Is it possible to start Propecia too early?


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i'm 19.5 yrs old. i went to a hair doctor guy (Dr. Robert Leonard) who said that my crown hair was def thinner than the rest of my hair. I can only notice it when I take two mirrors and get really close to them under the right lighting. I got on rogaine foam and nizoral right after and stuck to it for last 10 months. no further loss imo, bt no gain. i guess it was a success then. Anyway, just three days ago I decided to get that prescription filled for Propecia 1mg Propak that I got 10 months ago. I'm just worried that maybe I should have waited until I thinned more. I mean nobody has literally ever said my hair is thinning or hairline receding. I think I'm comfortable with my decision. What would you have done and why? Thank You.


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I'm only 17 and want to start on finasteride really bad. I hear the sooner you start the better as you may not experience any more loss for years and years to come


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yeah im 17 too i dont wanna start it until im atleast 18 i feel like it might make a diffrence in me losing my penis forever idk mabe im being rediculus.


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17 is too young, you should be at least 18 and preferably 19 or 20 imo.


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Me and 6 of my friends all atarted Propecia in 1997 when it came out were all 28.

I have never had any sides in 15 years on the drug and either have they.

Your body is still developing and needs DHT, i would be very carefull starting that young


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My hairs only been going for less than a year and im losing my entire frontal region already. I cant be the 18 year old bald kid, it would just destroy me mentally. I plan to go to a doctor in a week or two and try and get a prescription. I read a post on "balding blog" where the doctor himself said starting at 17 is not too bad...


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They're right you shouldn't start until you're 20, as DHT is very important for the dvelopment of your body in those teenage years.

If you're really worried about losing a significant amount of hair between 17-20, then perhaps you could try Minoxidil, that is ONLY if you have very aggressive male pattern baldness.


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Im going to be bald by the time im 20, and im turning 18 in January. Tons of people around here start at 18 and if a licensed doctor says its fine it cant be that bad? Cause i dont think you can understand how aggressive my hair loss is. I started in like march with a full head of hair and im almost a N3 diffuse. Less then a year.


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I started finasteride 10 days before my 18th Birthday. I still don't know whether ot not I took the best option since my hair looks worse then it did before I started the drug.


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WhyNot said:
Im going to be bald by the time im 20, and im turning 18 in January. Tons of people around here start at 18 and if a licensed doctor says its fine it cant be that bad? Cause i dont think you can understand how aggressive my hair loss is. I started in like march with a full head of hair and im almost a N3 diffuse. Less then a year.

Just remember EVERY person reporting sides got thier prescription from a DR.

If your loosing that much hair at age 17 chances are you are going to go bald, you may want to just shave your head and deal with it

I'm FAR from a Propecia fear monger and have never had sides in 15 years on the drug but I started at age 28.

Nothing is worse than going bald except going bald and having a limp dick.

Whatever you decide be careful


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And im trying to come to terms with that ^ but if i can get 2-5 more years with hair ill be a happy camper.


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WhyNot said:
And im trying to come to terms with that ^ but if i can get 2-5 more years with hair ill be a happy camper.

No you won't, TRUST ME. I could use maybe 500- 750 single hair grafts in my hairline at age 41 and I think about it.

You think at age 20 - 23 your hair isn't going to matter ?

If you care now you'll care for a LONG TIME unless you shave it off and even if you can pull off that look you will still think about it for years.

If you do get Propecia get a full hormone profile blood test done BEFORE you take one pill, then if anything goes wrong you will have baseline tests.


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I think i will still be grateful for the extra time, even if short. The thing about me right now is im still in high school. Who wants to be the balding kid this young? No one. If i hit 23 and i start losing hair again so be it least i further enjoyed my youth without this kind of social burden. Maybe after this time there will be better treatments that i can use to keep it even longer :)


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WhyNot said:
I think i will still be grateful for the extra time, even if short. The thing about me right now is im still in high school. Who wants to be the balding kid this young? No one. If i hit 23 and i start losing hair again so be it least i further enjoyed my youth without this kind of social burden. Maybe after this time there will be better treatments that i can use to keep it even longer :)

You obvioulsy have your mind made up so do as you wish but get a FULL HORMONE BLOOD TEST BEFORE you take one pill !!!

Propecia was released 15 years ago, nothing new since then except Rogaine foam so don't expect any miracles.

While on the subject of miracles, Propecia is far from a miracle drug when it comes to hair loss, be happy if it holds you hair where it is today


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That's all i'm hoping for man :) as for the new treatments there are several treatments in the development "limelight" that may prove to be a reality in the next few years.


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WhyNot said:
That's all i'm hoping for man :) as for the new treatments there are several treatments in the development "limelight" that may prove to be a reality in the next few years.

Such as ?

HM has been "around the corner" for 15 years.


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HT55 said:
Me and 6 of my friends all atarted Propecia in 1997 when it came out were all 28.

I have never had any sides in 15 years on the drug and either have they.

Your body is still developing and needs DHT, i would be very carefull starting that young

The universe drew you all together. Isnt that something


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Histogen for one, you can say its been around the corner for years but you cannot deny that science has been progressing faster and faster these last few years.


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WhyNot said:
Histogen for one, you can say its been around the corner for years but you cannot deny that science has been progressing faster and faster these last few years.

But what new products have actually come out that work ?

Don't get a hair transplant hoping something new is going to come out