Is my hairline normal? with pics, pls help


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im letting my hair grow long for a while, and i started to take accutane around 8 months ago, im still taking it, and when i started taking it i noticed alot of shedding in shower after 1 month and a half, ive read alot of stories of hair loss regarding accutane so im kinda confused, because ive never noted my hairline before, i always used my hair short and never noticed much my hairline until now, my hairline didnt changed since i started to noticed it (around 6 months) but i dont know if my shed is normal because my hair is long and im noticing it more than before or its really something
some pics:
Picture 52.jpgPicture 53.jpgPicture 60.jpgPicture 54.jpg

is this small hairs under hairline normal? because people say that they could be miniaturizing hairs but my mom has it too and some women with long hair has it too, my uncle is NW1 at his 60 my father is NW1 too and my grandfather from my mom`s side had a full head of hair too
i went to 2 dermatologists and 1 hair transplant specialist and they said that my hair is fine and that i dont have male pattern baldness, but im overthinking about this **** now because i cant imagine myself losing my hair, one dermatologist said that i have BDD so i dont know if i am a crazy idiot or im really losing my hair, can someone give me a opinion? thanks
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hey man im sorry to bother you is that it rly messed with my brain past few months and i think its not only the overview of my hair but the shock of the real possibility of being bald one day even if im not balding now
i feel relieved with your commentary, i dont know if my bdd is because of accutane, im very VERY stressed and depressed since i started accutane and i feel that this **** is destroying my brain and way of thinking clearly, in 10 days im stopping taking this drug i hope i never come back to this **** again


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You've got a perfect NW1 hairline, just get on with your life and stop worrying about something that isnt even close to happening bro


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hey man im sorry to bother you is that it rly messed with my brain past few months and i think its not only the overview of my hair but the shock of the real possibility of being bald one day even if im not balding now
i feel relieved with your commentary, i dont know if my bdd is because of accutane, im very VERY stressed and depressed since i started accutane and i feel that this **** is destroying my brain and way of thinking clearly, in 10 days im stopping taking this drug i hope i never come back to this **** again

I'm so sorry to hear that, I've seen the same kind of damages on a close friend so I believe you're not overreacting. Acc is some realy potent and tough stuff. Hope you'll get well when quitting.


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Hair looks fine.

What is/was your Accutane dose?

Sorry to hear you're feeling down. It will get better.


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I don't think anyone is bothered by you sharing your feelings/experiences here.

How serious is your depression from Accutane? Are you just feeling unhappy, or suicidal?

From the photos, your hair looks great, your skin looks great. Maybe get off the Accutane for a while to let yourself go back to feeling normal and get a fresh perspective on things. I took 60mg for 8 months about 14 years ago now. I never experienced any serious side effects, but even if I did, I could understand the draw to continue taking it, as it is very effective.


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Definitely get off the Accutane for a while. You can always get back on it when you are ready. It seems you had a good thing going while you were off it. If you are feeling this way about your hair, it is possible that you feel this way about your skin as well, in that your mind may exaggerate the severity of your condition. Perhaps you don't really need the Accutane at all. If you have the means, I would consider talking with a therapist.


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Your hair is definitely fine, and you can trust the people on this forum on that.

Enjoy it! :)