Is There Anyway To Know During The Getting To Know You Stage That They Might Dump You For Your Hair


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Let's imagine a NW3 guy is seeing a new girl. Is there any way to know if this girl will still stick around when he's NW5? Is there any way to avoid wasting time during the getting to know you stage?

Edit: fs typo in the title ..


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An indication would be their empathy towards others, which to me is really important generally. I remember @Wolfpack bringing up his girlfriends view about ugly people, and this isn't to condemn anyone because he obviously knows a lot more about her than us and see's different sides, but for me, from what he quoted her as saying, these are major warning signals to stay away from someone.

So look out for that. And not just obvious signs of empathy, there's a false moral empathy that people seem to get off on, like everyone feels for a missing child and their family, everyone condemns the actions of paedophiles and murderers, those that tut and bring up constantly how disgusted they are by it, are looking for some "morality points" most of the time. They seek out the most desperate and awful situations so they can express to others how they empathise with others, to show how great they are.

Look for empathetic qualities in things that society don't really care about. Caring about the homeless is a start, it's kind of on the fringes though, but as a lot of homeless people are an annoyance and crazy, people say they care about them but in reality it's not really "fashionable". Generally if the other person feels sorry for those who have problems that aren't their fault, acknowledge that, even delve a bit deeper, because it's very important.

That childish cruelty we all had is still inherent and exists in most people, I find. Some are gifted and even lucky to not even feel this, and people like myself are fighting against these cruel thoughts.
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An indication would be their empathy towards others, which to me is really important generally. I remember @Wolfpack bringing up his girlfriends view about ugly people, and this isn't to condemn anyone because he obviously knows a lot more about her than us and see's different sides, but for me, from what he quoted her as saying, these are major warning signals to stay away from someone.

So look out for that. And not just obvious signs of empathy, there's a false moral empathy that people seem to get off on, like everyone feels for a missing child and their family, everyone condemns the actions of paedophiles and murderers, those that tut and bring up constantly how disgusted they are by it, are looking for some "morality points" most of the time. They seek out the most desperate and awful situations so they can express to others how awful they empathise with others, to show how great they are.

Look for empathetic qualities in things that society don't really care about. Caring about the homeless is a start, it's kind of on the fringes though, but as a lot of homeless people are an annoyance and crazy, people say they care about them but in reality it's not really "fashionable". Generally if the other person feels sorry for those who have problems that aren't their fault, acknowledge that, even delve a bit deeper, because it's very important.

That childish cruelty we all had is still inherent and exists in most people, I find. Some are gifted and even lucky to not even feel this, and people like myself are fighting against these cruel thoughts.


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This can also work against you. My ex girlfriends father had a really bad comb over and she was traumatised by it. She dumped me and started dating full Heads and married one.

Never take your hair for granted, he may be balding in a few years


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An indication would be their empathy towards others, which to me is really important generally. I remember @Wolfpack bringing up his girlfriends view about ugly people, and this isn't to condemn anyone because he obviously knows a lot more about her than us and see's different sides, but for me, from what he quoted her as saying, these are major warning signals to stay away from someone.

So look out for that. And not just obvious signs of empathy, there's a false moral empathy that people seem to get off on, like everyone feels for a missing child and their family, everyone condemns the actions of paedophiles and murderers, those that tut and bring up constantly how disgusted they are by it, are looking for some "morality points" most of the time. They seek out the most desperate and awful situations so they can express to others how they empathise with others, to show how great they are.

Look for empathetic qualities in things that society don't really care about. Caring about the homeless is a start, it's kind of on the fringes though, but as a lot of homeless people are an annoyance and crazy, people say they care about them but in reality it's not really "fashionable". Generally if the other person feels sorry for those who have problems that aren't their fault, acknowledge that, even delve a bit deeper, because it's very important.

That childish cruelty we all had is still inherent and exists in most people, I find. Some are gifted and even lucky to not even feel this, and people like myself are fighting against these cruel thoughts.

Another good thing to look for in people is if they are kind and selfless in situations where they think no one is watching or are likely to get nothing positive for themselves out of it. On the other hand from that are people who drop humble brag comments about something nice they've done


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This can also work against you. My ex girlfriends father had a really bad comb over and she was traumatised by it. She dumped me and started dating full Heads and married one.
great every day decision, easy to live with.

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I really think some of you guys have no idea how women behave in nature.

If you are fretting about norwood levels and worrying about if she'll stay, then she will leave you regardless of whether you lose it or not.

women don't like insecurity.

And most women could have a Nw0 ANY time they want, but they don't because they don't care that much.

If you are balding winner, there are plenty of women out there for you. If you are a balding loser there are not.
Its a bit of both.

If you look like Brad Pitt in the 90s and you have body issues a woman will stick with you anyway because you are hot and the insecurity will be seen as 'cute'.

If you are ugly and insecure as well then it will disgust them.

And I do think the other posters make legit points because there are some women - especially under 25 - who will ditch a guy who losses his hair. They probably wont think its because its the hair and they will focus on other issues, but the hair will certainly be the catalyst.