Is revivogen and propecia overkill...


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Just wondering id this would be too much. Also just started minoxidil. Thanks for any help


Senior Member
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If you're just starting to thin and you want to stop the process, Propecia is enough all by itself (with nizoral). If you've already lost a significant amount of hair and want to regrow, you can include Rogaine. Revivogen is just complementary to Propecia. If you have the cash and dont mind adding yet another topical to your regimen that you're going to have to stick with indefinitely, then more power to you.


Established Member
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I think he meant, if your hairloss has yet progressed to the point where it is noticible. Then propecia itself should be sufficent enough to atleast maintain your hair.


Experienced Member
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i doubt you can really go overkill when dealing with hairloss, as has mentioned beating hairloss requires a multi angled approach. I say speak to your dermatologist and if they give the go ahead then go for it


Experienced Member
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I agree with, if you're just starting male pattern baldness, propecia may be all you need, and you have time (and hair) to start small and see what works for you. However, if your male pattern baldness is pretty advanced (like mine), and you want to attack it aggressively, use the most you can afford and have time for. Propecia won't eliminate all the DHT in your scalp, so Revivogen can still help. But it may not be necessary for you. The only way you'll know is to use propecia alone for at least a year and see what your results are.

A full-scale assault on male pattern baldness would include propecia, minoxidil and 2% Nizoral. If you wanted to add another DHT-fighter, Revivogen would be a good choice, or you could try something like Fluridil, which is even more expensive.