Is propecia regrowth relative


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In other words...I see in most pictures, in the frontal area, the people who have used propecia only get growth back to a certain point. However, at the same time these were probably people who startd using propecia as a nrowood 3 or 4. So my question is, say I'm a Norwood 2, will I receed to a 3 or 4 in the front and then stop? Or could I see some regrowth at a Norwood 2? Hopwfully this makes sense. Any comments would be appreciated.


This is a good question. I too have seen many examples of people who have used Propecia after they have lost significant amounts of hair. And all they seem to grow is the crown and a little in the mid front section. Never the temples. My theory is this...

If you have lost all the hair in the front and have really started to thin towards the back then I feel you have no chance of growing anything at the hairline. The hair towards the mid and back have a good chance as these are always the last to go. If however you have slight recession at the front then you have a great chance of recovering some of that hair if you catch it early enough.

Another thing is that when they did the 2 year trial they would have only tested on people with great hair loss. They would not have tested on people who have just started to lose there hair hence they have no proof it will help the hairline!

This is the situation I am in at this time and that's why I just started Proscar. I will add Nizoral in the next few days to see how that goes also.


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Everyone is different. You must understand that there is no concrete equation for success on Finasteride. The earlier you start, the better, but some guys are just better responders than others.