Is it SAFE to quit propecia/rogaine for a month


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I had to quit these treatments for a while due to side effects.

is this very detrimental?

and if so, which of these treatments is it safer to quit than the other?

Trust me guys, i would stay on these 24/7 if i could, but i had serious weird effects, heart palpitations from rogaine, and confusion, and spaced outness from propecia.


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Yes you are safe to stop.

You may lose some hair, but there is no danger to your health.

When you applied Rogaine was your scalp damp or wet ?


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I have gone without both minoxidil and finasteride for a month at a time, twice, with little or no effect. Just took a month off after 9 months on both. Just started back and hair looks good as ever.


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sometimes i would apply rogaine right after showering, so that may h ave something to do with it, but the propecia is what caused the confusion.

stopping for a while wont f*** up my results at all?