Is Maturbation Or Sex Responsible For Increased Hairloss?


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So is this really true?
Does sex/masturbation really effect genetic hairloss that much? Or is of all this just a bullshit? Because whether you do masturbate/have sex as far as I know, the DHT is still produced. May be it's true about better avoiding excessive masturbation/sex, like for example 1-2 times a day and practice it only 3-4 times a week like mentioned in the video? Also I heard that masturbating and not ejaculating at all and forcing yourself has much more health risks, which indeed might be true. But this video? Don't know really... seems like a sellout product to me... They have their own "so called book" and so so on on their website, which they are trying to sell to people...


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In my experience, every time I have ejaculated a lot, i go through a shedding phase (not on any products). And i think the answer is yes. And when I go celibate for a few weeks, my hair looks the best it has ever done. Instead of looking for studies or other people's opinion, try it yourself and see. you won't need studies and will know your body better.


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Yes, when you stop masturbating you have more time to apply minoxidil and learn about treatments


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Where are the studies that say testosterone converts to DHT at the moment of ejaculation as claimed in the video?


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Do you guys ever look around when you walk? Don't you see that full heads have more beautiful women than bald men? Do you think said full heads don't have sex with those beautiful women?


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Do you guys ever look around when you walk? Don't you see that full heads have more beautiful women than bald men? Do you think said full heads don't have sex with those beautiful women?
ohh but Real sex is much better for hair than masturbation :) the fluids from women are potent 5alpha reductase inhibitors!


My Regimen
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ohh but Real sex is much better for hair than masturbation :) the fluids from women are potent 5alpha reductase inhibitors!
Yeah :)
John Holmes

James Deen


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I think excessive masturbation/sex can be bad, best thing to do if you're interested in this subject is to go 2-3 months with LESS semen release o_O

To be honest, its probably not normal to have a release 1-2 everyday, over long term it definitely is not healthy if you consider the normal sexual procedure in a natural context.

My 'theory' on this would be having more sex/masturbation happens in maturity so the more the body is 'having sex', the aging process is quickened and this could be a reason why excessive can cause accelerated hair loss.


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I think excessive masturbation/sex can be bad, best thing to do if you're interested in this subject is to go 2-3 months with LESS semen release o_O

To be honest, its probably not normal to have a release 1-2 everyday, over long term it definitely is not healthy if you consider the normal sexual procedure in a natural context.

My 'theory' on this would be having more sex/masturbation happens in maturity so the more the body is 'having sex', the aging process is quickened and this could be a reason why excessive can cause accelerated hair loss.
you're saying we would live longer if we were celebit??


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No. I'm not having it.

This harkens back to the whole 'bald men are more virile' argument. (Which I believe was proven untrue in the end)


My Regimen
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I think excessive masturbation/sex can be bad, best thing to do if you're interested in this subject is to go 2-3 months with LESS semen release o_O

To be honest, its probably not normal to have a release 1-2 everyday, over long term it definitely is not healthy if you consider the normal sexual procedure in a natural context.

My 'theory' on this would be having more sex/masturbation happens in maturity so the more the body is 'having sex', the aging process is quickened and this could be a reason why excessive can cause accelerated hair loss.

you're saying we would live longer if we were celebit??
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Unfortunately one cannot discuss this topic openly here - if trying, one gets mobbed and eventually banned..
So, the answer is - there is no right answer, nor a wrong answer: yes to some, no to others. Pretty much like finasteride works for some, and does not work for others, yet it is Androgenetic Alopecia.
It depends on what side you are on - if you feel it does - then it does, and, if you feel it does not, then it likely does not. Simple.
However, one thing is certain: explanations like those in the video are wrong.
An anecdote in passing: It is said that Aristotle taught that sex (intercourse) was the cause of hair loss. :D
According to that, this notion is not a hoax emerged from the internet.
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you're saying we would live longer if we were celebit??

Not really what I said but similar. I'm mostly referring to excessive masturbation/sex to accelerate aging but a 'normal' sex life should make ageing... normal.