Is It Scientifically Possible To Clone Hair?


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@GiveMeAccessToMyAccount do you believe in a 2020 release date for hair cloning?

I don't believe in a 2020 release date, but I do believe them that that's their aim and they will try. There's been literally been no initial hair loss treatment timeline that has actually come true in the last decade. They have all been pushed back like 2-3 times. So if Tsuji Labs comes out with their treatment by 2020 that will be shocking, and great.


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I have a question. How will this affect those with scars from FUT and FUE?? Will the scar ever be able to be completely hidden even with super short hair? I'm assuming a VERY large supply of hair with hair cloning will provide such incredible coverage that you wouldn't barely see scalp even with wet hair. Or am I mistaken?


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Is it possible to increase hair density and will have thicker hair than before after Tsuji or Replicel method?


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Is it possible to increase hair density and will have thicker hair than before after Tsuji or Replicel method?

Tsuji = creating new hair
Replicel = saving of existing hair. Maybe new hair and thickening which will be shown in trials.


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regardless of a cost efficient method is it possible?
scientists were able to make dolly the sheep which is a whole animal

That is a completely different technique. The scientists "just" transferred the cell nucleus of the original dolly into an oocyte and let the nature do the rest. With this technique you can clone a whole person, how are you supposed to "clone" a human organ?


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I don't believe in a 2020 release date, but I do believe them that that's their aim and they will try. There's been literally been no initial hair loss treatment timeline that has actually come true in the last decade. They have all been pushed back like 2-3 times. So if Tsuji Labs comes out with their treatment by 2020 that will be shocking, and great.

I just wished people were a little bit more realistic. The process looks super complex and as Tsuji himself said in an e-mail sent to a user of this forum, they're still dealing with basic science.

Even with all the resources in the world, is impossible they have a functional product (developed and tested) in 2020. IMO, something like this could be available in Japan (if everything works as planned) in 2027.


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That is a completely different technique. The scientists "just" transferred the cell nucleus of the original dolly into an oocyte and let the nature do the rest. With this technique you can clone a whole person, how are you supposed to "clone" a human organ?

I have a solution then. Clone myself 10 times "The Island" style, harvest their donor hair, give me a full head of hair, then kill them :)