Is this abnormal shedding?


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Today marks my 3rd month of being on finasteride, I started in hopes to regrow some or at least keep what I had. When I started finasteride I wasn't that worried about my loss because I think that I was only around 20% if that. I have been on it three months and have lost more then half the density on my head. The tricky part is that the loss isn't just from the top, it's from the sides and back as well. I had very thick hair except for the front when I started, now I'm very thin everywhere. My eye brows and facial hair also seems to slowly be falling out. Is this normal? Should I continue with the finasteride or am I experiencing some adverse reaction to it? Please help. :thumbdown2:


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ShedNShred said:
My eye brows and facial hair also seems to slowly be falling out. Is this normal? Should I continue with the finasteride or am I experiencing some adverse reaction to it?

its not an adverse, that means drug works,so you often grow slowly or lose facial and body hair.


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The same exact thing is happening to me...been on finpecia and rogaine foam for 2 months...thinning all over the place...sideburns are disappearing and back
I swear my eyebrows are getting thinner as well.

Why is it that no one can address this?


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after 1 and half year my front shed minimized and my back got accelarated nowdays i'm seeing very good dark hair are falling out from my back and sides and in front 2~3 thin hairs....

waiting to touch my mark two years by this april..


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I've shedded non stop on meds for 3 years now...everyday I get home from work and can shake over 00 hairs out into the basin with no problem...a lot of people just keep shedding and have no regrowth...constant shedding of hairs, f*****g worse off every day.


JDW said:
I've shedded non stop on meds for 3 years now...everyday I get home from work and can shake over 00 hairs out into the basin with no problem...a lot of people just keep shedding and have no regrowth...constant shedding of hairs, f****ing worse off every day.

Quit minoxidil for 3-4Weeks and see

it was by me the Horror



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Hey dudes, Sorry that I posted this thing and left it. I have been super busy and super stressed out with my life. :puke:

As far as an update, on the 16th, it will be 8 months on finasteride, 4.5 months on minoxidil.

All I really have to say is I can't really tell much of a difference as far as shedding/regrowth. I notice some little hairs in the front of my head/temple area from the minoxidil, but I can't say its substantial enough to post a success. :shakehead:

I think that for a while, my reg was keeping most hair intact @ the crown area. Now I'm not so sure because I'm developing a pretty thin spot. Hopefully this is the finasteride kicking out the old to make room for the new but it is very tough to say. Maybe I'll grow a pair and post some pics for you all to look at because I just can't tell. Maybe it's both a good and bad thing. All I'm really sure of is that I am shedding like it's going out of style. Come on finasteride, make it turn around already.

I have changed from 1mg to .5mg of finasteride and still using minoxidil once a day. The cut back on finasteride has slowed down the shedding of other body hair. I am still loosing some but its nothing like it was. I remember losing 10 eyebrows in the shower one time and I about fainted. Perhaps those of us that are losing eye brows shouldn't be on a full 1mg of finasteride. My doctor said that .5 of finasteride wouldn't hurt.

There's my update. :whistle:


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i shed for probably 3-6 months when i started propecia and then within the next year everything grow back thicker and fuller. a shed when you start propecia is normal and defintiely a good sign. hang in there!