Is there any bright side to having all this DHT?

Captain Obvious

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So it's abundantly clear that DHT is the source of not only my hair loss but also my susceptibility to acne and my extreme body hair. So correct me if I'm wrong but so much DHT is the result of so much testosterone right? Is there any benefit to our male bodies for having so much testosertone and/or DHT? Any increase in ability or capability or something? Please tell me that it doesn't only serve to give us skin issues.


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Some may argue to the contrary but I believe it makes your penis bigger.
(Marcules being the exception to the rule)

E.g. testosterone makes the female clitoris grow (the clitoris being the female equivalent of a penis)

:lol: :lol: :lol:


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DammitLetMeIn said:
Some may argue to the contrary but I believe it makes your penis bigger.
(Marcules being the exception to the rule)

E.g. testosterone makes the female clitoris grow (the clitoris being the female equivalent of a penis)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
DLMI is a veteran poster and he's not even balding, he's surffing for entertainment :lol:


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roki said:
DLMI is a veteran poster and he's not even balding, he's surffing for entertainment :lol:

Hold on a second, I still have hair loss worries. I'm still in the recovery period. I haven't actually had a haircut since I Telogen Effluvium'd, so I don't even know the full extent of the damage.

I NEED this place. :)

Edit: p.s. here is a link to support my assertion.
It includes a lot of the effects of T generally.


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I have rapid cell regeneration, mild telepathy and the ability to hover inches from the ground.


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One would assume that higher DHT MAY be a reflection of higher resting testosterone levels. Some studies conclude that higher testosterone levels generally correlate to alpha status and thus many men with higher T levels are leaders (i.e. the alpha dog). I don't have the time or desire to research for these studies but i remember a few years ago the guys on the Howard Stern Show had their resting t levels tested because they had in a scientist who had completed a study which basically confirmed the correlation between leadership and T levels. In the end, Stern's T levels were much higher then the rest of the crew.

hair today gone tomorrow

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who says we have HIGHER DHT LEVELS? WE COULD be at the same levels as NON-male pattern baldness guys....but our follicles have a sensitivity to dht and other androgens....