Is There Hope For A Natural Regrowth?


My Regimen
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Hello members,

I've joined this forum because I desperately need some advice on my hair loss and how to treat it. I'm 22 this year (Asian, male) and have had my hair loss start at around 20. The hair loss was a very slow process and it took almost 2 years for my hair to get to where it is now. I've researched the pattern of my hair loss and it certainly seems like male pattern baldness. What makes me doubt that my hair loss is due to genetic factors is because my hair loss began after I went on a calorie restriction diet (about 1500-1800 cals, sometimes lower! My maintenance is about 2300 BTW). I must admit I did have some body image problem due to a fixation on getting to sub 10% body fat, and I remained in this calorie restriction for a period of close to 2 years. The most severe shedding occurred when I really leaned down close to 10% body fat, and I had a bald ring around my head (just imagine I wore a crown and it left a completely circular bald ring after removing it) that was visible when I lifted the hair covering it.

I immediately knew my dieting had to stop, and increased calories back to above maintenance. Immediately the shedding stopped and the bald ring completely disappeared and resolved itself within a month or two. Shedding on the front of my head has dramatically reduced (hair doesn't even come off when I tug at it). I regained some of my previous hair density and was glad to say the least. It has since been 5 months since I stopped the calorie restriction, and progress seems to be very very slow. I have had my head shaved bald due to military conscription and now have a very clear look at my hair follicles. I would just like for someone to look at the condition of my hair and advise me on what condition my hair is in, and also on any possible treatments.

1st photo is my current hair condition. while 2nd photo is roughly what my hair looks like after it has grown out. My balding isn't visible but my bangs just aren't able to grow out as long as before.


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Experienced Member
My Regimen
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that degree of hair loss within such a short time frame at your age? could be Telogen Effluvium from your crash dieting. we get obsessed with one aspect of our body and the things we do to fix it comes at the detriment of something even worse. it's like playing whack a mole.

what's your family history of hair loss? is your diet back to normal ? are you supplementing things you may have lost, like iron ?


My Regimen
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that degree of hair loss within such a short time frame at your age? could be Telogen Effluvium from your crash dieting. we get obsessed with one aspect of our body and the things we do to fix it comes at the detriment of something even worse. it's like playing whack a mole.

what's your family history of hair loss? is your diet back to normal ? are you supplementing things you may have lost, like iron ?

My mom and dad are both in their late 50s and still have a head full of hair. They do have some balding around their head (crown and some frontal) but in no way would you think they're balding. I've resumed a normal diet for 5 months, and I eat plenty of meat, so I don't think I'm deficient in iron.

I suspected telogen effluvium too but am not sure why the balding is localized at my frontal area. Also, is massive shedding within a short time frame a sign of telogen effluvium? Would really appreciate it if someone with diet induced hair loss could share their experiences with me. Right now, I'm just hoping my hair can go back to its previous thickness.


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its obvious that it was from your diet, and lack of correct nutrition. Eat beef collagen (or make beef based bone soup everyday) to help supplement the lack of nutrition. Here is a recipe that works for it:

You can still get lean, but you need to increase your nutritional density, and not eat empty calories at any time, for young or older people.

But I would not worry about the hair loss at this point, as it is very obvious it was due to the diet factor, and regrowth in this case is much easier as it is not as genetic or hormonal as it seems - otherwise look into the famous few that everyone seems to be taking, but i dont think you need that at all. just increase your nutrition.


My Regimen
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its obvious that it was from your diet, and lack of correct nutrition. Eat beef collagen (or make beef based bone soup everyday) to help supplement the lack of nutrition. Here is a recipe that works for it:

You can still get lean, but you need to increase your nutritional density, and not eat empty calories at any time, for young or older people.

But I would not worry about the hair loss at this point, as it is very obvious it was due to the diet factor, and regrowth in this case is much easier as it is not as genetic or hormonal as it seems - otherwise look into the famous few that everyone seems to be taking, but i dont think you need that at all. just increase your nutrition.

Thank you for your insights into my hair loss. Do you have any understanding of how diet related hair loss tends to fix itself? Is there still hope for my bald areas to experience regrowth?


Established Member
My Regimen
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I see miniaturisation all over, in my opinion male pattern baldness!! NOT diet related. But thats just my opinion


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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You have agressive male pattern baldness unfortunately, you need start NOW finasteride and minoxidil ASAP!!!!


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Thank you for your insights into my hair loss. Do you have any understanding of how diet related hair loss tends to fix itself? Is there still hope for my bald areas to experience regrowth?

By increasing nutrition that is needed - by poor diet, you can cause genetic hair loss to trigger itself - in my opinion, then, you have to "handle it" with nutrition - stopping sugar/fat/carbs as much, and replacing with lean meat (beef) and leafy greens diet for a while. That is the nutrition aspect - and sometimes people in this forum hate that I say this, because they believe the only way is taking drugs.

Yes the finasteride can help, but i personally had a bad experience with it, and there is no way i can recommend that. but each person is different, so who knows to be honest.