Is My Hairline Receding (i'm 17) [please Help]


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I'm almost 18, I was wondering if these were signs of a receding hairline. I don't know if it's actually something to worry about, or if i'm just paying too much attention to it.

How bad is it? And if it is receding, what can I do?




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hey man, you have nice hair, but the first pic looks like the beginning, but im not sure. can you post better pics?

Captain Rex

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Its just the starting but it will take a couple of years for your baldness to be visible. So, in the meantime build your body.


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I don’t lose any hair at all (when I sleep, shower, etc) which is what shocked me.

The only reason I decided to take a closer look at it was, everyone on my fathers side is bald (but everyone on my mothers side has thick hair).


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Put some sorta drain guard in while you shower and they will really let ya know how much is sheding durring your showers

Captain Rex

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How do you know it’s the beginning of baldness and not just maturing hairline? ^^
You made a good point but the M shape is right there in the 2nd pic.
Everyone has different genetics so that it may take up a long time to see it happening.
I had the same hair texture like yours and one of my frnds in secondary school warned me about my balding but I shrugged it off. Unfortunately, two years later, I had to face the inevitable truth.
Don't worry but try to build your body. Even if you start balding it wont affect your confidence that badly.


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What a lot of people don’t understand is a “maturing hairline” is male pattern baldness. Your follicles are getting affected by DHT and as a result falling out. For some lucky people they maintain NW2/NW3 for the rest of their lives, for others it progresses slowly and for the unlucky few within the space of 1-2 years it’s all gone.

That aside your hair looks fine, just keep an eye on it and take photos every couple of months. Also when taking photos try to take better ones e.g hair pulled back, temple photos, crow photo etc.

Goodluck :)


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What a lot of people don’t understand is a “maturing hairline” is male pattern baldness. Your follicles are getting affected by DHT and as a result falling out. For some lucky people they maintain NW2/NW3 for the rest of their lives, for others it progresses slowly and for the unlucky few within the space of 1-2 years it’s all gone.

That aside your hair looks fine, just keep an eye on it and take photos every couple of months. Also when taking photos try to take better ones e.g hair pulled back, temple photos, crow photo etc.

Goodluck :)
Thanks. The thing is, I've kept an eye on my hairloss and I've lost almost no hairs for the past 2 weeks. No hairs on my pillow when I wake up, no hairs falling out when I shower, etc. I'm just confused as to how my hairline got to this point?