Is my crown thinning? Or is this just a cowlick?


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Hey guys, been worrying about this for a few days. I've looked it up, made posts other places and seem to have gotten different responses from everyone.
Also looking up hair cowlicks and crown thinning, a lot of similar looking pictures come up so it's a bit hard to tell for me.
I'm 18 years old, just turned in April. On the off chance I have really good hair, I hope this post doesn't offend anyone.

This is my crown in March, judging by my hair in this, I can tell it is a bit greasy/unwashed for two-three days in this. So it looks very "piecey"

Here is last night, before washing (was lightly straightened and had been in a beanie if I remember correctly)
Here is my crown last night, after washing and air drying

Also here's my hairline, how is this looking?

The history in my family with baldness: My father whilst having thinner hair, still has a full head. So does my grandfather on his side. His two brothers however are bald.
My mothers father, although I've never met him, she's told me he had the "Bald patch in the back but still had a head of hair." I've heard if your mothers father is bald, it's likely you will be too. So that scared me a bit.

Just wanted to get some of your guys' opinions.
Also, I'm growing my hair out after a recent short cut (I wish I had taken pictures back then of this too), it's in a bit of an awkward stage so I've been wearing a beanie a bit.
Is a beanie damaging/does it induce hair loss? The beanie is not tight at all and I don't wear it for any extended periods of time.

EDIT: Also when it comes to experiencing hair loss / shedding, I only really experience it in the shower when I wash my hair. After that I have around 10-20 hairs on my hands.
If i run my fingers through my hair during the day, it's rare but not uncommon for one hair to come out. Is that bad?
My scalp is also itchy sometimes and hurts sometimes, is this a sign of anything? It's usually when my hair is greasy.


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Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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Your hair looks fine, I don't see any sign of thinning. Do keep an eye out however if Male Pattern Baldness does run in your family. Wearing a beanie will not induce hair loss in any way, so no need to worry about that.


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Thank you! I still seem to be having anxiety/paranoia over this but it's nice to hear that it doesn't look like it's happening.
Seeing as how my mothers father had the bald patch in the back though, is it bound to happen to me?


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I will take a photo in 6 months, thanks!
Sorry to bump this thread, but here is a photo from today, I am starting to believe I may actually have a double cowlick?
But I'm unsure, what are your guys' thoughts? And also just in general does it look like any beginning signs of balding?
Sorry if I'm being a bother haha!


Established Member
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I am unsure, but your last pic shows some minor signs of diffuse male pattern baldness loss. Again, i am not sure. Have you noticed any thickness loss on the top of your head, compared to nape?


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I am unsure, but your last pic shows some minor signs of diffuse male pattern baldness loss. Again, i am not sure. Have you noticed any thickness loss on the top of your head, compared to nape?

I haven't noticed much if any thickness loss, I don't think. I'm keeping an eye on it and all. My entire head is still covered in pretty thick hair, just that cowlick area.

And yeah, sorry abbashaz xD I actually have calmed down a bit and am not panicking as much! I shall go enjoy my life haha. Whatever happens will happen!
Thank you all though!


New Member
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Maybe very slight thinning. I have the same thing. People telling me I'm not going bald, but I am noticing slight thinning at the crown and at the temples. Recently made some lifestyle changes and considering Finasteride.


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Ya you probably have miniaturization there it's early stage male pattern baldness. Go to a hair transplant doctor to confirm tho he will check with a microscope cam thing.


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bro don't bother with forum bozo opinions this problem can be solved in two seconds by a doctor with a microscope.

mine looked like yours and had thinning

good luck


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Maybe some people need to remember that they are not 12 years old anymore, and your hair, like your face and body, does change a little and not to panic if its not as thick at it was when you were in 6th grade.


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Hey everyone, I still peruse this forum (I like to keep up with the science/cure news and stuff!)
Saw this post back on the second page and was like hey that looks familiar, and turns out it was actually my own post. Funny that. Saw someone asking for an update, so I thought I'd give it to you guys!
Based on these images, I do not think I've suffered from any hair loss. My cowlick changes shape day to day, and my hair gets greasy at the drop of a hat (which causes it to look thinner). I've since found more pics of younger me (14-15) and my hair is also the same in those. I don't feel like sharing those because, well I don't feel like sharing pics of 14 year old me on a forum tbh.

My advice to those out there is don't worry yourselves to much. Back after May 2016, a while or so after posting this thread, the OCD about my hair was controlling me, it was terrible. So I ended up just shaving my head, and forced myself to deal with the problem head on. I do think it actually strengthened me and helped me reach the more relaxed mindset I am at now. It's either gonna happen or it's not, there is literally nothing I can do. There's no diet, or hair care regimen I can do that will let me keep my hair. And I'm not gonna f*** with pills.
My plan if it does happen: keep my hair as long as it continues to not look bad, then if it progresses to a bad looking point, shave my head, find the best scalp micro pigmentation doctor in the country, have a nice cold pint and wait for all of this to blow over.

I think an important thing to know, for everyone is that: not all hairlines and crowns look the same.
My hairline is pointed, and has higher up edges and that weird indent in the middle. That doesn't mean I'm balding, if you look back at even older pics of me, I've always had that hair. My dad with a full head of hair has that hairline too, and so sister. Y'know, girls, who don't go bald?
My cowlick area is thinner than other parts of my hair, but that's actually natural I've heard. And as these photos show I don't believe there has been any significant signs of loss, if any, over all of my head.
Also, some people just have thinner hair naturally. Not everyone has the thickest hair. Some people have more visible scalp, some people have less. Idk, we're all different, just take photos, keep tabs on things, and keep going with your life and re-assess every six months.

I still do take photos monthly, it's almost reflex to see a mirror and do a check haha. But idk, I guess it's piece of mind.
Anyways, I hope this in some way helps some people!


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Established Member
My Regimen
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