Is there any HOPE?


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I wonder if there is any hope to reversing hair-loss, it seems to me that it's extremely hard to regain what I had lost. Foam, Dutasteride, and Nizoral seem to elongate it but it seems to not reverse it. I'm very emotional about this because at this day and age no one seems to know the answer or cure. accepting the process of going bald is a hard pill to swallow as of all you know. Why can't the drug companies come up with something that will totally reverse the effects of Androgenetic Alopecia? Hair-loss has been happening for thousands of years and we still CANNOT FIND A CURE STILL TO THIS DAY? WHAT THE HELL...

How do drug companies or any company for the matter gain the most money? by selling you a never ending cycle of product to the consumer, while you fork out the cash just to *hopefully* save your hair! Theres no big profits in actually restoring your hairlines is there? For god sakes if you look at your regimen (mine included) there always needs to be a replenishment of your products meaning more money to the company in this never ending cycle of give and take.

Online pharmaceutical websites are another worry of mine because their not regulated by the FDA. So buying dutasteride or finasteride without a prescription is taking a chance at throwing your money down the drain or winning the small lottery with an actual drug. But why should there be a chance at all? If you pay for something you should get what you pay for!

Men are affected by Male pattern baldness at an increasing rate and starting at younger ages, my question is: How can this be? There's 6.5 billion people in the world and not one person has found the solution, the holy grail to hair loss?

Don't flame me please!



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Thats a damn good rant :D

You could be the very man to find the holy grail... Starting now


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plusryan said:
I wonder if there is any hope to reversing hair-loss, it seems to me that it's extremely hard to regain what I had lost. Foam, Dutasteride, and Nizoral seem to elongate it but it seems to not reverse it. I'm very emotional about this because at this day and age no one seems to know the answer or cure. accepting the process of going bald is a hard pill to swallow as of all you know. Why can't the drug companies come up with something that will totally reverse the effects of Androgenetic Alopecia? Hair-loss has been happening for thousands of years and we still CANNOT FIND A CURE STILL TO THIS DAY? WHAT THE HELL...

How do drug companies or any company for the matter gain the most money? by selling you a never ending cycle of product to the consumer, while you fork out the cash just to *hopefully* save your hair! Theres no big profits in actually restoring your hairlines is there? For god sakes if you look at your regimen (mine included) there always needs to be a replenishment of your products meaning more money to the company in this never ending cycle of give and take.

Online pharmaceutical websites are another worry of mine because their not regulated by the FDA. So buying dutasteride or finasteride without a prescription is taking a chance at throwing your money down the drain or winning the small lottery with an actual drug. But why should there be a chance at all? If you pay for something you should get what you pay for!

Men are affected by Male pattern baldness at an increasing rate and starting at younger ages, my question is: How can this be? There's 6.5 billion people in the world and not one person has found the solution, the holy grail to hair loss?

Don't flame me please!


Man, there are rather more serious acute conditions for drug companies to focus their research effort on. Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's, heart disease... need I go on? These things will KILL YOU.

Ultimately we are taking 'lifestyle drugs', and the lifestyle drug market has a low tolerance threshold for sides, which might explain why GSK cancelled its phase III trial for 2.5mg/day of dutasteride.

Anyway, there is hope - check out the latest progress with hair multiplication (p.17 onwards). Intercytex says "ICX-TRC is classified as a medicine by the regulatory authorities and hence has to undergo a series of clinical trials before it can be offered on the market. We currently estimate that the earliest that ICX-TRC would be available on the market is 2010 although we don't know in which country it will be launched first."

I'm not sure that there's any evidence that men are "increasingly" affected by male pattern baldness. If you look around any street in a developed country, there will be more bald men simply because society is ageing - fewer babies, longer lives.


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even that bullsh1t promising cure that we are waiting on, HM, is going to cost 200k like some ppl presumed initially. even if the cost were 50k to guaranteed a full head of hair, i still would spend my money on something else.

fighting hairloss takes alot of patience.. i am seeing a great reduction in hairloss lately after making several changes to my diet and hair loss meds.

taking drinking several cups of soy milk(homemade blend) and black tea daily and that will drastically lower your T. at the same time, take antioxidant pills (GSE, curmimin, and applepoly) several times daily(usually 25% dose more than recommended). as for tropicially, i use eupicil and applepoly hair stray in place of minoxidil and propecia orally.

i am going to see in one year what these things are going to lead me into.


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at the moment there is no hope but at least these drugs slow down the process a bit,but in this day and age i personally don't think thats acceptable


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Not really, why is'nt their a pill that can make you grow 3 inches taller if you're short? Why is'nt their a effective pill that can make you lose weight or cure acne 100%? What about a pill to increase the size of your c***? All these things would make $billions.
Changing the human body and the genetics that control exactly how our body turns out is about the most complex task known to science and we will see cures for life threatening illnesses before a real cure for baldness is found.


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I disagree with some of S.A.F.'s analogies. Now, there will never be a pill that is going to safely and significantly increase a grown man's height or c*** size (regardless of whether the genes are identified). Those things would almost have to be surgical (at best).

BUT, the lack of effective treatment/procedures for things like acne and hairloss is inexcusable in 2007 IMO!

I just hope that having enough "donor hair" won't be an issue in the near future, whether it's a traditional hair transplant (like Armani) or HM.

Also, I don't buy the BS about pharmaceutical companies' R&D being based solely on the "seriousness of the conditions." Sure, it will be a factor, but only to the extent that this factor is also what makes it profitable!


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Renegade said:
Also, I don't buy the BS about pharmaceutical companies' R&D being based solely on the "seriousness of the conditions." Sure, it will be a factor, but only to the extent that this factor is also what makes it profitable!

This isn't an ordinary consumer product market but a highly regulated environment with enormous R&D and regulatory costs (50% of all drugs fail in mid- to late-stage clinical trials, according to an article in the Economist).

Although lifestyle drugs - Propecia, v****, Allegra, etc -are coming of age, the "drug as consumer product" needs to be virtually free of side effects to avoid scaring off consumers. Remember, sick people don't have much choice but to take their meds or suffer the consequences. On the other hand, a healthy guy who wants to keep his hair, but fears losing his, erm, "edge" :wink: ... well, we all know that sales of Propecia haven't lived up to expectations!

The problem with male pattern baldness is that it's a condition caused by androgens. Get rid of the androgens and you keep your hair. Unfortunately, we NEED androgens in order to actually be men, with sex drives and muscle and flat chests! We need something that works only locally, on the scalp, and doesn't effect androgens elsewhere... so far that seems to have eluded science. :cry:


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The pharmacutical companies have no shortage of drugs that they can sell you. Given the coniditons that afflict the human body, it is ridiculous to assume that the "miracle cure" for hairloss is intentionally witheld due to a profit motive.

Think about what happens when there is a cure. You are guaranteed a 100% return on your investment, because EVERYMAN, IN EVERY major demographic will want to save his hair. Even if you only consider selling one application of a miracle cure to every man in the united states alone, the profits will already have been greater than anything they can get from pills or topicals WORLDWIDE.

To consider a grand conspiracy against balding men is just a ridiculous assumption, and like all ridiculous assumptions, comes from being uninformed, scared, and confused.

The Gardener

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Not only what was said just above.... but not only would most all men be interested in buying this drug, but the demand for this drug would continue indefinitely over time.

As opposed to other treatable diseases that can be potentially made extinct (polio or smallpox for example), hairloss is incurable! No matter how many men might take this hairloss drug today, their male children will be following in their footsteps and will be wanting the drug too when they grow up and start to see the signs of male pattern baldness.

This drug would have a potential market of MOST of the male population, and the demand might last forever, ad infinitum!... unless some sort of genetic engineering solution is found. That is a HUGE market.


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BornBaldDieBald said:
The pharmacutical companies have no shortage of drugs that they can sell you. Given the coniditons that afflict the human body, it is ridiculous to assume that the "miracle cure" for hairloss is intentionally witheld due to a profit motive.

Think about what happens when there is a cure. You are guaranteed a 100% return on your investment, because EVERYMAN, IN EVERY major demographic will want to save his hair. Even if you only consider selling one application of a miracle cure to every man in the united states alone, the profits will already have been greater than anything they can get from pills or topicals WORLDWIDE.

To consider a grand conspiracy against balding men is just a ridiculous assumption, and like all ridiculous assumptions, comes from being uninformed, scared, and confused.

Consider the HUGE R&D expenses they will have to invest, most pharmaceutical companies won't bother to specialize in the hair loss field.

I am a Financial Analysit @ one of the biggest pharmacuetical companies in the world (due to internet policy I dont wanna to mention the name of the company), the average gross profit is well above 50%.