Is It Possible To Keep My Own Forelock?


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Hi Everyone,

I have an interesting idea... but I'm not sure if this is actually possible. I'd like to try and get a system that sits behind my forelock but that covers a good portion of my midsection and crown. My forelock is still quite strong - so I think this would help me "hide" the system behind my own natural hair line.

Below are some pictures that I have taken, with very crude edits, to try and show what I am after...

I am 28 and have been "dealing" with hairloss for a while now - but have only really started to become self-conscious about it over the last two years or so. I currently use concealers with pretty good results (I think) but they are really restrictive to every day life. My hope is that with a system I would be able to actually get through a week or two of "low" maintenance and not have to avoid weekends away with mates etc.

I have read a ton about hair systems and watched pretty much every single video on YouTube. There is some great info on this forum too! But as with everything in life - a direct question to experienced people can help cut out some of the noise.

My thoughts are - I get a medium light density poly and cut it down to a template of the shape shown in the pictures. There are very few salons that are willing to help out (I live in South Africa) but I think I have found someone who could get me going...

I have two "big" concerns.
1) Hiding behind the forelock means that the temple recession will still be quite deep - this is okay - but the system will need to lay flat there (maybe bond here?). I would style it with my own forelock up and exposed but with my temples "combed over."
2) Getting through a week of work without my colleges calling me out... I think I would have to take a week or two of leave to effect the transition.

Has anyone done something similar or does the general forum have any suggestions? I would really appreciate everyone's thoughts.



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Yes, that is quite doable. Sorry to disappoint you, but you are not the first to think of it , I have seen a few guys who do it, both with a natural and transplanted forelock. The actor Brendan Fraser used this technique very effectively during the peak of his career when he wore a hairpiece.

There are some issues with it. Obviously you need to have a good contour match between the back of your forelock and the front of the system - you can't have a gap or an overlap - so it may be worth shaving the back of your forelock into a straight line. Also you need a good colour and texture match. But those issues can definitely be dealt with, and you certainly have enough forelock there to make it worthwhile.

For the transition, yes, have a bit of holiday to break the visual continuity. Use plenty of concealer leading up to the holiday to mask any obvious bald spots. Some people like to create a distraction, like growing a beard or moustache and then shaving it off, or getting new specs - anything which diverts attention from your hair and gives people something obvious to attribute your changed appearance to.
