Is There A Snowball's Chance In Hell? Or Is It Over


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I was close to what you have (not quite that bad) but it took 6000 grafts and finasteride plus protein, if i showed you what i have today you would be amazed. It's possible you could get close to mine, you need blood tests to make sure the finasteride is lowering your DHt level enough, that will be the key. otherwise dutasteride might be needed.


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I was close to what you have (not quite that bad) but it took 6000 grafts and finasteride plus protein, if i showed you what i have today you would be amazed. It's possible you could get close to mine, you need blood tests to make sure the finasteride is lowering your DHt level enough, that will be the key. otherwise dutasteride might be needed.

6000 grafts is a lot... how much did that cost you? Also, do you mind posting pictures?

i'll have to get a blood test next time I go to the Dr to see where I'm at.


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Just a comment in general for hopefully anyone still reading. How necessary or preferred would minoxidil be in my case? I had pretty bad sides last time around on liquid and am hesitant to try foam again now which I’ve used in the past and caused rapid heartbeat. Sides from the liquid generic included face bloating, bags under eyes, wrinkles, and persistent chest pains which may have had some other contributing factors as well. Curious for anyone’s opinion as currently am just on finasteride.

Thomas Aquarius

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Just a comment in general for hopefully anyone still reading. How necessary or preferred would minoxidil be in my case? I had pretty bad sides last time around on liquid and am hesitant to try foam again now which I’ve used in the past and caused rapid heartbeat. Sides from the liquid generic included face bloating, bags under eyes, wrinkles, and persistent chest pains which may have had some other contributing factors as well. Curious for anyone’s opinion as currently am just on finasteride.

That seems like a lot of sides. I am not doubting you, but are you sure all of this was the result of minoxidil use? If so, it's probably best to stay away from it. How much were you using daily? You could try cutting it in half. I only use roughly .35 - .5 mil per day and it seems to do the trick.

Also, you can look into Nano or Dr. Proctor's Hair Loss Solution as an alternative to minoxidil. I can't say for sure how much it has helped me, but I have been a consistent user for quite a long time.


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@Thomas Aquarius those sides began when I began coupling dermarolling and generic liquid minoxidil for a month. I had used rogaine foam before for a long period of time and the only really noticeable side had been rapid heartbeat at night. As I said, the chest pain had multiple contributors at the time i.e. smoking, anxiety but the other stuff was directly attributable. I wish I had took a picture of my face but the bloating was pronounced, bags were certainly more noticeable than before and after, and I thought wrinkles on my forehead seemed noticeable where they hadn't been before and certainly aren't now.

If I did a half-dose once a day of rogaine foam without dermarolling once a week, I might be fine but am worried I might still have even the rapid heartbeat after application. Surely it's not good for a normal person to take something every night that has an unnatural effect on a vital organ...

Thomas Aquarius

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I would agree with you. Stay away from anything that is causing those sorts of systemic issues. The smoking and anxiety surely aren't helping either. I tried to focus on my overall health, hoping it would positively impact my hair. I believe that it has. My scalp health and overall inflammation has improved dramatically. I used to have all kinds of scalp and skin issues. Cleaning up the diet, exercising, and avoiding overkill on the "vices" might be worth a try as well.

Good luck. Keep us posted.


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Definitely trying to stay away from the vices.. Appreciate it man. Will hopefully have positive updates soon