Is there really anything groundbreaking coming through.....



I Keep hearing of different topicals from Japan and stuff like that, but what we need to know is what is going on in the labs at this moment. Who is doing ground breaking research into finding a cure for hair loss.

I think Gene therapy is the only to tackle this issue. A one off treatment that will last. But even then., you still need to get that hair back...


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Like we need another half *** product on the market. Lets be real for just one pathetic moment. Even finasteride/min combo gets just moderate results and here we have a possable cure right at our feet; its called HGH. HGH injected gives the very thin guys combable results and hairline but it has possable health concerns. Well duh what doesn't besides HGH used topically in small doses to recover hair within a period of two years would be just as safe as alot of drugs being pumped into people. Systemic impact would be bare minimum if topically applied but meanwhile the hairloss BUSINESS is HUGE profits. Even the guy running this site makes a living selling products .Not to be rude though because this site is #1 cool. But reality strikes you bald bastards. HGH topical IS the cure but where is the profit in finally curing this madness and is it not odd that nowhere you will find research done on hgh topical. Meanwhile you guys cross your fingers and take finasteride for a decade hoping and hoping for a full head of hair some day. Now that benefits all involved. You get a little and the drug companies and docs get a little. And the few who risk safety get a full head of hair injecting HGH. We are a huge ocean of money to be tapped. Now thats the truth now deal with it.
P.S scientists get paid for researching not the end result.


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traxdata said:
I think I understand your point. I really do you know.....
sad but true,sad but true. The same thing is occuring with cancer and electricity. at you will see and read a site by an 80 year old man with several degrees!!! who makes free electricity devices or free energy devices. But once again where is the profit in solving the energy crisis completely! It can't be taxed so as far as big brother is concerned it doesn't exist, meanwhile stop at the gas pump and pay for the war over seas with every gallon you pump. Thats more of the truth now deal with it.


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Shall I continue? That may have been more reality than you can deal with in one topic. I better stop rocking the boat.


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Someone edge me on so I can continue.


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I think its conspiracy theorist and dramatic to claim they are stalling on a cure for baldness because they're making so much by keeping it away from everyone.


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DarklyCharming said:
I think its conspiracy theorist and dramatic to claim they are stalling on a cure for baldness because they're making so much by keeping it away from everyone.


Optometrist - LASIK
Movie Theatres - VCR - DVD
Records - 8 Track - CDs - MP3
Dentists - Veneers
Yeah right, and JFK was shot by just one man. :roll:Have you ever seen a bullet enter making a large hole and exiting leaving a small hole? Common sense is just not common.
Also, collect me a list of hair transplant doctors and let me add up thier total profits for you.


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That's completely off topic. Everyone's opinion here is conjecture. You have to weigh what is most probable. Frankly, advancement in science seems the most likely to me. That's my opinion.


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Derm docs suppose to be knowledgable about hairloss but over 90% of the guys here will tell you thier clueless for the most part. BECAUSE THIER TO BUSY MAKING MONEY.
Anyway you look at it my friend, HGH users are cured and you can't explain that away no matter how you twist the lingo.


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You also have to realize that the people who are making "huge" (they're actually not that huge) profits from hairloss treatments that are currently available are probably not the ones who will develop new treatments. Why would a company like Intercytex (working on HM) care if Merck makes profits from Propecia, or if hair transplant doctors stay in business?

Advancements will come, but they'll probably take time. It's not like baldness is really the terrible illness we all make it out to be. The fact is, the profits from hairloss treatments are relatively low for drug companies in comparison to treatments for something like cancer, HIV, etc. In other words, the push for a cure for baldness is nowhere near as big as the push for a cure for "real" diseases.

Try searching for patent applications if you want to see who is working on what. Generally the first thing any drug company does when it even starts getting anywhere close to coming up with a new drug is get a patent.


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rapidfrontal said:
Am I the only idiot in here who has no idea what HGH is? Please explain.
Human growth hormone. The stuff athletes and weight lifters take.


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O.K we have guys taking 1.25mg of propecia a day so as to get results with bare minimum sides. Try a solution with 1.25mg of hgh to the scalp and I highly doubt it would raise igf-1 levels any and the results would be much better. This is of course just my opinion.


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thin=depressed, if your native language is English, then there's no excuse for using "thier" in place of they're, or even their. If English is not your native language, this is far more excusable.


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Deaner said:
thin=depressed, if your native language is English, then there's no excuse for using "thier" in place of they're, or even their. If English is not your native language, this is far more excusable.
OOps my 120 IQ doesn't keep up with my typing speed PPPLLLLLEEEEAAASSEEEEE forgive me Deaner because my day depends on it. :roll:Thanks for keeping the subject on track. :roll:


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traxdata said:
There their girls.....

Kiss and make up lol.... :)
thear thear guys lets behave. Or is that behove :roll:


thin=depressed said:
Deaner said:
thin=depressed, if your native language is English, then there's no excuse for using "thier" in place of they're, or even their. If English is not your native language, this is far more excusable.
OOps my 120 IQ doesn't keep up with my typing speed PPPLLLLLEEEEAAASSEEEEE forgive me Deaner because my day depends on it. :roll:Thanks for keeping the subject on track. :roll:
Just by the by, 120 isn't a very high IQ.


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Alopecia-Nate said:
Deaner said:
thin=depressed, if your native language is English, then there's no excuse for using "thier" in place of they're, or even their. If English is not your native language, this is far more excusable.
OOps my 120 IQ doesn't keep up with my typing speed PPPLLLLLEEEEAAASSEEEEE forgive me Deaner because my day depends on it. :roll:Thanks for keeping the subject on track. :roll:
Just by the by, 120 isn't a very high IQ.[/quote:20231]No really :roll: You guys are sharp as a tack