now when i apply the minoxidil around my scalp, i feel a bunch of little stub hairs all over my top scalp when i rub it in. It feels weird, and I dont think it was there b4 i started my treatment. If i look closely also, i see a bunch of little stub hairs. Maybe you are getting the same response as me... are you?


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Yes, I am getting same response but only on right side and very little on left. Few color-less hairs on right side are about 1/2 inch long.

Nothing on top yet. I hope next 4-5 months will be good.



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neiltom88 said:
Sounds like you are responding well to the minoxidil.

It's too early for Propecia to start working, a very minimum of 3 months, quite often nothing starts improving until 12-18months.

dont you mean it's too early to see a response at 1 and a half months? It has to start working much earlier than 3 months. Some folks like myself saw a good bit of thickness come in even at 2 and a half months.

I believe though that 12 - 18 months for actual stable results is true, for in the interim, there will be lots of ups and downs with one week things looking good and the next week things not so good.

You can keep gaining new hairs, but these will shed a few months later, disappear for 2 months and then start coming in again. Through all of these cycles, things will start to settle and the new hair should be darker and have a regular growing life-span like other terminal hairs.


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wangho75 said:
dont you mean it's too early to see a response at 1 and a half months? It has to start working much earlier than 3 months. Some folks like myself saw a good bit of thickness come in even at 2 and a half months.
Honestly it is difficult to tell if that is Propecia related or simply another growth cycle kicking in. Technically the rule is whatever you see happening with your hair today is a result of a stimulus that occurred at least 3-6 months prior. This is why all the Propecia marketing material states that "you may see results as early as 3-6 months". Or do they say 6 months only? I can't recall.


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HairlossTalk said:
wangho75 said:
dont you mean it's too early to see a response at 1 and a half months? It has to start working much earlier than 3 months. Some folks like myself saw a good bit of thickness come in even at 2 and a half months.
Honestly it is difficult to tell if that is Propecia related or simply another growth cycle kicking in. Technically the rule is whatever you see happening with your hair today is a result of a stimulus that occurred at least 3-6 months prior. This is why all the Propecia marketing material states that "you may see results as early as 3-6 months". Or do they say 6 months only? I can't recall.

well... I do know that my hair looked a hell of alot better at 2 and a half months than it did for over a year or two.